Voters don’t have a clue about how much worse Trump’s second term would be to politics – 412 points –
Voters don’t have a clue about how much worse Trump’s second term would be

This BTW is how you involve in the story the reality of what the voters think, which is an important portion of election coverage, while still upholding your basic journalistic responsibility to communicate to people what's actually going on.


Are you better off now than you were four years ago?

  • I have enough toilet paper
  • There are no refrigerator trucks full of corpses
  • Nobody has made a serious attempt to overthrow the government this year

Yes, I think I'm better off than I was four years ago.

Don’t forget how Trump expertly healed a nation struggling with racial injustice. Under his watch we had weeks of riots and fires in every major metro area in America.

Elementary school aged children in cages was also a real gem.

Trump 2024: Cages, corpses, and chaos.

Oh, and in respect to that: don't forget that it was Trump's administration that signed off on unmarked federal vans black-bagging protestors in Portland, and Trump himself who had DC Police disperse a protest just so he could take a photo in front of a church, AND that Trump actually wanted to deploy military force against the protests - he explicitly wanted the military to "machine-gun them in the streets" like he's Tsar Alexander.

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The collective memory of this country could maybe fill a thimble. Jesus Jumping Christ

Nobody has made a serious attempt to overthrow the government this year

Oh come on. You know that statement isn't going to last through Thanksgiving

I laughed at this comment, but also a half second later think, "unfortunately there's a chance they're right."

It is highly likely that there will be a concerted effort to overthrow the government at election time. The right is actively recruiting people to go and get involved with the election process to make sure the results of the election come out the way they want it to; threats of violence against election workers have already led to a bunch of them quitting because they didn't sign up for that.

Honestly, one of the most patriotic things a young able-bodied person could do right now would be to volunteer to become an election worker. From what I saw when I voted just recently, they're not equipped (nor should it be their responsibility) to handle an influx of people who are ready to threaten them with for-real violence if they don't step aside and let the men with guns dictate what the outcome of the election is going to be.

That's without even considering what people inside the government could do to steal the election (as they already have done in the year 2000, when they had a lot less on-the-ground muscle and popularity than they do now).

Nobody has made a serious attempt to overthrow the government this year


Soothsayer: "Beware the Ides of March"
... many moments later
Caesar: "Well, the Ides of March are come..."
Soothsayer: Aye, Caesar, but not gone"

Incidentally, the 15th of March, today, is the Ides of March.

I am much less likely to become a corpse myself. That was a genuinely scary period, people going crazy buying TP, minimal food on the shelves, getting stared at (and clerks surreptitiously wiping the grocery conveyor after I used it, but fortunately nothing violent) because I am Asian. And just the not knowing enough about transmission and prevention.

Republicans: but gas was so cheap!

Has the weird goulash of overwhelming profit-driven chaos that is the modern news media produced in you a vague emotional sense that things are getting better, or worse, since you're too exhausted with simply having to survive in our ever-more-hellish reality to have a second to take stock of where we're at and think back, even if our educational system had equipped you with enough critical-thinking tools to take the question seriously and produce a reasoned response?

  • I support Trump so I will say "worse"
  • I don't know, maybe better, I just don't know
  • Please don't ask me questions, I'm so tired, please can I just have a day to rest or something

I'd recommend you exit the right-wing media loop - it's well established that it is designed to provoke fear and disgust responses that'll burn you out pretty quickly. It'll also fill your head with the kind of transparent nonsense that would motivate you to vote Trump, but that's a different issue.

I’m not sure that commenter actually supports Trump or if they were using that as an example answer to the question.

Yeah the way I presented my pretend survey was pretty confusing I think. The three bullet points were meant as the three possible answers, by way of explanation of why the polls about "are you better off etc" look the way they do. I am not a Trump supporter, no.

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I'm voting for Biden, as I did last time and Clinton before, but I can't help some dark part of me knowing he does represent the US and is practically our mascot.

The embodiment of greed and gluttony, reveling in schadenfreude, cartoonishly shameless, crowing about who he beat and who he's enjoying the suffering of, and drunk on wholly undeserved vanity. A sociopath who stands against the very concept of empathy for others. If someone is suffering, he'll tell you what they did to deserve their suffering and suggest ways to really turn the screws. 🇺🇸

I'm ashamed of being an American precisely for all the American traits, that are also destroying us from the inside btw, that Trump unironically personifies. He's more American as America actually is, not all the pretty lies we say about ourselves, than Apple pies or school shootings.

I wish more Americans would look in the mirror that is Donald Trump and be ashamed of who we are, because we can't begin to do anything without recognizing what monstrous values we have.

I wish more Americans would look in the mirror that is Donald Trump and be ashamed of who we are, because we can’t begin to do anything without recognizing what monstrous values we have.

You are saying something I haven't heard in a lot of discourse. Kudos and my upvote.

I appreciate that, sincerely.

I'll never forget what elevated him into mainstream discourse, a game show literally about "I'm rich, so kiss my ass for half an hour" that somehow made him popular. You aren't supposed to like Gordon Gecko/Mr. Potter. They are to be hissed for their antisocial greed. Our people celebrate it. Many who hate him for his violent rhetoric today still loved him for his proud celebration of greed then.

I'll also never forget what singular event took him from paying extras to attend his rallies to basically owning the Republican party:

“We’re not allowed to punch back any more,” Trump lamented. The billionaire said he missed the “good old days,” “You know what they used to do to a guy like that in a place like this?” Trump said. “They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”

He's a fucking monster, yes. But what does that say about US that the above elevated him, through public popularity, to basically being worshipped as a God(GodEmperor as some called him) by 40% of the electorate, while making still more consider his message?

Have a look at Biden too. An emaciated husk clinging to tired mantras and totally blind to the present reality. Visibly fading but refusing to abandon the exceptionalism that brought him to power. Thinking the world still believes in the hollow vision that he imposes on it at gunpoint. Shrugging off any reasonable critique of his completely outmoded positions. Sounds just as American as Trump.

Yeah, I know whenever a US president tries to legalize marijuana federally and spend a trillion dollars on student loan forgiveness and climate change, I'm like "damn, not this again, he's clinging to the same tired mantras and completely outmoded positions we've always had."

a US president tries to legalize marijuana federally and spend a trillion dollars on student loan forgiveness and climate change

that didnt happen, though. he didn't get it done, so there is no reason to believe the effort was genuine.

Man... why are y'all making me defend the Democrats I don't even like most of them

Biden: Marijuana legalization bill passes house, blocked by Republicans in senate, anyone in federal prison for possession is pardoned and free

Biden: Loan forgiveness order is completed, then blocked by Supreme Court, $138 billion in forgiveness comes anyway through a separate executive order

Biden: Manchin blocks half-trillion-dollar climate legislation, replacement legislation comes all the way to a signed bill and takes effect expected to produce 40% reduction in emissions by 2030, short of Biden's original effort but still expected to cut 2 billion tons per year out of our carbon emissions


why are y’all making me defend the Democrats

you don't have to. i watch liberals lie about republicans dozens of times every day, actual, flat out lies, and i rarely say anything. because republicans suck, too.

Biden: Marijuana legalization bill passes house, blocked by Republicans in senate, anyone in federal prison for possession is pardoned and free

trump actually got the first step act through both houses. it seems to me that if biden wanted to do it, he would have. instead, he didn't.

What on earth are you talking about

The Donald Trump administration took positions against marijuana and against the easing of laws regarding marijuana.[1] Although Trump indicated during his 2016 presidential campaign that he favored leaving the issue of legalization of marijuana to the states, his administration subsequently upheld the federal prohibition of cannabis, and Trump's 2021 fiscal budget proposal included removing protections for state medical marijuana laws.[1] In 2018, the administration rescinded the 2013 Cole Memorandum, an Obama-era Justice Department policy that generally directed federal prosecutors not to pursue marijuana prosecutions in states where marijuana is legal as a matter of state law.[2]

Biden: Loan forgiveness order is completed, then blocked by Supreme Court, $138 billion in forgiveness comes anyway through a separate executive order

seems to me, if biden wanted to do it, he would have. i don't believe the supreme court can block it, since they don't have an enforcement arm.


i never said this. it's a strawman.

You never said "exactly the same as Trump"; that was exaggeration on my part and maybe unfair. The rest of it you absolutely said and I stand behind my characterization of how much sense it makes.

i also didn't waaaaaa. i'm cool as a cucumber over here pointing out the inadequacy of politicians.

It's like when I get stuck in traffic, but I'm on the clock, so I'm not bothered by it.

did this go to the right place?

Getting lost also does not bug me when I'm on the clock.

i think you got this thread mixed up with another

They're saying you're clearly on the clock right now

I am, but don't tell my boss. he thinks I'm working.

Who the fuck are “voters” and why are they so goddamned stupid

You've got to remember that these are just simple voters. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.

Because the news misleads them, all the time and constantly

A lot of people also really don't understand how our government/elections work. The war on having an educated populace has been pretty successful in my opinion. Especially in Conservative areas of the country.

Liberals will complain to high heaven about how the NYT or WaPo or NPR has lied to them once again, then mechanically kick in another bucket of money during fundraising season.

Because we need a free, fair, and independent press, you see?

Most people, let alone voters, don't actually watch or read any actual reporting regardless of bias. They get news through content-creators, so it's all bite-sized with all critical thinking removed.

People picked Biden because they were angry at the incumbent and now their picking Trump because they're angry at the incumbent.

In America you only get two options. Historically, those two options were different flavors of empty suit. But every now and again, you get a real piece of shit a la Nixon or Trump who figured out how to weasel their way through a primary.

And then it's just a 50/50 as to whether they win

People picked Biden because they were angry at the incumbent and now their picking Trump because they're angry at the incumbent.

People picked Biden because around a million people died during Trump's botched Covid response, and because he was clearly an incompetent naked criminal fascist who kept talking about undoing democracy in the United States and actively trying to do it. People are now picking Trump because their news media has told them outlandish lies about Biden that make him sound like Kim Jong Un came to the United States, and they're trying to do the right thing by getting rid of him. Sometimes, simple innate "anger" at the incumbent leads people to vote against him, but I think in this specific election that's a very small part of it.

People picked Biden because around a million people died during Trump’s botched Covid response

More people voted for Donald Trump in 2020 than in 2016. Biden flipped swing states that Hillary lost because of her shit reputation on labor issues. But then Biden took office and broke a railroad strike, undermined the UAW during their auto worker's strike, and failed to pass the PRO Act with a Dem majority. He's significantly less popular in these Midwestern states than he was four years ago.

People are now picking Trump because their news media has told them outlandish lies about Biden

What? That he's old? That appears to be the entire media critique of his candidacy.

They support his Israel policy. They want to see him funnel another $100B in military spending to Ukraine. They love how he's bent over backwards to curb inflation, just as wages were beginning to rise. But since climate change and war are a bummer to read about after three nightmarish years, we're getting a slew of stories that amount to "Yo, did you notice how old this old guy is?!"

Sometimes, simple innate “anger” at the incumbent leads people to vote against him, but I think in this specific election that’s a very small part of it.

Sometimes media moguls just want another big Republican tax cut. Sometimes the conservatives smell blood in the water with abortion, environmental regs, LGBT rights, and labor rights all up for grabs. Sometimes the guy who gave Strom Thurmond's eulogy just isn't able to stay in touch with the youth vote.

Biden's got a lot working against him. The singular point in his favor is "Trump Will Destroy America!!!" And when the major American exports appear to be carbon emissions and bombs targeted at brown people, its getting harder and harder to convince people that this would be a bad thing.

You know how the average IQ in the US is 100? Well, consider the giant list of people that fall under that line who are just as qualified to vote as anyone else. Support education folks! The cure is critical thinking.

Most of them are anti-Biden propaganda spreading trolls and most of them aren’t of voting age anyway.

most of them aren’t of voting age anyway

The Child Soldiers of Trump's posting army

The article uses a single black college student who says he might vote for trump, and a single "liberal climate group" poll from a recent New York Times article. So a single student and poll mean that America is not realizing how bad things would be? If that was true there would be far more republicans winning special elections and the house would have swung to a much larger majority for the republicans. The problem lies in the polling and assuming polls are at all accurate. Polls haven't been super accurate for a while. Polls said Biden would be in a dead heat in 2020 but he won a decent victory, far more than the polls expected. The polls said 2018 was gonna be a good year for democrats, which was right, but the polls far underestimated the turn out. In 2016 the polls had Clinton winning over trump but that didn't happen in the states it needed to happen in, despite most of the polls saying it would. In 2022, the polls expected republicans to get over 20 or 30 seats. That didn't happen. Using barely any evidence to show how America isn't understanding whats going on just ignores that the majority definitely understand. Its just that 43-46 percent of voters, who are the most likely ones to respond to polls, will always support trump. We can't base our view on the election just because of polls. Look at the actual elections that democrats usually have been winning where they need to be winning.

Also, it's not that I don't think there are people who don't understand how bad a second Trump term would be, it's just that those are a minority and will get smaller as the election gets closer.

Of course at the end of the day, we just have to vote. Ignore the polls, they're all bullshit, you just gotta vote.

Hey, hey - are you trying to whip up a horserace to drive clicks for your billionaire masters?? Well then let them do their job!

Even if it gets to the point of putting people on trains, I'm not sure some bothsiderists, tankies, enlightened centrists, etc., will realize their mistake.

Even if it was the same, it's certainly not something anyone should aspire to.

Not while they’re so plugged into the gEnOcIDe jOe trolls that suggest people not vote.

I've only seen a couple encouraging people not to vote. Most of the folks pissed off at Biden for supporting genocide are still planning on voting for him - the genocide situation would be WAY worse under Trump. One of the reasons we're so pissed off (y'know, just in case genocide isn't reason enough by itself) is that Biden doing this WILL discourage his potential voters, and could very well be the thing that hands Trump the presidency. Those potential voters are going to be influenced by Biden's actions, not internet trolls.

The criticism Biden's getting about his support for genocide is constructive and necessary, cuz he needs to fucking stop!


And just in case it needs to be said: VOTE BIDEN. Regardless of how he handles Isreal. If Trump takes power again, Palestine is fucked, Ukraine is fucked, Taiwan is fucked, your rights and neighbors are fucked, the climate is fucked (well, faster than it already is, at least), our democracy is fucked... this is not hyperbole: seriously, vote for the guy the has the best shot against Trump, and that guy is Biden.

There’s a LOT of them here I’ve debated with them and tried reasoning with them like everyone else has. They’re either total lost causes, or right-wing trolls.

Either way, their message is the same.

I've seen these people pop up a lot here, too.

I just assumed that this is the flavor of far-right influencing campaigns we get to see on Lemmy. Since the normal "far-right and Russia good, liberals and EU/Democrats bad because {manliness/financial elite/globalism/cabal}" angle is pretty much a lost cause here, the next best thing they can do is reduce turnout via resignation and bitterness.

That's exactly what it is. The best way to get the left to stay home is focusing on ideological purity. They'll suggest Biden isn't a true leftist therefore you're not upholding your morals if you vote for him. Then say if you do still feel the need to vote pick Cornell West or Jill Stein. It's so obvious I have about a dozen accounts tagged now. It's even the same tactic foreign influence used in 2016.

Spot on observation I’d say. I’ve had the unfortunate experience in dealing with them for quite a while now and I’d say not one has shown any evidence to support an argument against what you’re saying.

I think they’re almost all trolls. There tend to be little weirdnesses or inconsistencies in their stories if you really look at where they say they’re coming from and compare it to what they’re doing and saying. And their heart’s not really in it. There tend to be like 1 or 2 things they like to say about any given situation, and then once they’ve got their talking points in, it’s just content-free rudeness or sudden silence or them changing the subject to something else. Usually people who are interested enough in politics to talk about it to strangers on the internet have some sort of learned knowledge base in it even if it’s a little shallow or one-sided. With them it’s literally “Rail strike, union buster, QED, next topic pls.”

Trying to “win” a debate with them is obviously pure futility but I actually think it’s good for the discourse to have them around spouting this stuff for as long as they’re going to do such a crappy job at it. It’s like a politics version of Cunningham’s Law.

> There tend to be little weirdnesses or inconsistencies in their stories if you really look at where they say they’re coming from and compare it to what they’re doing and saying. And their heart’s not really in it.

can you explain this more?

How do you feel about American foreign policy in Central and South America?

So VERY well played! Damn that was well done man.


One of them shows up to start winding into their typical propaganda bullshit and you shut it down with a single question.

Beautifully done.

calling me a troll doesn't explain what they are talking about, but it is a personal attack.

I’ve been warned about you enough times to know not to engage. Go away.

this is a non sequitur.

No particular opinion about it you want to share?

I would think as a person with opinions so strong about geopolitics and America's role in the world, that you'd be okay with enabling Hitler 2.0 to come to power in your own country because of them... you'd have some kind of opinion on it, even if it wasn't directly relatable to any current election going on just right at this moment.

Just one of those little mysteries, I guess.

>No particular opinion about it you want to share?

no. this is a red herring, and doesn't explain what you meant at all.

>you'd be okay with enabling Hitler 2.0

that's a lie

Wait, have I misunderstood? Who are you planning to vote for / do you think people should vote for in the general election in November?

>Who are you planning to vote for

frankly i havent decided yet

i've been giving money to cornel west, but jill stein said the greens could hit 5% this year

Ah. So somehow we've meandered our way back around from Central and South America to "Voting is a waste of time; I as a good left-wing person am going to vote third party and here's why."

Welp, now that we've had that blistering rebuttal to what I was saying about how the shills operate, I have to get on with my day. All the best, love and kisses.

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no one is saying don't vote, but plenty of people have told me my vote won't count

Many people on lemmy are saying don’t vote. It’s not up for debate as anyone can see them factually suggesting this. And you know it.

You’re being purposefully obtuse.

>Many people on lemmy are saying don’t vote.

if that were true, you would be able to show it.

Dude, I’m not entertaining your bad faith nonsense. Go pester someone else.

your accusation of bad faith is, itself, bad faith

Go away. I know what you’re trying to do.

all I'm doing is correcting the record

There’s no record to correct. Everyone is well aware of the anti-voting campaign on lemmy, it’s pretty well documented, and there’s entire posts dedicated to the topic. So I’ve nothing to prove to you about it.

It’s plain as day to see, and my refusal to entertain your nonsense is not evidence to the contrary.

Now go away.

I did a search and couldn't find any evidence of it except people claiming it exists, or refuting that claim.

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If you're angry that Joe Biden has Genocide attached to his name, maybe push him to stop being an active part of it. It also doesn't help Biden isn't offering any message of hope. It is just once again I'm not the other guy. It is more effective to give people things to vote for than against.

I put together a short list of the unprecedented things Biden has done domestically that make him a good choice to lead the country, although "not the end of democracy" would be a good enough reason to vote for him over Trump anyway.

I can only speak for myself, but I'm just as disgusted that he's enabling genocide in Gaza as most people. I carry a certain amount of hope that he's going to stop, and I'm extremely in favor of the Ukraine and Israel aid bills being brought up as separate bills as they are now being brought up as. But let's see what the historically-Israel-supporting-no-matter-what rich fucks in congress do with it.

Trump declared he would finish the job, as in complete the genocide, so I hope you won't help that happen. At least Biden is trying to give some relief to Palestinians. Being on Israel's side is US policy: they are our ally, for better or worse, for good or bad reasons. Personally, I think we should drop or reduce that alliance, but I'm not in charge.

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I guess I was never really clear why we need a president in the first place and the bullshit power centralization it's grown over time to include beyond civilian leadership of the military and veto power when Congress is useless at restraining the executive under checks and balances for example executive orders. If you want a public figurehead pick someone in the Senate most of them barely work anyways. Crisis management should be it's own department not just up to whoever won the last popularity contest.