Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

simple@lemm.ee to Games@lemmy.world – 375 points –

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Dude slapped away his career.

Used to be one of The top movie stars in the world. Not even Tom Cruz has thrown it all away yet. Smith managed it though.

Fucking seriously. Dude was a massive box office draw and on top of that had had a truly wholesome career. He was well respected. Could really act....had solid comedy chops. Very few true stinkers in his IMDB page. And he threw it all away for a bitch who LAUGHS about cheating on him.

I hate the word because of right wing fucks but there is no other way to describe it. He's a fucking cuck.

His wife even gloated about fucking thier kids friend. Dude could have had any woman in the world and he picked that bitch.

Thats what I will never understand. Maybe sticking with her after cheating? but to LAUGH ABOUT IT IN AN INTERVIEW.

It's just abuse and people are most often helpless to leave. Actors are just normal bags of meat too.

Wasn’t she originally tupacs girl or something? And basically chose and treated will as second choice from the beginning

Tupac didn’t want her, think he banged her a few times and realized how nuts she is.

Only bullet Tupac ever dodged.

Ton Cruise is incredibly successful, vastly more successful than better people with no baggage. It’s kind of weird because Cruise’s cult is way, way worse than the slap. But Cruise also seems to be more talented and outwardly likable and his cult is pretty good at staying hidden.

Cruise can pull on that star power like no one else.
Everyone knows the shit cult he's in, but when he's in a movie it doesn't matter. Even basically kidnapping Katie Holmes didn't stop him. I can only imagine how much of an insufferable asshole he is day to day, but he still rocks as an actor.

If you're one of the most charismatic men in the world, what you actually believe is much less important to people.

dude went for a full CHA build and actually raids end content.

From what I've heard he's a legit nice dude.

I think about that interview with Spielberg where he refused to make a comment about Julia Roberts. Julia Roberts only ever appeared in one Spielberg movie. He's Steven Spielberg, he doesn't have to work with assholes if he doesn't want to.

Tom Cruise has appeared in multiple Spielberg movies. I take that as a sign he's not an asshole. He's just in a fucked up cult.

Yeah it's hard not respect his professional work. He is one of the few people making modern day action movies fused with old-school elements.

Also, Cruise doesn't go around championing his cult to outsiders as far as I'm aware so it kind of makes it easy for people to ignore it.

Also Tom and Will are both Scientologists (or were, I don't keep up) so that part at least cancels out.

True, he doesn't push it on outsiders. He is number two in the cult though and makes speeches and stuff for them regularly. His best friend is the head guy.

Didn't he jump on Oprah's sofa yelling about how they're going to save the world?

No he was excited about marrying Katie Holmes.

That's the thing. You see Tom in interviews and he's actually talking to the interviewers and making jokes and stuff. He is likable.

He's also one of the only celebrities I'm okay with separating art from artist. He makes some goddamn entertaining movies.

Dude understands what makes a movie work. So if Tom Cruise is involved with a movie it's likely to be really good.

It's a kind of "say what you will about Tom Cruise, but the man knows story structure" kind of things.

From pretty much all reports Tom Cruise is generally really nice to people. If you're a nice weirdo then whatever, they're Hollywood people, they're all weirdos.

But if you're an asshole weirdo, that's when people won't like you anymore.

Is it actually known that the slap had a negative effect on his career? I don’t follow these things, but most of the reactions I’ve seen were on the neutral/comedic side

People make jokes about it but... People also make jokes about Elon musk while at the same time hating the fucker. He's not Elon musk level hated now but the reaction in this comment section seems to show that both people really don't like him anymore. I know I'm one of them for sure and I grew up with the dude. So many huge things in my life were him.

And then look at the facts... He's done basically nothing since then. There's this game. He has a few producer credits on his IMDb. And last I heard the only actual movie he works is a completely nonsensical sequel to I Am Legend.

He fucking died at the end of that movie! They flat out said they're just going to pretend the end of the movie didn't happen so they could make a sequel lol.

There's two different endings. In one of them he survives, but accept that he won't cure the disease because the camps are the next step in human evolution. Also, he realizes his experiments to cure the disease are horrific and he has become a monster.

Yep. The one that's closest to the book. But the actual theatrical ending he died.

Much is made about online cancel culture, but that's just people making a lot of noise on the internet and doesn't matter much.

The real cancel culture is when most people simply don't like an actor as much as they used to. If the majority of people like an actor just 10% less than they used to, they take a massive hit to their career. Just liking someone a slightly less means you're just going to watch something else instead. But when a majority of people feel the same way then liking someone a little less means translates into a large percentage of people not watching something. It's not like you are going to watch 90% of a Will Smith movie because you like him 10% less, you either watch a movie or you don't.

Real cancel culture isn't "I HATE THIS GUY SO MUCH I'LL NEVER EVER WATCH ANYTHING HE'S IN!" as portrayed on the internet. The real version is "Will Smith? Meh... there's probably something better to watch."

I don't vehemently hate Will Smith for the slap. But The fact that I'm a little less likely to watch his movies now and the fact that there's always other things to watch means it's unlikely I'll watch another Will Smith movie.

And whatever, he's got lots of money already, it's no big deal if his show business career is over.

He was well washed out before the slap.

My boy, he won the Oscar for best actor on slap night. He was still pissing gold.

Goes to show how much the slap stole the show, cause I can't even recall what he was nominated for. Had to look it up, but he won for King Richard (the movie about Sernea and Venus Williams).

That reminds me. Some social media feminists were furious that movie about Williams sisters is named after a man.

I was like, they're both executive producers and their other sister (Isha Price) was also involved in the making of the film. Maybe they wanted to honour their dad?

I mean... Five minutes before the slap, he was sitting in his front-row seat at an internationally-televised award ceremony where he had just been nominated for two of the most coveted honors in cinema. I dunno if he was that bad off.

Eh....not really. He hadn't done anything Independence Day level for a while but he was still cranking out popular shit. That movie about the Williams sisters was only 1 year before he threw it all away and that did pretty well.

I just checked the game out on the steam store.

Outside of it looking like a game from 2012, it seems to be very much pay to win, clunky, and I watched their videos and looked through pics and read the description on the games page.....Not a single picture or mention of Will Smith at all. Nothing.