The rent is too dang high in Cities: Skylines 2, so the devs nuked the landlords

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The rent is too dang high in Cities: Skylines 2, so the devs nuked the landlords

Forgive my ignorance, but an apartment where the landlord is removed and people just pay building maintenance is... a condominium, no?

If they don’t individually own the property but pay for upkeep and there is no landlord… that’s a housing cooperative, no?

I grew up in a community co-op! It was so great

It's more like co-owning. Both the owner and the HOA own the property. But at least with my HOA the agreement is they handle everything outside my walls, I handle everything inside.

I didn’t know about the co-ownership. That makes HOA stories make more sense.

HOA is just a name, they take many many forms. My grandparents neighborhood for example has an HOA that collects dues and the dues are used to pay to have the roads repaved or fixed when damaged, and that's it. No upkeep rules or anything like that, and there's only a handful of houses in their small neighborhood that look bad from the outside, but that's those people's business

If they don’t individually own the property but pay for upkeep and there is no landlord… that’s a housing cooperative, no?

Squatter mansion.

Depends who owns it / who payed to have it constructed. If the tenets own it and payed to have it constructed, or payed someone who payed someone... Then it's a condo or a co-op depending on whether you own a unit in the building or own x% of the building which entitles you to a unit.

If another organization, almost always some form of government, payed to have it constructed and owns it then it is public housing.

If it's anything like cities skylines original, houses just pop up according to demand with seemingly no construction cost calculated, probably because it would add a ton more complexity with mortgages and speculative markets etc. for little gain to players who mostly just want to play with trains and metros.

I would have preferred to have it solvable through policy or something. A giant business, with high earning employees would of course raise the average rent if not regulated. I find it rather amusing, that it actually happened in the game as well without being explicitly build in.

My thoughts exactly. Although. Reality is often stranger than fiction. So who knows what’s coming next for us 😆

This week in "simulations trying to mimic reality end up showing why the socialists are right"

Yeah; seeing this pop up on my feed so close to another story about the increasing concentration of wealth to landlords in Canada made me both chuckle and then sigh.

Making people in society feel like they own nothing and are getting milked by those few who do own everything is a good way to see things break down, it's happening real time, we're watching it right now in the US.

Wow no thanks, I will decide if and when I replace the roof of my house and who will do it and how. I would really fucking hate the condominium approach of making that a collective decision. That's why I want nothing other than detached homes, in the forest sepatated by 300-400 meter to the next one !

My wife and I just bought my first home this week. The market is fucking brutal. You think you're getting in early to view a new listing and there are ten other realtors' cards already on the kitchen table. Made the highest offer? Fuck you. This guy out of Vancouver offered market price with zero conditions. House is old as hell and really should have had an inspection. OH WELL! SUCK A DICK! 🤷

We wound up getting exactly what we had been waiting for. House was on the market for 13 hours, we were the first to make an offer, sellers accepted almost immediately. Inspection went well. Detached home in a cozy little cul-de-sac. Lush back yard with a high, solid fence. Dude, I can't fucking wait. I've been in a townhouse with a back 40 that looks like the dormatories of a Russian mining complex.

There is nothing like owning your own home. Spatially separated from the next one

Sure the ecofash commieblock enthusiasts downvoted me because they would prefer us all living in austere and efficient concrete pods so we emit less carbon as they pay us subsistence wages.

And I really wish we could swap homes on a whim and really be home anywhere instead of this musical chair bullshit.