Rule to – 466 points –

But they were all of them deceived, por un otra leche was made.

Not to be pedantic, but your sentence makes no sense (obviously you're not trying to lol) By a another milk was made

My Spanish isn't the best, but I'm pretty sure that translates to "for another milk was made," which perfectly fits with the LOTR quote they're referencing.

Yeah but for does not translate into por in this context. The only word that works here is pero. There is no literal word for for (as in but) in Spanish and the closest approximation is pero. Source: I am Spanish

Thanks for the tip. I'll keep that in mind when I make that joke again (and I'm sure I will).

You can translate "for" in that sentence to "pues"

Also remove the "un" because else you're saying "an another milk" or if you want to leave it for extra funny points make it "una" because "leche" is femenine

The only word that works here is pero

Careful with that r button though, as perro would be a downright silly word to use in this context.

A Greek and Canadian disagreeing on Spanish makes me feel like my mono and thee quarters linguistic ass needs to try harder.

Not Canadian, contrary to my username. I'm actually Spanish, so I imagine that I'm the one who would be correct considering it's my native language

Am I supposed to believe you’re not furniture either? Nice try you shifty stack of maple drawers.

Edit: ¿“Por” no es “for” en ingles?

¿Para qué no les dijiste cómo?

Por does mean for, but only in specific contexts. Here's a list. It also can mean by, through, because of, and to, to name a few.

Isn’t it strange how languages have tons of homonyms we hardly notice while having synonyms for almost anything else? Thanks for sharing I’ll check that out.

"Shifty stack of maple drawers" is this best thing I've read all week. Thank you for that.

Prepositions are probably one of the parts of speech that is the hardest to translate in any language.

I learned Swedish as a second language, and it feels like "at", "for", and "on" are completely randomly interchanged, even though each word has a direct translation and both Swedish and English are Germanic languages at their core. There are multiple forms of "to" in Swedish too.

The "usage notes" section for the Swedish word for "On" is an experience lol

Luckily, they're also the most forgiving part at any speech of mistranslate.

It’s no wonder doctors in linguistics dip into philosophy as often as they do, incredible minds to know enough languages to study them. Polyglots are cool

2 more...

That's what I'm going for, but my Spanish kinda stinks (despite three years of high school Spanish, lol)

2 more...
2 more...
2 more...

Man tres leches cake is already kinda crazy with 3 types of milk. Are the other 3 added with this six milk cake actual milks or, like, almond milk? 🤔

It adds dulce de leche and two types of coconut milk. So a little of both.

I need to try this recipe. I love tres leches cake, I love dulce de leche, and I love coconut milk, so it sounds like the perfect marriage.

Ok hell yeah; dulce de leches is awesome. Though, I thought it was already in tres leches cake. Isn't it regular milk, condensed milk and dulce de leches? I've never actually made it (and only have had it twice), so maybe I'm just confusing it with something else.

Tres leches is whole milk, condensed milk, and evaporated milk. Dulce de leche isn't standard for it. But I'm sure it makes a great addition.

This recipe uses heavy cream instead of whole milk (I think, I was trying to read behind the "please log in" pop up)

I wonder how confused people who don't know Spanish are.

Very, I am very confused but will just nod and laugh politely so I don't look stupid

"6 milks? In this economy?" I've never had tres Leche, but it's like a dessert, so I think the joke is pretty clear from there. (From a white guy that only knows a little spanish)

Ah. I guess I technically knew all the words here but I've never actually seen seis spelled out before (or at least not since I was like 5) and couldn't figure out what it was. I never learned economia, but that one wasn't exactly hard to figure out.

It's an awesome milk (leche) inspired cake. I've had the 3 milk (tres leche) cake and it's amazing (the wetter the better!). Gonna have to look into what 6 milk products they're using for this though. It's a sweet and juicy dessert where I've had it and doesn't disappoint.


Yeah I couldn't think of a better word lol. I should've prefaced it by saying the one from the pic above looks dry as hell. I like to see that sweetened milk slightly settling out of it when you cut a piece from it. Though it's probably delicious in it's own right, I just don't know where those 6 milks are disappearing to if it's even drier.

"Moist" is probably the word you were circling around. I love tres leches, especially when a little cream spills out when you cut it. There's a threshold where it gets too wet and too rich, but it's pretty high on the moisture scale.

The cake in the picture looks drier than a snake's butthole though, so I'm not sure what's going on with that.

My Spanish is close to non-existent but I'm feeling pretty proud because I totally got all of this.

I don't know Spanish but I sure as fuck know multi-cheeses-milks cake

Edit brainfart, meant to say multi-milks, womp womp

I don't really know Spanish but this one is pretty self explanatory lol

That's too many leches. The leche to cake ratio would be all wrong. I could maybe be convinced to do tres y medio, cuatro leches at the most, but no more.