Don Jr. calls jurors 'clowns' and blames them for Trump not testifying

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 241 points –
Don Jr. calls jurors 'clowns' and blames them for Trump not testifying

Yeah, antagonize the people that have your father’s fate in their hands. As usual, just more projection, also, clowns have more integrity than the Trump family.

I wonder how sequestered the jurors are. Do they even have Internet access?

They’ve been instructed to avoid reading or looking at anything about the trial as you probably already know. I just wonder how effective that really is. Like you wonder, how sequestered are they? Especially in the Information Age where the entirety of human knowledge is in our pockets.

Not only that, but if any of them are on any kind of social media AT ALL or hell even listen to the radio or watch TV it seems like it would be damn near impossible to avoid a random headline here and there. This trial has been covered ad nauseam by both US-based and international news outlets. Hell on a Windows PC if you open up Bing with the default settings you get a news page in your face.

if you open up Bing with the default settings you get a news page in your face.

Let's try to keep things in the bounds of plausibility here..

They’re not sequestered. If they were, they’d be stuck in a hotel somewhere without internet access. It’s super rare, but you’d think this case of all cases would qualify for that level of isolation. There’s probably a good reason not to, I mean imagine the logistics for the 12 jurors and all the alternates (6, I think). Most people can’t just disappear from their lives for a month. That said, it’s a Manhattan jury, so they know this fool regardless.

By the letter and spirit of the law they can't have read about it because the Judge said not to, and so there CAN'T be tampering charges, right? Right??

"Yea well... my dad would've whopped all their asses but they didn't fight fair!"

What the literal fuck is he on about? Donald Trump is expected to stand up to foreign leaders but pussies out in front of a fucking jury?

The jury haven't even made a ruling yet.... All they've done is listen.....

"You are going into a kangaroo court. There's nothing more. Nothing less. There'd be absolutely no reason, no justification to do that whatsoever." - Donald Trump Jr.

Not even an excuse? , if the jury only has one side of the story that is what they are going with.

If you aren't even going to put your fists up and spend all your time arguing with the referee, you can't complain when you get KO'ed

He would have testified if it wasn’t for that meddling jury of his peers.

I don't give a single shit what this festering cunt cabbage has to say. He was born from shit, made of shit, and big surprise, he's still full of shit.

Why would you justify this insanity? Look at the clowns that they put on there — you don't subject yourself to that nonsense," he said, evidently speaking of the jury.

Both sides had ample opportunity to vet potential jurors. Your side is just as responsible for its makeup as anybody.

Yeah but the idiotic republican voters won't ever know that and even if they were told that, they wouldn't believe it.

Just crybabies whining that they didn't get infinite vetoes and delays.

Legally, the jury cannot interpret Trump's refusal to testify as evidence of wrongdoing, as that would violate his constitutional right against self incrimination.

...but I can! And you know what my hot take is? Not testifying in your own defense and then crying about it afterwards is a pussy ass bitch move and the hallmark of a guilty liar.

Don Jr. calls jurors 'clowns'

Pot/kettle, Jr.

Because endearing yourself to the people who will decide your father's fate is just courtroom 101.