When will America stop worshipping the Christian god in favor of legit worshipping companies?

sociablefish@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 71 points –

This question is a joke. Also, the mods should add a joke tag to allow dumb answers.


Americans worship Supply Side Jesus

but then there’s also plenty of arguments that most Christians worldwide worship the Church not Jesus

Indeed. Wasn't one of the commandments to avoid false idols and stuff? And wasn't one of Jesus' things about you being able to directly pray to god or something? Just saying, the church is and always has been a scam, a political institution used to better control the masses, especially applicable in large population nations and empires (like the Roman Empire), loosely based on ideas of some guys' teachings. And that's the case for all organised religion.

there are stories that in the Councils to determine which gospels to include in the New Testament, one of the first gospels to be deemed heretical was one where Jesus argued against the establishment of a church …

Do you have a link on that? that genuinely sounds like an interesting thing to read into

heads up, there’s a reason I labeled them “stories” (certainly not something you can confirm through the church) – most of the stories come up as “secret knowledge” within the various esoteric/hermetic/gnostic sects and usually make reference to the Gospel of Mary Magdalene

  • possibilities include
    • most likely, Gospel of Mary, part of the Berlin Codex – somewhere between 100 and 150 CE maybe
    • less likely, Dialogue of the Saviour, part of the Nag Hammadi library – maybe 150 CE
  • two main councils for determining the New Testament (and remember they didn’t have carbon dating to determine authenticity)
  • we do know
    • the 12 disciples were sexist
    • Mary Magdalene was a single noble lady – a perfect target for misogynistic slander painting her as a prostitute

Wait, does your story include that the council found it preferable to say the Son of God, King of the Jews, legitimate heir of King David, hangs out with a prostitute than with a noble woman?

Considering that we're talking about powerful men, that wanted to remain exactly that: powerful men, and not have their authority questioned by women, yes, yes they did.

more insipid than that – that he would rather spend time with her instead of his “best buds” was clearly not right, so she must’ve been cheating – and if she was a proper woman, she would’ve been married already, something must be wrong with her …

Tags don't exist in Lemmy, so it's not something we can add to the community. How about adding [joke] or [non-serious answers only]?

tags don't exist in Lemmy

But Lemmy is open source. The framework could be added so everyone could have tags.

That's indeed a wonderful thing about open source software. It doesn't necessarily solve this person's question, though.

1 more...

We don't worship the Christian god. If you look at a US dollar bill, this is explained quite clearly.
In God We Trust.
This is printed right there, on our real god: money.

Blasphemer! "Money" is always spelled with a capital letter! or are you not a capitalist?

God money will do anything for you.

Our Money, which art in our wallet.
Hallowed be thy buying power.
Thy interest come, thy inflation be done.
In our bank accounts as it is in the Fed.
Buy us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our impulse buys
as we forgive those who advertise against us.
And lead us not into poverty
but deliver us from want.
For thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the wealth
for ever and ever.

This is gooood! It's it original? (sorry not meaning to be a dick)

I feel like it weekend slightly around impulse buys and advertising, but otherwise I love it!

Yup, just made it up on the spot. Granted, I had to use Wikipedia to remind me of the original text of the Lord's Prayer. It's been a few decades since I broke away from the indoctrination of my youth.

They prefer to be called the primal forces of nature.

Sadly, I'm old enough to remember when that movie was a blistering satire and not nostalgia for a simpler time.

As an atheist, I had to ask myself how I know people are worshiping a god. In the US, it seems to boil down to a few things:

  1. Giving money to an organization in order to participate with the community

  2. Showing obedience to authority by allowing them to dictate some (but not all) of one's behavior

  3. Being hyper-focused on how the organization got to where it is today and whether what they do today aligns with its initial values and goals

  4. Performing rituals in hopes of causing specific outcomes

Based on this, I am already worshiping Apple.

I would argue that nobody gives money to their church as a form of community participation. Rather, they give money in the hope that they can buy their way to salvation or as payment to ease their guilty conscience. Probably both.

I live in Utah. Mormons are absolutely required to tithe in order to participate in temple ceremonies. I've never been LDS, but my understanding is that the accounting for how much you tithe is carefully monitored. It's also my understanding that you must participate in temple ceremonies to achieve admittance into heaven.

Your statements are correct about the practices of tithing and temple attendance. The things you mention are widely practiced among the faithful. My dear father and oldest brother attend their annual “tithing settlement” while I happily deposit an extra 10% into my savings.

So it's a cult. Not like that's any huge revelation, but there's no way anyone can claim they are NOT a cult.

I disagree woth the third one, as it implies using critical thinking to evaluate the success of an organisation, be it in a positive or negative light. I haven't heard a single strongly religious individual immediately agree that Joseph and Mohammed were p*dos, and using that as evidence to make a sound reasoning and evaluation on their religion's moral principles.

Religious people clearly use critical thinking. They just base a lot off of flawed premises.

They do use critical thinking but never apply it on their own religion, just all the others. To quote Richard Dawkins, "We're all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just take it one god further".

As someone raised in an authoritarian Calvinist belief system (albeit not in the US) it’s simpler than you think in my opinion. People in general believe whatever fits the random things they absorb into their psyches growing up as kids because being kids they have no yardstick to differentiate between fantasy and reality other than what the authority figures in their life tell them and the evidence of their own eyes. This is true whether you’re raising someone on a diet of intellectual curiosity, a diet of pernicious cult-adjacent nonsense, or anything in between. There’s a reason so many people who’ve left similar authoritarian beliefs love “The Truman Show” in my experience but it’s true for everyone.

Part of being human is that our perceptions unconsciously bend around our beliefs and that the stronger the belief the stronger the amount of bending. We all have this built-in bias towards existing beliefs to a greater level than we instinctively assume, although it’s usually a lot more obvious among authoritarian religious groups because their beliefs are so markedly different from consensus reality.

I'm pretty sure most Trump supporters already worship him more than God so it seems to be on its way 😅

They already did

Was going to say... ask any Christian what their favorite parts of America are and they'll prattle off exactly what corporations want them to say.

If you were going to choose s corporation to worship, which would it be?

I really like Costco. They have almost everything i 'need' and you can get a hot dog and a soda for $1.50.

I’m going to go pray to my wallet now for your heathen soul. May the Almighty Dollar bless you and not send you to Debt.

not send you to Debt.

What would be the Christian version of filing for bankruptcy? Are we getting rid of dischargeable debt?

We do that too. That's what our nationall holidays are about - greeting cards, candy, tires, and tvs.

They seriously watch Christmas specials all about anti-consumerism and finding the real meaning, then immediately go out and buy buy buy. Legit riots on black friday just to save a bit. It's so disconnected that it's just baffling to me. Our family has strict spending limits on gifts - if we even give them at all. We have enough stuff, keep your money

We have slowly been in the process of this for a long time. People are becoming less religious but more consumerist. Traditional religion is being replaced by influencers, celebrities, brand names, etc.

We're never going to outright call it religion but it is functioning in a similar role for our society.

Instagram is a force that gives us meaning! A sad, thin and nutrient-poor sort of meaning but it does seem to calm the shakes for some people.

Some would say it's already happened, just not completely. Corpo worship really is a thing. It's just not yet larger than Christianity, though it does affect policies much more than religious institutions.

The "God" actually is a worldwide mega-corporation, or few business in a particular market

You need to delve deeper; from what I can see, there are people worshipping not only Google and Microsoft but even Meta!

When the American republic becomes the American Empire and companies become divinely chosen aristocrats. Not an impossible outcome.

The moment "kill the other guy" becomes a legit option the whole logic changes, though, and you don't have a corporation. Businessperson to warlord is a transition you can make, as the Russians can attest to, but it's a transition.