Here Are All the Game Industry CEOs Who Took a Pay Cut to Prevent Layoffs to – 268 points –
Here Are All the Game Industry CEOs Who Took a Pay Cut to Prevent Layoffs

Here’s the list:

This isn't even a joke. The article doesn't actually show a list or anything. It's 2 paragraphs and they just say they compiled a list. I dunno if the article itself is an Onion-like satirical joke or just fucking awful.

Hard Drive is a satirical site like The Onion but focused on technology.

I was wondering what that article was on about!? But knowing that, I will follow that news outlet more closely for the lols...

They tried to phrase the joke as "opening paragraph, conclusion paragraph, therefore empty middle section" but yeah I agree it wasn't so clear

It wasn't this year, but I remember when Satoru Iwata and a bunch of other Nintendo executives took pay cuts when the Wii U was underperforming rather than laying off workers.

So it does happen, just not very often with most companies.

Japan Airlines CEO took a salary of $1 during the downturn..but it's more of a Japan thing

So you're telling me the CEO behind the Wii U even kept his job? Wild

He was also the CEO behind the Wii, DS, and 3DS. So plenty of success besides the Wii U.

Fun fact, the layoffs result in the executives (and in the case of giant companies like Microsoft just higher ups in general) getting massive bonuses.

I hate websites like this, I'm reading the article, and as I scroll through reading it, it starts to talk about something closely related but not quite the topic of the article, then it gets further and further from the point.

Then finally you realise it's just feeding a bunch of DIFFERENT articles to you, making them look like they're just subsections of the first article.

Especially as the first article seems to be incredibly short and ends abruptly without including the one bit of content they said they'd include, and there's no reasonable separator or footer or spacer or anything to separate the article from the next one.

Eventually you realise they've wasted your time and duped you and you vow to never look at that website again, but christ, it's annoying.

Just in case no one bothered to check: This website is satire. The list is not there, because that's the joke. Not a good one but, oh well.

If you don't believe me: From the About section:

Hard Drive is a very real video games news site that you should not question. Just absorb the information as truth and move on. JK it’s satire don’t ban us.

This article has a comment section, so it's very clear where the article ends. I checked on both mobile and desktop, and it's there on both.

I agree in general, but this page isn't confusing whatsoever.

Where would that comment section be, exactly?

I can confirm the Conversations section is blocked by uBlock Origin on the Android mobile Firefox browser. Is that what you're using, by chance?

Kind of an odd thing for the add-on to target.

I do use that, yes.

Really kind of a strange thing to block, might actually be worth reporting to uBlock.

kind of a strange thing to block

After checking the "conversations", I see several work-from-home scam comments. Maybe it's best to keep it blocked, lol.

I see a section called "Conversation" between the article text and the Hasbro section. It did take a second or so to load, but it loaded.

How's that Onion taste?

To be fair, this isn’t just a problem with not recognizing satire, but it is a problem with shitty websites that are nothing more than vectors for an absolute megafuck ton of ads. That site was 100% garbage. And more websites are fusing articles together under what appear to be subheadings but are actually whole ass titles.

Wow. Anyone else want to write way too much about how they completely missed the joke?

Yeah, I agree with the criticism in general, but this one has a comment section below the article. That's a pretty clear indication that this article has ended.

Those crappy sites that OP is complaining about don't have anything separating articles.

Jesus. It’s a sad commentary on how far society has fallen when a small paragraph is considered “writing way too much.” And I wasn’t the person you initially replied to. I didn’t even read the article because the site was such a cancer. I opened reader and it ended up opening a different article so I just bailed on the whole thing. I was adding to the conversation by talking a little about he trend I’ve noticed to rope people into spending more time on sites (read: getting more ad money). Although, I’m sure I’ve lost you at this point in this novel of a paragraph, so I might as well be saying “blah blah blah blah”

Truly inspiring. This is what real leadership looks like!

Absolutely awful website. Cram more garbage on the page please...

The understanding of CEO pay is childish around here. Back on reddit I ran the math on American Airlines for giggles. If the CEO took $0 pay, every employee could enjoy a .03 raise.

Are they overcompensated? My instinct says hell yes. But the math almost always shows that it's a drop in the bucket. And my "gut feeling" means nothing when the market says, "We think he's worth $X million a year." Fuck my feelings. If that's what the company wants to pay, that's their prerogative.

It's funny how we used to bitch about sports stars making mad bank, and somehow, we just all forgot to complain. Also, when the billionaire pitchforks come out, I've never once seen Taylor Swift's name come up. Huh.

Lemmy likes to pretend that CEOs do nothing because their vast experience tells them that McDonald's is far harder work. The CEO can make or break the whole company. Company values and culture flows down from the CEO. How many times have we seen a foolish CEO cost a company 10's of millions?

How many times have we seen a foolish CEO cost a company 10's of millions?

And how many times have we seen them still get golden parachutes and continue to be successful in life?

They aren't the problem, but they're a symptom. It makes sense that people are angry towards them.

There's also the fact that the amount they make (plus business culture in general) is going to be creating and reinforcing a God complex in them. I often wonder if a lower salary for CEOs would actually result in them being better decision makers. What if their kids went to the same school as their customers' kids?

People of all political ideologies say they want their political leaders to be "in touch" with everyday people; why would we want business leaders to make so much money that they wouldn't even have to look at an everyday person if they didn't want to?

And that's why I feel small businesses are way better than large ones. Yeah, they don't benefit from economies of scale, but they do benefit from actually caring.

I'll bet just video game CEOs have never actually played the games they make, while most indie CEOs at least play test, if not actually work on the game directly.

Would be funny if the list was empty

List of Lemmy users that actually read the article:

Woah, that looks like the same list of Redditors who don’t read the article!

I mean, it's (probably after this message) fewer words than this articles comment thread.

However you can add me to your list. But you won't.

Try reading the article

Too many ads on mobile, so I closed the site right away

Zero ads with uBlock Origin on my phone, maybe try an adblocker?

That can backfire. I didn't see even the header of a list, and initially thought it was a "false positive" ad block or Javascript.

I didn't get anything more than the average banner ad, you might want to update your browser or make sure you don't have some malware