Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at Mike Johnson and calls to fund government with Dems to politics – 405 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at Mike Johnson and calls to fund government with Dems

We have definitely been transported to an alternate universe


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Really wild to see MTG appear to be on the correct side twice in a week. I wonder what the goal of the party is aside from distancing themselves from a losing candidate.

I think she woke up and realized a government shutdown right before an election caused by ineffectual republican leadership might hurt them in the down-ballot. Or we woke up Sunday on the next timeline because the earth exploded, and everyone died Saturday night. It's been a crazy week and it's only Tuesday.

I mean yeah that's sound political strategy, but you're telling me MTG woke up and possessed the self reflection necessary to realize that?

I think it's more believable that we all died.

I think this is absolutely the correct interpretation of this. Shutting down the government because repubs don't want to play ball weeks before an election is only likely to hurt their chances.

I think you're putting far to much faith in people willing to vote (R), their base would vote for them even as their families are sent to labor and death camps, while undecided and 'independent' voters will cast their ballot entirely on the last headline or 72 hours.

To me this reeks of Greene and other Magots realizing their wing of the party is imploding and will have to find a place in what ever GOP comes out the otherside of this election and the next midterm. Trump's decline makes it pretty obvious they need someone else's coattails to grab onto and rally around, so she's trying to be the loudest voice in the room to be part of the new power structure if not the face of it.

It matters very little if I or any of us have faith in the republican voter base and rather it matters if the Republican leadership thinks it could matter to a significant enough portion of their base that they should avoid a shutdown.

Also, I find the rest of your comment to be quite insightful. I do think most of the Republican leadership are still all in on Trump, however I wouldn't be surprised if there some back up plans in the works.

This is exactly it. Shutdowns are not popular, if they shutdown the gov before the election it is going to cost them significant votes. They are already worried about the impact of Trump on down ballot candidates, a shutdown will almost certainly cost them seats. This is MTG expressing her panic because she realizes how stupid the GOP is behaving with an election about to happen.

What surprises me the most is that out of all the Republicans, it's her that realizes how stupid this is.

Of course she does.

She's terrified that if the Dems take the House back, she'll lose her committee seats again. Like all small-government advocates, she wants power.

Ah, thank you. Considering what a shithole "safe"-ly red district she represents, I didn't think she had any particular reason to care even with vote losses from a shutdown.

She was told to do this. There is no realization.

Or she's jealous that someone else is fucking Trump so she's causing problems.

The Earth exploding and everyone waking up in a new timeline, having absorbed our prime selves, is somehow more likely now than it was 5 years ago.

No way she is involved in the Russian election interference case and is trying to pull a tim pool

Putin said he wants Harris to win, she took that literally 😂

Putin consistently underestimates women. He was happy Hillary was secretary of state until she gave vocal support to the Ukrainian Revolutions in 2014 that ousted his puppet. He assumed CIA was pulling her strings or operating through her so tried to burn that bridge. Trump was a resounding failure at implementing long term policies to benefit Russia, so now he's banking on Harris being passive in foreign policy.

Is she trying to distance herself from the maga side of the party after seeing the polls predicting a big defeat this election?

Very strange to see.

My spitball theory is that she sees this new Loomer person coming to eat her lunch as token crazy maga lady, so she's trying to get off her sinking ship.

Priority #1 is always to remain elected so that you can stay "on the take".

She doesn't want to miss a paycheck.

Congress always gets paid. They're "essential."

I wonder if there's any way that could be changed by executive action? If the government gets shut down, Congresspersons don't get paid. Their aides and support staff are essential because they do the real work, but they don't get paid until they pass a budget....?