Blow dart to Lemmy – 641 points –

This is great tho. Makes much less of a mess and probably has a better success rate too.

Yeah but then it’s still gonna be… wriggling

Not for long but im no roach biologist...

Unless it pierced something major(probably not) it will be wriggling for the next day at least. Trust me. I'm no roach biologist either.

I have actually done this too, I have pics of the darted roach somewhere. I think it took me 3 shots to get one to hit it.

The roach does not die from the dart, it's just going to keep moving until you pull it down and squash it or something. I wouldn't recommend it unless you just want to get some live target practice and need to kill a roach.

Husband material right there. The line forms on the right, girls.

What if they're in Britain or any of the left-hand drive countries?

In Britain you don’t form a queue. The queue forms you.

And it doesn't matter where it's located.

You'll just wind up in the queue regardless.

I'm getting some real "Fallout 3 tutorial" vibes

My dad was gifted one of these bug-a-salt salt guns for a birthday. None of us had ever had so much fun killing flies lol.


A cheap springer airsoft pistol works pretty good in my experience

Have you seen those bug asalt guns? They fire salt at them

They really only work on small flies

They can get cockroaches, but the nozzle has to be like 2.54 cm or less away from it otherwise the velocity dropoff is too great.