WANNABE DICTATOR Trump Demands that All Business Execs Be FIRED If They're Not 100% Behind Trump

DevCat@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 364 points –
WANNABE DICTATOR Trump Demands that All Business Execs Be FIRED If They're Not 100% Behind Trump

On Tuesday morning Trump provided another example of his tyrannical tendencies. In a comment posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump issued a decree to the world that he imagines is attentive to his crackpot ravings. He demanded that...

"Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!"


No no no, see, ideological purging is what they say socialists do!

This must be something different, it couldn't have always been projection

A Venn diagram of the psychologies sympathetic to tankism and fascism is a perfect circle — they're all authoritarians.

Trump frequently socializes with Putin, Kim, and Orbán, while openly criticizing NATO. The company you keep says a lot about you.

Oh, man, if he's elected it's going to be a nightmare.

Project 2025. Conservatives are planning to kick off a nearly literal fascist dictatorship if Trump wins

Not nearly, just plain literal.

Weeelll they still haven't officially declared they want Trump to be Führer for life, so there's that at least

He’s already a nightmare.

He was a nightmare before he was POTUS.

I still have actual nightmares from him as POTUS.

(I wouldn’t say ptsd, I just have incredibly vivid and weird dreams.)

Action helps relieve anxiety. Donate, volunteer or help in any way you can. Above all vote, educate your friends and get them to vote.

The nightmare isn't Trump .... the nightmare are the Americans who support and enable this crap.

Once they're done with the Cheeto Mussolini the same culture of people will move on to the next wannabe fascist.

This. So much this.

It wasn't Trump who stormed the Capitol.

It wasn't Trump who threatened the lives election officials. It wasn't Trump who swatted jurors.

It was the alt-right.

Yes, but he's acting as a rallying flag to drive the alt-right together, normalizing their behavior and bringing it out into the open instead of dog whistling.

Without him, they have no lightning rod to travel towards as a coordinated group.

I'm morbidly curious if they'll be able to find another golden calf once Trump's gone. A decent chunk of their base is a cult of personality surrounding him specifically, not the GOP. If we're lucky, it will fracture them.

If it were that easy then DeSantis would have been ascendant and he's not. Ditto Mike Huckabee.

It takes a special kind of charisma to whip up a frenzy like this and Trump definitely has it.

I agree; his movement doesn’t have the ability to sustain itself without him. At the rate he’s clearly publicly deteriorating, we just need him to lose 2024 and I think we’ll be safe from the red hat cultists for a good while.

Also, many of the dimwits that fell for him (and now cannot quit him) think he's a very rich, smart, and successful businessman, and all because of a bullshit game show he was given. He's spent literally decades on self-promotion, slapping his stupid name on buildings he had nothing to do with building, failing at casinos, etc...so even before that stupid game show, he was fairly well known.

There are not too many people that fit the bill if he gets the hamberder from heaven.

Cheeto Mussolini

"Commander in chees-uh chief" -- kellyanne conway

And there’s quite a few people here on lemmy trying to make that happen.

I wouldn't count Russian Bots as people, but yeah, there's a lot of noise here trying to make sure trump wins.

And the march towards fascism continues unabated. If anything, it seems to be intensifying.

Before you all call him a dicktator, just stop and think about Donnie’s 1st AmeNDmeNT RiGhTS!!!!!

Don't felons lose rights or something?

And the "liberal media" will bothsider donnie and his fascist backers because #BidenSoOld and, well, gEnOcIdE jOe....because donnie is so young and spry and also because he'd be just great for Gaza.

That whole genocide Joe crap is extremist propaganda anyhow.

Trump should be fired... out of cannon into the sun.

But this is the most rational thing he's typed. He's proposing an idea which directly supports big businesses by reducing taxes. Ergo, if you run a business and you choose to give more money to the government (in taxes, by voting for Biden), you're not doing your job properly. And he's not entirely wrong. Sure, it's short sighted hyperbole, but it's the sanest line of reasoning I've ever seen him put out.

Again, Trump bad. Voting for Trump bad. This thing he said bad. This thing he said not tyrannical or a raving, just logical in corporate America.

The entertainment industry aside (Looking at you, Rock), I refuse to take seriously anybody who refers to themselves in the third person.

Being charitable, he's saying that he's going to massively help cooperations, and that any exec should do the morally bankrupt thing and vote for him because he (thinks) that he'll make line go up much more than Biden.

Although the more I think about it, it's hard not to see it as a not so subtle call for ideological purity. It's certainly going to rally some people

Okay but Republicans will just point to the rest of the post to prove why its not fascism in their mind.

Meh, this is similar to, "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black."

How so? Because there are literal plans in place to attempt to give him the power to make good on these threats. I don't recall any plans for there to be melanin extractors constructed when Biden takes office.

I mean people say stuff like this all the time; doesn't really mean anything. Trump has said much more damning things, and media that nitpicks everything he says can be easier to dismiss has having Trump Derangement Syndrome, or whatever.

So what, just stop mentioning it whenever he talks up his dictator fantasies? I'm sure that'd make things easier for him