Afghan schoolgirls are finishing sixth grade in tears. Under Taliban rule, their education is over to World – 948 points –
Afghan schoolgirls are finishing sixth grade in tears. Under Taliban rule, their education is over

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If you raise your kids to believe in Allah you are setting up your grandchildren to live like this. Oppose religion, wherever you see it.

You can't just equate religion with fascism. Not that I think religion is ethical or even separable from fascism, but they aren't the same. Plenty of people practice religion without resorting to extremism.

I don't think I did. Cancer and heart disease are not the same despite both having very similar results given enough time.

You implied that religion necessarily results in fascism.

If I did I am sorry. There is no way I can make a claim like that. If nothing else the world could end long before the process finished. There is a link between the two but it does not mean that a society with monotheism will have to, 100% of the time with no exceptions, eventually become a fascist one.

Not just exclusive to Islam. This is what Christians are actively working to make happen in the US.

All organized religion is ripe for abuse by its uncontrollable masters. It's almost like communism in that!

Allah is the God in Christianity though


Not the commenter, but I assume they talk about the nature of Abrahamic religions.

Technically, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are just three updates of the same religion. First came Torah, then it got transformed into the Old Testament and completed with the New one to get the Bible, and then Bible itself got completed to get Quran.

With that came one abrahamic God - referred to as Yahweh in Judaism, Trinity in Christianity (note: Islam goes back and denies Trinity and godly nature of Jesus, calling him a prophet, not element of God, and rolling back on Holy Spirit, too, reinstating Father God as the only source of godly power), and Allah in Islam.

Thereby cancelling Allah means also cancelling Trinity and Yahweh, as they're actually one and the same.

Before mankind was rebooting film franchises it was rebooting religions.

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Well that's pretty reductionist, and bigoted. If you're going to judge Muslims by their extremists then you can't leave out the Christians and Jews. Hell Jewish extremists in Israel are committing genocide as we speak.

Yes those as well.

They said religion, not just Islam.

And yet they specifically reference Allah. And elsewhere in the comment section they try and say Allah is different from the Judeo-Christian "God".

You're allowed to use a specific example to make a general point.

Funny how that seems to happen with minorities and Islam but not white people.

You're the only person concerned about race here. Stop being racist.

That's literally a line used against people protesting for minority rights. It's not racist to call out problematic stuff.

You're the problematic stuff and we're calling you out.

Oh right, because you know me? I haven't said a damn thing about women's rights but to demonstrate how easy it is to lay fears of bigotry to rest... I believe all humans are created equal and should be treated equally. I also believe using extremists to paint entire groups is bigotry.

See? Super easy. Instead y'all seem to be going all in on Islamophobia.

Literally nobody mentioned race.

And aside from that, you're wrong anyway. People criticise "white" religious beliefs too. A lot.

Like, you've never heard people hating on the catholic church and the people who support it for turning a blind eye to sex abuse scandals? Seriously?

Or about the religious Christian crazies in the US? You've never heard about that?

Or the cult that is Scientology? Is that something you're unfamiliar with?

Fuck off with this trying to frame criticising a religion or pointing out its harmful effects as being racial bigotry.

It's not racism, and you know it isn't. You're just indirectly supporting actual bigotry that Islam pushes against women, LGBT people, and non-believers.

Yes. Specific things about Christianity are complained about. That doesn't mean bigots aren't out there spreading islamophobia.

Oh look an example of someone using an extremist group to paint all Muslims. And trying to cover it with the weird religions in there once.

And if you think race is the only kind of bigotry going, I have a bridge to sell you.

Specific things about Christianity are complained about.

Everything is complained about. More widely than Islam, too.

That doesn't mean bigots aren't out there spreading islamophobia.

Who said they weren't? This is a complete strawman. I never said nobody hates Muslims, I said complaining about Islam is not bigotry, and you bringing race into this and playing the "if you criticise this you're a RACIST" is pathetic.

And if you think race is the only kind of bigotry going, I have a bridge to sell you.

Never said that. That's another strawman.

I think you'll find I explicitly mentioned homophobia, misogyny, and hatred of infidels in my comment. All things absolutely rife in Islam. And yet, here you are indirectly condoning those viewpoints.

I'm a bisexual Indian immigrant. I'm very, very well aware of bigotry. And complaining about backwards hateful religious rhetoric isn't bigotry.

What a disgusting bigot you are. Throwing groups that are treated as subhuman by Islamic institutions under the bus just so you can have some falsified moral high ground by calling everybody who doesn't like Islamic extremism a racist.

Bullshit. People openly disparage and mock Christianity all the time. The difference is that nobody ever gets killed for it. Islam is in dire need of reform. Pointing that out is not a form of bigotry.

In a post about Muslims oppressing people, someone references Allah.

Who the f cares? Allah and Jahweh and trinity are all just made up feel good stories to ABUSE HUMANS

Because most Islamophobes are religious extremists themselves.

Nope, not at all. All of France Holland Germany Nordic are NOT religious and we have some decades of experience with the islamites. Blegh

Lmao. I'm sorry, your argument is you're not religious extremist, you're just a racist?

Oh God, that's the laugh I needed.

Especially because there's still 10-20 percent depending on your country. And you're just falling into the propaganda created by the extremists among them.

No, 10-20% are religious but those coincide with dumb ppl who make up 30-40% of nay population and include racist AND ZIONISTS and extreme leftist etc.

Yup all religious people are dumb. Sure thing. Just keep digging that hole.

But the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish god is the same deity. So "Allah" refers to the god of all 3 religions.

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ALL religions

Cool. Now have the commenter up there clarify that.

I'm not saying I agree with op but their comment is very clear already

oppose religion

Then don't specifically mention Allah. It's one of the older propaganda methods. We don't like the general group but fuck those guys specifically.

Funny how all the commenter needs to do to clear things up is edit their post. Instead you guys are all trying to make excuses.

How dare they use Allah as an example of a god, in a submission about the harmful effects of Islam!

Sure, breed more islamophobia. Most Muslims don't want this. It's like using the FLDS as an example of all Christians.

Which is why "oppose religion" means all of them. No exceptions

Yes, allllllllll of them abuse their fake man on the cloud to rape and kill children. No joke.

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wtf do you know

The evidence of religion ruling people's lives is right in front of you and you act like we are drawing conclusions from nothing.

hur dur religion bad

read a book

As long as its not a fucking religious text.

Religion can be toxic, but so can non-religious nations like Russia under Putin.

The real shit is money and power - those are what kill and lie and steal from the billions of us who haven't yet got to the point of revolution.

If nothing else we know it's coming ... and when it does it'll be massive and worldwide.

Putin embraces the Russian Orthodox Church as part of his nationalism. Also, Russia is only 13% atheist. Hardly a non-religious nation.

But, you're right, power is the real point. Religion is just one of the most hateful methods of justifying and maintaining power.

Democracy with socially regulated capitalism, in our experience, has a lighter touch and has thus far provided a lot of benefits to the vast majority of people.

You mention revolution, but don't specify from what or to what? Revolutions have a way of not going quite the way the idealists hope they will.

Russia is 72% Eastern Orthodox by population. The US is estimated to be ~63% split between flavors of christianity, for comparison.

So, you’re close but wrong country. Russia tried to get rid of religion but failed. The Russian Orthodox Church just kind of became part of the government. That’s why you see the priests blessing Russian weapons and stuff.

China on the other hand did get rid of religion pretty successfully. The reason communism strives to get rid of religion is because when people aren’t arguing over who’s imaginary supernatural friend loves his people more. It’s easier to get them to agree on things.

Now, I’m not going to pretend that this is a perfect plan. After all successfully getting rid of religion comes with a whole new set of pitfalls. But, I personally think the pros outweigh the cons.

Religion can be toxic, but so can non-religious nations like Russia under Putin.

You can die from snake venom. That doesn't mean cancer is harmless.

I get what previous commenter said: the problem is the people with power wanting to control the population, religion is just the means to an end (sorry if this is not the correct way to say it). In my way of seeing it, religion as always been a cover to interests of the powerful, a way to keep the population controlled, or dumbed down. In the example of this thread, they are openly using this strategy by cutting access to education.

Bad people do bad things.

But for a good person to do bad things, that takes religion.

But for a good person to do bad things, that takes religion.

This sounds like it's a prerequisite to be good before becoming religious ... which historically is not the case.

Child molesters who entered the priesthood were not "good" before using the shelter of the Church to rape children.

Being "good" or "bad" is a conscious, moral decision which is maintained by every person choosing what is of the utmost importance for their life ... selfish fulfillment or altruism.

... this is, ofc, setting aside mental health issues that do not allow some to make rational conscious decisions.

This sounds like it’s a prerequisite to be good before becoming religious … which historically is not the case.

No, it's saying if you are good, religion can make you do bad and that bad people will do bad regardless of religion.

read a book

Bible, Koran, Torah, Book of Mormon, The Vedas... you know there’s actually a lot of objectionable shit in all of these.

I wonder if you meant some other books that support your ideals, jokes on me for reading the source materials instead I suppose.

Like the ones the Afghan schoolgirls won't be allowed to read?

Yes sir! Only Bible!

Anyway, pretty fucking weird society where they have to wrap 6th grade girls from head to toe to avoid feeling attracted to them.

Religions are as dumb as the people who believe them?

Religions can be harmful for certain dumb people who believe them. It’s not a given, but with the interconnectivity of today these dumb people can organize and create echo chambers, and be much more harmful to both themselves and others. A stark, anti-religion stance seems harsh, but it’s likely the most effective way to avoid these pitfalls.

casually thinks back ONLY these last five years

remembers all the excuses and acts committed whilst hiding behind religion

suddenly falls into a wormhole and lands in 1095

I dunno, seems fishy.

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