Uhhh oh

ColdWater@lemmy.ca to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 263 points –

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I'm out of the loop here, what's this about?

Empress is considered the best Denuvo cracker in the world. Mostly because she's the only one that is consistently successful.

There are two major trains of thought regarding her. The first: she's a batshit crazy narcissist who is more toxic than a Kardashian-Jenner family dinner where Kanye and Pete Davidson show up unannounced. The second: she's the goddess and the most wonderful woman on the planet and one day she'll recognize my loyalty and I will have a place in her New World Order.

You forgot to mention the part where she is violently transphobic

Wait, violently?

Yeah, she basically wants all gay and trans people to die. Her .NFOs in her releases are completely unhinged and really into the “anti-woke” culture war.

She tried to out Fitgirl as trans to encourage harassment of her. Trouble is nobody believed her, because nobody knows anything about Fitgirl and we don't believe Empress does either.

She's also definitely Russian, and we, Russians, believe that it's a guy.

There's no women on the Internet.

Wait...so there really aren't hot MILFs in my area waiting to chat with me?

You should check for sure and let us all now. For the boys.

They are a curious lot. They all seem interested in my debit card information. That must they're into me, right?

Right, 100%! They're just trying to see if you're going to be able to sustain yourself and their relationship. No harm there, I'm sure; actually seems like a sign of serious intentions.

What was it the rules of the internet again?


There's also Girl = Guy In Real Life.

I wouldn't be surprised if Empress is a group of two or more people. At least one to handle the "persona" of Empress and the rest to do the cracking. Artificial personas and obfuscated identities are Internet 101.

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she's providing games for free, who cares if she's a narcissist.

You skipped past the batshit crazy part, eh? I would not trust any software she has touched, but you do you.

What makes you think it's a she

She's told us lmao

Oh then because some stranger on the Internet tells you something, it's probably true

wasn't there some drama where some other cracker group exposed "her" as being some bulgarian dude?

dont put money into that "announcement". they "exposed" her to be an old cracker who was in the scene many, many years ago. that person is to this day fighting a court case about their time in the scene. they've also written a post somewhere on the net talking about this and how hurt and confused they are to be dragged back into this mess. and the group that did the "exposing" has, as far as i have seen, not provided a single piece of evidence for their claims.

innocent until proven guilty. no one knows who empress is, so you may as well believe she is the woman she says to be.

Alright? She prefers she/her

They've aggressively stated they're a cis woman and has found the implication of her being trans incredibly insulting.

It could be a very confused fat dude wearing only fudge striped tighty whities who doesn't want his fantasy world bubble popped

I’m pretty sure it’s a group of people but I’ll still go with She cuz it’s easier and my theory is just a… theorumeum

Theory requires a working model. What you got can't even be considered a hypothesis.

I didn't know it was that simple. I'm a she, now worship me.

Is this the first time.you hear of preferred pronouns?

Preferred pronouns are not gender.

That's just like your opinion. Also 100% your prerogative too, since you're the first and only one to bring up gender in this discussion, as if it matters somehow.

Yes, gender identity is that simple. Watch this:

I'm a drone, use it/its pronouns for me

You don't need to use slurs to make your point.

Genuine question here, which words are slurs? Crazy narcissist?

I think that user may be referring to Empress herself, not the commenter.

As in, Empress doesn't need to be using slurs to make her points.

Narcissist is a slur when it's used in a derogatory sense by someone who does not have the disability. You can say "person with NPD", or pwNPD for short, or you can avoid insulting someone by alleging mental disability in the first place.

Narcissist is a real psychological term. It describes a pathology. Slurs aren’t words you don’t like to be called. You don’t get to make up what is and what isn’t a slur.

Narcissism is generally seen as a negative trait so there already isn't a non-derogatory way of calling someone a narcissist. Also, there is an acknowledged difference between being a narcissist and having NPD so as much as many here would probably say Empress has some kind of disorder, I bet very few have the credentials to diagnose which means it's the former, and if we're being completely honest, it's a very practical word to describe a person's behaviour. So I guess it has to be a "chill out, snowflake" moment for you.

All disabilities are seen as negative, but it's not derogatory to call someone autistic, paraplegic, or blind, unless it's a deliberate insult. I find your argument unconvincing.

I don't really care if you find what I say convincing but to make this as simple as possible, name one time it's considered good to be identified as narcissistic. And please let's stay relevant and leave out physical disabilities. Only assholes insult the two you named.

pwNPD are, on average, better at magick than neurotypicals. I also generally respect most pwNPD for the trauma they've endured and survived. It's a disability that leads to a lot of suicidality, so being a living pwNPD is an accomplishment.

Do you even read what you type? If you genuinely believe narcissists are magic then you are truly deluded.

I also think money is magic, because it's brought into existence by people's belief in it. In my book, magic is believing in something so hard it becomes real. Money obviously fits the bill. Do you not think money is magic? What do you think it is if it's not magic?

Another place where this view falls short is that a person doesn't need to have NPD to act like a narcissist on a regular basis, the same way a person can be volatile and not meet the criteria for BPD.

No, that's not true. It's not true because that's not how we use disability language. Neurotypicals do not act autistic, and they don't act ret**ded. Some people do use words that way, because those words are slurs. Likewise, when you insult someone by likening their behaviour to disability by calling them a narcissist, that's a slur.

TIL Being an asshole is a disability

pwNPD are not assholes at any higher rate than the general population. What you're describing is a stereotype about a disability.

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You don't get to decide what is a slur. Go away.

Of course I don't get to decide what's a slur. The people who use mental conditions as insults decide that.

It sure seems like you're in here trying to enforce your personal opinion that the word people are using is a slur.

It's not an opinion. Opinions are likes and dislikes, and subjectives with no evidence. This isn't one of those. There is a clear definition, and clear evidence that it meets the definition. It's a fact.

Care to provide any of that? Because so far all I have seen is your opinion, and a bunch of people disagreeing.


A pejorative word or phrase, slur, or derogatory term is a word or grammatical form expressing a negative or a disrespectful connotation, a low opinion, or a lack of respect toward someone or something.[1] It is also used to express criticism, hostility, or disregard.


an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo


a remark that criticizes someone and is likely to have a harmful effect on their reputation:
an offensive word used to insult someone because of their race, sexuality (= the fact of being sexually attracted to people of a particular gender), etc.:


a disparaging remark or a slight:

The N word is specifically a slur referring to a mental disorder, and is thus an oppressive slur


Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental disorder


Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health conditio


Narcissism, pathological self-absorption, first identified as a mental disorder by the British essayist and physician Havelock Ellis in 1898.

This is not evidence that the term is a slur.

This is the definitions of words which most everyone in this thread certainly already knew, strung together with your opinion that they are connected.

While this has been somewhat entertaining, I don't think I'll continue to feed your delusions any further.

I will not be replying again. Goodbye.

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