Let's throw back to the 80s.

BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 26 points –

I... I just can't with this picture.

There's simply too much here, and I can't believe this isn't a meticulously crafted caricature of life 40 years ago.

Edit: I'm an idiot and this is AI generated to the max.

  • This man's t-shirt makes zero sense
  • The logo on the cup
  • The logo on the cup in the stall behind him
  • The florentine in the stall behind him
  • The "chair" the man in the back is leaning on
  • Who puts a straw in their fries?
  • Faceless people in the background
  • Seats on the booth in the back make zero sense

This is real though.

Bones, either your prompt editing is getting better or you're being a lot more choosy about what to post. This is way better than the other one.

  • Window glare is inconsistent with shadows on subject, kid, tree
  • Maybe that's a hand, or maybe dad lost some fingers somewhere
  • Chimney held up by some dubious looking carpentry
  • Grass is too green under an oak of that size, IMO. Bark is also kind of inconsistent.
  • Red spots on trunk that read like a scanner photosensor getting blown out due to glare from white areas on a photo print. But no part of a tree trunk is that white, and there are no other artifacts, like where we see glare on the window.
  • The front-door delete is actually not the weirdest part. I can see someone actually doing this. It's just not likely.

What about this?

See, that one looks legit. Film grain, depth-of-field, zero anachronisms, and recognizable mascots on... a happymeal placemat? Even the prices look right, even though I can't make out the menu items specifically. Also, repeated things that AI routinely screws up are correct: cashier's fingers, sizing of cups behind her, drink fountain looks real, and the banners are evenly spaced and the same size.

I too like to enjoy a nice cool refreshing cup of Ç̷̨̯̯͇̱͎͙̞̩̹̇̎̽͐͐͊͜ͅö̶͔̓c̷͎̈́̆̇̎̊̀͌̐̍̃̉̊̊͘ͅa̵̢͗́̑̓́̈́̆͑ ̵̡͖͍͈̺̹̗͈̙̺̍͋̍C̵̨͔͓̺͈̘͛͒̎̀ô̸̢͔̪̰̰̣̝̭̤̪͓̘̓̓͜ľ̸͓̦͚̼̮̗͍̫̥̮͖̪͆̑̅̈́̃̀͛a̸̧͙̝͍̫͉̱̬̝̯͍̩̙̾̾̓̆̾̊̕͜

AI. 🙄

Also how that guy's hand in the back is phased through the table. Maybe he's drinking his fries as well?

A jean vest with integrated t-shirt arms is the perfect stealth garment, button up the vest and no one will know, unbutton and it's party time!

I think its an open shirt with denim vest panels- if you look, the t-shirt extends below the vest. As we are all aware, what we really need to know about is just under the table (does the t-shirt only part have buttons??)

Since it's AI. There's nothing under the table

People saying this is AI, I'm intrigued by the fact that I can't tell if it is or not, and I'm hoping this leads to a world where we stop paying attention to photos and videos over time, sure there's legal repercussions and whatnot both good and bad, but maybe we start valuing human interactions more. I don't think I'm expressing my thoughts well enough, but it could be that AI when it's more developed could lead us to assuming it's all fake and not caring about the online world so much.

How can you not tell? Man's hand is clipping into things, no tshirt is that low cut, his magic cigarette isn't lit and that is certainly not how you spell Coca Cola.

All of those things are immediately noticeable, they jump out at you, but there's probably a billion other tells that it's AI once you stop to process it.

The answer to your question is in the last part of your comment, once you stop to process it So people literally look at pictures as a whole for just a second or two and only notice one or two key details, like human faces and then either move on (especially on social media)

I think most people are still not used to thinking pictures might be AI generated especially when the face, the first thing we generally focus on, looks pretty solid. AI is getting better and it's hard to keep up.

The straw sticking out of the fries was what got me tho :P

You just can't even understand a T-shirt.