Reddit IPO Filings Reveal the Company’s Hopes—and Fears to – 182 points –
Reddit IPO Filings Reveal the Company’s Hopes—and Fears

But Huffman, who cofounded Reddit back in 2005, also boasted that Reddit is different because it is “free from the airbrushing and filters of social media” and criticized what he sees as over-the-top meddling in online discussion.


over-the-top meddling in online discussion.

Like secretly changing comments that are critical of the CEO?

Maybe Huffman was getting nostalgic and started reminiscing about his jailbait subreddit, that was online for so many years on his beloved Reddit.

World news is a shower of shit.

Might as well be the IDF propaganda devision at this point.

Before I quit, it was a pretty open secret that r/worldnews was a shithole, and the place to get news was r/anime_titties

I don't know if they've gone under too by now, though

But what r/worldnews lacked in credible news, it made up for in anime tiddies

Wild. I wonder how bad reddit will be in a few years. If you think it's bad now, It's not even publicly traded yet, and we've all seen how money grubbing being a publicly traded company can become. "Make line go up no matter what" 👀

NSFW is going to get banned within a year or two. It would be irresponsible towards the share holders not to, because porn lowers advertising value.

old.reddit is probably going to be on the chopping block, too. I only go for niche communities these days, but I'm gone for good once old.reddit is gone.

That's the plan. They announced it laqt year as the same time the api stopped to be free.

If they keep the porn, Texas Governor Abbott will block Reddit from Texas. Well, losing the MAGAts might help Reddit get better.

I really want to see it crash i hope all of wallstreetbets shorts them into next year.

Anyone can buy stock, but to short you need to get approved for a margin account and you need to put up some collateral. Those are two big barriers that are going to block many Redditors in WSB from shorting.

Puts are a poor man’s short. Sold calls are a rich man’s short. I expect a lot of sold calls.

Ahh didnt know i dont play the market but id love to see reddit get some well deserved karma

You can just buy a put.

There's no infinite loss risk either, the amount risked is determined up front.

Riskier in the sense it can expire worthless, you can't hold it forever.

The fact that we're reading and commenting about it on Lemmy is satisfying, despite the sadness of the situation. It's like watching the city burn after you moved away and saying "wow, I guess I really took the right choice by leaving."

When does it actually go public, anyway? I want to wait a week and pick some up after the inevitable crash

Nvm, Google is my friend, trading starts Thursday

Just buy some puts early on. You do not want to pick up shares just to be stuck holding those bags for an indefinite period of time.

A week might not be the bottom

Hope not, if it goes down low enough maybe someone reasonable can buy it out.

If WallStreetBets owns WallStreetBets, do we get a singularity?

Diamond hands!