Trump memes explode as deadline approaches for $464m bond payment: ‘Don Poorleone’ to politics – 408 points –
Trump memes explode as deadline approaches for $464m bond payment: ‘Don Poorleone’

"Don Poorleone" is a masterful jab at Trump's ego, I love to see it.

Also, anyone who represents Trump in court should already have known, that at some point or other he will blurt out something that undermines his own case.

“I made an offer everyone refused.”

I'm crying over here.

Could add a middle name moniker in quotes just to twist the knife, like some of the old mobsters used to have. Like Frankie "the nose" Luciano.

So Don "little hands" Poorleone

"rapey" Don Poorleone

If by masterful, you mean childish and pathetic, sure.

Trump calls people names, its childish and the actions of a bully. Shit like this is a sad attempt to mimic it, but is somehow even worse. It's like a 4th grader making a up lame insult to a 2nd grader, and a 2nd grader responding with an even lamer insult.

Like, if you're going to get down and wrestle a pig whose wallowing in shit, you better at least have an idea how and not look like a fucking amateur.

Someone has no idea how memes work

Or how fragile Don's ego is. That's the point. Give him a taste of his own medicine because he can't take it.

My g this is Trump you're talking about. This man cares about himself and his ego over anything. Some polite and well-researched rebuke or dissertation isn't going to do anything about that, we've tried that for 8 years plus. He's getting his hour in the courts, with the appropriate process and decorum he deserves, and imo a whole lot more chances than he deserves at that. He's gone through it many times now and continually shows us that he has no shame.

The one thing that gets directly on the nerves of this serial name-calling bully is to call him names. This one is crafted to poke at his specific desire to appear like a rich and successful man, and highlights the fact he chronically cannot keep a story straight between himself and his lawyers.

Hope that clears it up for you, cheers.

This guy over here thinking highbrow insults would land.

childish and pathetic

Don't change the subject, we are discussing the memes against Mr. Trump, not Mr. Trump himself.

childish and pathetic

It drew you here, so you must be right LMAO

Calling Destitute Don names is unsportsmanlike.

Tell that shit stain that I'm not much of an athlete

I don’t have dime store Donald’s number but I can understand why you would think turtlehead Trump would have dirty Donny diapers.

Memes won't change what will happen. He will get a stay from an appeals court, they will reduce the bond to a fraction of what it was and he will pay it and suffer almost no consequences

Edit: oh hey, I can predict the future would you look at that

They've already denied it. Trump's claims of having the money but not wanting to spend it on this isn't helping him either.

At what time of day is the actual deadline?

The "deadline" is tomorrow whenever. If he doesn't post a bond tomorrow, the state can begin proceedings to seize assets. Likely the first step will be to get a court order probibiting Trump from selling off or giving away any assets, which he will fight tooth and nail. The process could take months or years, and if he is elected president he can make that money ten times over selling more state secrets.

He'll end up paying it. It's been a slow news week.

The real question is - how is Putin going to funnel the money to him?

The same way he sold secrets to the Saudis through a $2 billion "investment" in an unskilled, unqualified relative.

Bed Bath & Beyond gift card and coupons.

I mean he's named Donald so we all know how this is going to end...

Sure he hasn't that much money, he's Donald not Scrooge McDuck.