Did everyone stick to yesterday's agenda?

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 473 points –

Shit I forgot lunch

I get it, the gay frog seminar can go long sometimes.

I feel like this happens every year. We really should start scheduling it to end at 11:30 to account for a bit of bleed over. A lot of us rely on dead-on timing when it comes to eating. Hell, it's all most of us can think about when it's 11 already. Anyways, I feel like this one is off to a great start already.

Whoa, hold the fuck up: I'm not sitting through a three and a half hour seminar for anything

It's actually several seminars. For historical reasons presentations from gay frogs, lesbian frogs, bisexual frogs, etc. Are all grouped under "gay frog seminar"

Is there going to be a seminar on how to convert children to a life of Hedonism simply by proximity to your sheer existence?

I think that's implied by the gates of hell opening first thing.

Damnit! I missed the Dance Rave again!

It's pride month, friend! It's dance rave parties every day!

I woke up at 6 to get a head start on desecration, but then I had a bbq to attend later so I got way off schedule. I really need to be on the ball today if I want to destroy the sanctity of straight marriage and groom children by telling them that they're valid and deserving of love no matter how they identify. It's a lot of work for a Sunday, honestly.

Speed Walking Workshop at 10:30pm? This is blasphemy!

If I'm always threatening human dignity and causing corruption, chaos and confusion, am I required to go to these seminars?

I missed most of it. I was busy in Kvatch all day. It’s a shame, I really could have used that speedwalking class

They didn’t put my CRUCIFIX MASTURBATION seminar on the agenda again this year. Homophonic !!1

Threatening Human Dignity

Why would you violate Article 1 of the German Constitution?

Really not a fan of speed walking. So in stead I went home and painted rainbow colors on my bigoted neighbor's door. Wonder if I turned him gay..

I was wondering when the gay would frog the seminar.

Yesterday from 1 - 3 i was with my family at my parents in law... Guess yes... i was at that lecture about lesser human dignity.