GTA 6 Production Reportedly Falling Behind, Rockstar Urges Staff To Return To Office To Avoid Delay

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 115 points –
GTA 6 Production Reportedly Falling Behind, Rockstar Urges Staff To Return To Office To Avoid Delay

falling behind? QUICK, everyone waste two hours of every day commuting to the fucking office so people can endlessly distract you from making it!

You do as the SCRUM Master told you or we will take away all your Fruit Baskets and free Tap Water! /s

One of the last industries that would actually benefit from return to office. I doubt anyone writes better code or produces better art after getting stuck in traffic twice a day every day.

Exactly. The main part where they'd benefit from being in an office is initial planning, story boarding, etc. That should've happened a long time ago, and right now they should be fixing bugs and performance issues, fine-tuning art, etc. That doesn't require direct 1:1 collaboration, and generally benefits from an asynchronous process where QA reports issues and the individuals fix them.

Weirdly even if this was some vindictive way to get more overtime out of people, I believe studies suggest people who WFH are more likely to work overtime because it's less impeding and the barrier to look at work is less (I don't remember any studies off the top of my head). So I assume this is just a management problem as management are usually the people having trouble when it comes to WFH

When my family members briefly had wfh they did all of the overtime. You can do a full home cooked dinner, OT, and still have time to relax after. Breaks don't feel like a waste of time you can't even finish a meal within. None of these buffoons will accept that performance went up using the same metrics that they used to complain about poor performance before covid hit though.

Yeah, commuting wastes hours not only because of transportation, but how much earlier you have to wake up and go to sleep and how physically and mentally draining the process itself is. Takes quite a toll.

It might be hard to get mocapping done when the actors and director and camera men are all at home doing it remotely.

Edit: This isn't supposed to be taken seriously, guys. Jesus. are wouldn't happen to play VR chat, would you?

I do.

What are your thoughts on face tracking for your skins? I recently saw it in action and I thought it was pretty dope.

I'd love it more if the Quest 3 had an internal camera to track my face/eye movement. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Though I have thought about v-tubing/v-streaming and have the camera setup for it already, which I could use the face tracking with. Right now it's used for FBT.

I'm considering v-tubing and I noticed you're from yiffit, so I thought I'd ask. My best friend makes custom textures on commission for VRC players, which is how I found out about face tracking, but I wanted to hear an opinion from someone within your community since best friend is just "furry-adjacent"

I would imagine those are handled more like recording sessions where it's not a 9-5 but a scheduled event. I could be wrong though I've never done it myself.

Yeah, pushing back-to-office and crunch timelines will really help, I'm sure.

When has being shitty to your employees, overworking and pushing your long-term employees with institutional knowledge out the door because they can find better jobs that allow WFH ever blown up in a company's face? /s

Forcing return to office is not doing anything to production of the game. The only thing it does is give the company an excuse to fire people to make earnings reports look better.

firing the senior developers who have years of institutional knowledge of your unique game engine is always a great idea

Yeah I'm guessing this is it. They're coming up on the end of development, which means it's mostly QA and bugfixes. All of the difficult code has been written, now it's time to start culling the expensive senior engineers while they patch the rest up. So long, there's the door.

Of course RDR3 will ramp up and they'll say "What do you mean we have to hire new people?"

"Institu-what?" -some HR asshole.

I'm amazed, time and time again, at just how incredibly stupid HR decisions can be. It's like they have no idea what people do and how difficult how that shit is, and then each company has its own idiosyncrasies, in processes, in frameworks, engines, languages, etc. I'm not even in gaming, and I see it every day, with candidates being taken onboard against the teams' advice, then being unable to do the most simple tasks in their jobs. It's terrifying, really. It's like HR have a vague sense that we do stuff with computers and we cost X per annum and that's about as far as it goes in their little brains...

"it's easier for us to force our employees to crunch if they work in our offices"

You skipped an entire console generation and make more than the GDP of most countries from GTA Online.

Time is not an issue for you.

Right? They’ve had over a decade. GTA V came out in TWENTY THIRTEEN. They have ZERO an excuse to be abusing their employees in the last year before release. And they gave themselves a year PLUS—didn’t they said VI was coming out “2025?” Like…how can you excuse that kind of shit?

I fucking hate everything about rockstar.

…except their games. Dammit. dead 1 and 2 are amazing....

Right? I’m STILL replaying rdr2 campaign. The story is just…mwah

I don’t get this. If you force me to drive through shitty traffic to get to work and to return home, I’m going to find a way to make it back. Similarly, if you try to force me to be at work 12 hours a day, I'm only going to do about 4-5 hours of real work.

Really hope it doesn't get delayed but also wish for both the staff not to have mental health issues or us to get another unpolished game released to us.

I mean, we've waited 36 years since the last one, I'm totally fine with waiting a bit longer to avoid stress on the devs.

Lmao. I actually got tricked into doing arithmetic for a second there.

I'm not waiting. I was a fan since GTA 2, I didn't even bother finishing 5. This is going to be the last step in the genericisation of GTA.

Every fucking game is open world, the tone is less funny compared to what it was before, too many creators left, and the ones that are still there are too out of touch. Fuck it.

Yeah, I'll get it if reviews look good, but I'm not bullish on that.

I had to force myself to finish GTA V because I kept coming back hoping there was more to it since everyone kept saying how good it was. Once I finished it, I felt relieved because I'd no longer have that nagging FOMO and finally uninstalled it. I haven't had the desire to play since, and it's my least favorite GTA. I actually played GTA IV after GTA V as a palette freshener, and GTA SA is still my favorite.

So if they're making something more like V than IV and SA, I'm probably not going to bother. I hope it's unlike any of them and goes in an interesting new direction, but I'm not holding out hope.

Honestly, I agree. I'll probably still play it, though.

GTA is one of those few series that so far have actually been worth the AAA pricetag to me (also going back to GTA2), but I definitely see the potential for failure here. Going to wait a bit after release and watch the reviews before springing for it.

but I definitely see the potential for failure here

here's the worst thing, it's not going to fail. They're going to make fucking GTA 10 3 decades from now for Sam houser's retirement, and it's going to make a trillion dollars.

The fucking identity and spirit is gone. It's just a generic crime drama game. Good enough for the people that like films about organised crime, which is enough money to make a fuckload of money. But it's just hollow.

Oh I have no doubt it will be a financial success - I just meant as it pertains to my enjoyment.

I'm also totally fine with them releasing a game without the spirit of the previous games. Those games still exist. I just might not buy the new one, that's all.

Totally fair. I'll play it if it's good. Still doesn't justify harsh crunch time or draconian RTO mandates...

I applied for a job there and hybrid wasn't even on the table.

Then my application wouldn't be on the table.

I need at least two days remote to get anything done. If they can't offer that, I can't offer my application.

You are lucky that you have the option to be so picky in the games industry.

They wisely didn't have that bit on the requirements. Just something vague about how they value home life balance, and would accommodate remote work.

The trick is, I'm not in the games industry, mostly because of this nonsense. I'm a software developer, so I have a wider range of jobs I can apply for.

If the games industry was more employee fee friendly, I'd probably work in it. But it's not, so I don't.

Same here. I'm lucky that I have some good friends who work in it, but every time there has been something remotely interesting, the difference in salary with boring dev jobs has been just too fucking much :/


"You're needed in the office. Please come in to the office now"


"Come and fucking get me, you pussy."

There might be teenagers playing this at release that were born after GTA 5 came out. Game dev has reached some immense bloat.

That's more a symptom of micro transactions and live service gaming. Do you think GTA6 would have taken this long if Rockstar didn't have the piggy bank that is GTA Online printing money for them 24/7?

Saddest thing was reaching the new part of the map of Red Dead Redemption 2 and having it be so empty, since in the past it would have been where new story DLCs would have taken place.

Not exactly the timeline you're putting out but, my son was about a year old when I remember getting GTA 4 on launch. He's in his freshman year of college now...

Employees confirmed spending too many hours working for free instead of sitting on trains and buses.