Israel Accuses Al Jazeera Journalist of Being Hamas Operative

speaker_hat@lemmy.onebanned from community to – 177 points –
Israel Accuses Al Jazeera Journalist of Being Hamas Operative

Archive (including paywall bypass):

The Israeli Defense Forces on Sunday accused a prominent journalist– who in recent months has reported regularly for Al Jazeera from Gaza – of moonlighting as a senior Hamas commander.

The Israeli Defense Forces have published photos they say were discovered on a laptop in Gaza that show Al Jazeera journalist Mohamed Washah engaged in Hamas terrorist activities.

Neither Al Jazeera nor the Qatari government have responded to the Sun’s request for comment.


Everyone is a Hamas operative. Journalists, babies... hell, I live in Indiana and I'm probably a Hamas operative.

Hamas war strategy is to disguise themselves as civilians, impartial personnel, doctors, etc. and blend in these civilian areas.

So statistically, yes, you can probably be a Hamas operative. In your case, I hope, is a low chance.

Yep. I'm one of those American Jews who secretly works for Hamas. How did you find out?

How sarcastic

Yeah, weird that I would have a sarcastic response to someone who said there's a chance I'm a member of Hamas. 🙄

Statistically, it's possible.

Again, statistically.

Statistically it's possible that you're a white nationalist.

And if you wouldn't have a sarcastic response when someone told you that, I'd find you quite suspicious.

So you're saying you know someone is Hamas because they don't seem like Hamas?

This feels like good ol' fashioned paranoia

I asked Hamas and they confirmed, nobody is a Hamas operative.

Do you think it may possibly be true that some people are Hamas operatives, but not every single person that Israel claims is a Hamas operative is actually a Hamas operative?

For sure, and Israel admits that, too. It's Hamas that lies about every single attack on its members.

Really? Every single attack? So Israel hasn't attacked any Hamas fighters? Wow, they really suck at this. No wonder they've killed over 10,000 children.

What? You misunderstood. No, Israel has killed thousands of Hamas members. According to Hamas though, the number of its dead soldiers is like three. I think they admitted one early airstrike, I think also on Rafah, killed a commander. So I assume there are probably a couple of others times they've admitted to their casualties. Every other time they say it was only civilians, no fighters killed. They are lying, and for that reason I find Israel has more credibility than the terrorists.

IDF is a terrorist organization.

Says you? Do any credible multilateral bodies of nations join you in that assessment?

Says pretty much anyone who doesn’t have their head up their ass supporting genocide.

If you support IDF you are trash.

And if you are looking for sources, check out Netanyahu on the god damn nightly news.

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The absence of credible multilateral bodies of nations to join them in that assessment is the same as the presence of credible multilateral bodies of nations to join them in that assessment.

There aren't credible multilateral bodies that classify the IDF as a terrorist organization.

The absence of such is evidence that they are not, otherwise, some body with authority on the matter would say so.

The lack of an authority saying so is the same as an authority saying so.

You've taught me that the lack of something is the same as the presence of something, remember?

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According to Hamas though, the number of its dead soldiers is like three.


Every other time they say it was only civilians, no fighters killed.

Please show the source of this claim.

So, please prove a negative? No.

You can just read news articles that quote Hamas leaders anytime there is an airstrike and next time you see it maybe you'll spot it now that you know what to look for.

What negative? This was your claim:

According to Hamas though, the number of its dead soldiers is like three.

Please show the source for this claim.

"Just read news articles" is not a source.

The claim is "Hamas doesn't admit when its soldiers are killed because that would defeat their martyrdom and human shield strategy to gain western sympathy."

It's a negative.

That is a lie. I pasted your claim. I will paste it again:

According to Hamas though, the number of its dead soldiers is like three.

If you can't back up this claim, fine. I guess it also a lie.

No that's my inference based on the lack of evidence.

The claim and the evidence is that Hamas hardly ever admits to casualties.

The evidence that Hamas doesn't distinguish it's fighters is the lack of evidence of Hamas admitting to its fighters being killed. I can't prove a lack of something that doesn't exist.

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Are they accusing a journalist of being in HAMAS before killing them? That's new.

I assume the fact that he was a Hamas militant was a secret intelligent peace of information.

Israel uses the same techniques as Russia. Behind every attack killing loads of civilians was a valuable target. Behind every person critical of them is some super top secret agent.

The articles produced by the IDF do not withstand scrutiny as they are. That is before they tick the bingo box checklist stock phrases including allegations about Arab forces, jihad, enemy fighters hiding behind civilians, etc.

Killing journalists is only self defense if you've got war crimes to hide, and Israel's main purpose is to obfuscate war crimes.

Hamas militants disguising themselves as impartial journalists IS a war crime, and put all impartial individuals in danger.

Israel accuses yet another All Jazeera Journalist of being Hamas Operative

What an unfortunate reality. Hamas has no limits.

Looks like the Israeli government tries to diversify from calling each and every (valid) critic "antisemite". Now they call people they don't like "Hamas operatives".

If you haven't been accused by Israel of being a Hamas operative, do you even have a life?

It's not an accusation, it's a fact based on concrete evidences.

IDF goal is to take down Hamas, hence kill or capture its militants.

IDF goal is to ensure white supremacy using a faulty religious account of a kingdom that fell over 2500 years ago. Absolutely ludicrous.

This came out 4 hours ago.

I mean I think Israel is a terrorist state, but this is pretty damning. Doesn't give them the right to take over land that isn't theirs of course.

Here it comes to the "land" argument again.

That's the true face of the Palestinians.

The Palestinia Arabs opened an existence war against Israel in it's independence day, they lost, BIG TIME, then they blame Israel for winning, for 75 years now.

This is why there will never be piece. This is why Israel has no other option than to use force. This is why there are so many casualties. The ridiculous land.

Even declassified Israeli documents disagree with that Statement. Transfer has been the intent from the start. Hamas wouldn't exist if there was no occupation

British Mandate Period:

The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948

Palestinian Arab Congress advocating for Unified State 1928

1929 Riots from Forward and 972Mag

Shaw Commission

Peel Commission Report and Memorandum of the Arab Higher Committee 1937

1936-1939 Revolt from JVL, Britannica, MEE

Irgun and Lehi activity

What Hitler and the Grand Mufti Really Said: Time, Haaretz, WaPo

1948 to 1967:

Plan Dalet and Declassified Massacres

Additional context of what was detailed in Plan C (May 1946) and Plan D (March 1948)

Arab League advocating for unified state 1948

1967 war Declassified

Israel Martial Law and Defence (Emergency) Regulations practiced in the occupied territories after 1967

How the US became the ally of Israel

UK influence


Occupation and 50 years of dispossession

1st Intifada AJ, PBS, Haaretz

2nd Intifada AJ, Haaretz

Gaza Blockade is Occupation

Arab Israelis are not equal including Education (2001 report)

Palestinian Prisoners in Israel and Military Court

Child abuse of Palestinian prisoners


Human Shields including Children (2013 Report)

Settler Violence, Torture and Abuse in Interrogations, No freedom of movement, and also Water control

Gaza March for Return Protest

Palestinians lack civil rights

Hamas founding charter and Revised charter 2017

History of Hamas supported by Netanyahu since 2012

AWRAD Gaza War Poll

PCPSR Public Opinion Poll Dec 2023

History of peace process

One State Solution, Foreign Affairs archived here

10 Myths of Israel

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I mean, they released the evidence. It's pretty impossible to deny he's a terrorist unless you're sticking your head in the sand.

What evidence, a few pictures they claim are from 2022 that might just as well be the Journalist reporting on subjects in Gaza or even be literal deepfakes?

The IDF has edited and falsified picture evidence multiple times in the past, a notable case being with Shireen Abu Akleh, the American Journalist the IDF killed in 2022.

” Then-Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and the Israeli military blamed Abu Akleh’s death on Palestinians, distributing unrelated video of Palestinian gunfire during the invasion as supposed proof. However, multiple independent investigations, including by The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Associated Press, and CNN, as well as by human rights groups like Amnesty International, and the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, all concluded that Abu Akleh was killed by an Israeli soldier. The Israeli military itself later backtracked, stating that Abu Akleh may have been killed by one of its soldiers.

False unless there will be a proof for this case.

I agree, using journalists as war militants is a war crime that I don't think have never happen.

They found a literal photo of the guy loading a shell.

In order to know that, we would need to verify the following:

  1. The photo is real and not a fake or AI generated one.
  2. The man in the photo is the journalist and not someone else.
  3. The context of the photo. What is he actually doing? Just because someone is holding what appears to be a munition doesn’t mean they are Hamas. He could be inspecting it as part of his role in being a journalist.

You would need to verify or the IDF and Israeli intelligence would need to verify?

You can look at the photo yourself and see it's the same guy and what he's holding. There are like 16 total photos. It's clearly the same guy. So, we can dispense with your wild conspiracy theories.

Can you think of another reason he's holding an Iranian made rocket? Can you think of another reason he's photographed on different days and times with uniformed members of Hamas while holding weapons used by Hamas and wearing fatigues?

If he was on assignment writing about Hamas and posing for photos, where is the story with the photos?

IIDF literally raided Hammas server farm which was in a tunnel directly under Unrwa command center with all the electricity and optical cables coming from Unrwa itself. Thats probably gonna produce terabytes of intelligence for the next few years.

Guy above me is already tagged as zionist in my app, so don't even bother.

That said, we're definitely gonna need context because the pics alone don't look great. Plus since when does Israel accuse someone of being hamas before killing them?

IDF had intelligence information about him before

I take the IDF's word like I take Russia's word. So you can see my struggle here.

Because loading shells, operating terror equipment and commanding soldiers how to shoot RPG is part of casual journalism.
