United Airlines Flight Forced to Divert After Dog Pooped in First Class Aisle

jeffw@lemmy.world to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 275 points –
United Airlines Flight Forced to Divert After Dog Pooped in First Class Aisle

One commenter on X, who said their partner was on the Delta flight, reported that it “smelled horrible” and that vanilla-scented disinfectant used to mask the odor “only made it smell like vanilla s---.”


INCREDIBLE stench if someone on a neighboring DELTA flight could smell the dog shit on this UNITED flight

They were relating in the article about another similar event on a Delta flight that had to divert for a human passenger's diarrhea.

Yeah even with code shares I don't think Delta and United are ever the same carrier. Maybe?

Seems unlikely though. Sky West and smaller carriers don't usually share flights between multiple big carriers afaik.

Delta and United are different companies.

Yes they are. Never said otherwise.

Code shares are weird and if you don't know about them you should look them up - what I'm saying is that code shares don't get split between two major carriers as far as I know.

So you'll never have a flight that is both United and Delta ticketed. But you'll often have a flight that is United and ANA ticketed. Or Delta and ItalAir

It must have been a truly … profound…. Smell if they weren’t able to clean it up after 2 hours and had to divert.

Diverting is really expensive for the airlines, so you know they only do it if there is no other way. So it can't just have been a bit of a bad smell...

There was a really rich person pulling strings

Maybe there’s a formula, like cost per puke * pukers and when that exceeds the divert cost, they just go for it

Someone's seen Fight Club 😁

which airline do you work for?

a major one

dog softly growls

I can't fathom the thinking of people who believe that adding more smell will make a bad smell better.

Some smells mask smell of shit better. There's even an old-school method of lighting and putting out the match after you did number 2: sulfur smoke kills the shittiness of ahit smell somehow


wtf i love this dog now

Fuckin Boeing at it again.

Probably not. With the build quality of Boeing planes, the floor would probably have collapsed under the weight of the turd 😉

Oh ffs another Boeing headline—-

Oh, ok, oh that’s good. Good dog

That poor, poor dog!!... it sounds like something serious like pancreatitis.

Sounds like someone's poorly trained "service animal" that they brought on the plane without being crated. I think we've let loopholes like this exist long enough. Have a legitimate service animal you want to bring somewhere normal animals would not be allowed? Be prepared to show documentation certifying them as such. Have an emotional support animal? Fuck off. That's not a get out of consequences free pass.

Fun fact. Other mammals besides humans can have bathroom emergencies, too.

Those times you unexpectedly needed to diarrhea immediately and had a photo finish to a bathroom (or not)? Yeah, a dog in an airplane isn't going to have the same luxury. Its bathroom is the floor

Don't they have doggy diapers?

Yes. At 38k feet in a steel tube with no amazon delivery? Probably not.

The same hopefully goes for all humans to certify they are potty trained?

Have an emotional support animal? Fuck off. That’s not a get out of consequences free pass.

Unless this varies wildly by country, it's not. And the major reason for your downvotes would be that this is exactly how it works already. You need paperwork to be allowed a support animal on a plane.

lol people defending a rich person taking up an extra seat for an animal. I’d like to see anyone here have the same attitude when their 5 hour flight gets diverted.

This was in first class, it was almost certainly someone's purse dog that they let out of the crate and not a service animal.
Don't delegitimized service animals based on a whim or opinion.