Millions of OnlyFans paywalls make it hard to detect child sex abuse, cops say to – 164 points –
Millions of OnlyFans paywalls make it hard to detect child sex abuse, cops say

OnlyFans told Reuters that police do not have to subscribe to investigate a creator's posts, but the platform only grants free access to accounts when there's an active investigation. That means once police suspect that CSAM is being exchanged on an account, they get "full access" to review "account details, content, and direct messages," Reuters reported.

God forbid police have to do their fucking job.

The alternative is even more frightening for cops doing their jobs. Could you imagine how little the police would get done if they had special accounts with unlimited access to every OnlyFans account? Personally if I had something like that I would probably just phase out of this reality.

unlimited access to porn? who could imagine?

Unlimited access to ✨ premium ✨ porn

Imagine thinking OnlyFans content is better than free content

Spoiler: It's not. Most of it is even wayyy worse than many things you can find for free

Some of the stuff on there is actually close to the same quality as what premium studios put out (though yeah, it's mostly really amateurish). But basically every major professional performer has bailed on the studios to do OnlyFans instead. I guess it must pay better.

Not many actresses with macromastia though, most that I know of are amateurs on onlyfans.

Could you imagine how little the police would get done if they had special accounts with unlimited access to every OnlyFans account? Personally if I had something like that I would probably just phase out of this reality

Ummm, you do know there is a website for that right?

Lol yeah, but that site only tracks photos and free videos. Paid videos are almost never on there

Honestly this sounds like something that OnlyFans should do, as a public service.

OnlyFans should do, as a public service

You expect a private enterprise to provide a public service?

Next you expect a utility not to price gouge you while making you pay for their CapEx

They want to creep on people. The don't care about the kids. They want to look at their daughter's friends or the woman down the roads account. Fuck All Cops

Can't they just pay if that's their goal?

Police is not based around low level cops, top brass wants this and pushing for it imho

It is about control

those pigs are probably the source of those accounts in the first place

Headline should read:

‘Cops upset they have to pay to jerk it like everyone else.’

These "cops" could check their local Catholic church or another place of worship, if they were looking to "detect" for child abusers.

"Jeff, why the living fuck have you tried to claim 5 femboy OnlyFans premium-tier subscriptions on your work expenses account?!"

sweating "uhhh... to... ummm... make sure it wasn't CSAM...?"

"Oh! Nice work Jeff. Very proactive. For a second I thought something dodgy might have been going on."

The headline suggests the Police are looking for comped accounts…

N-n-no, you got it all wrong, see, I was looking for work, y-y-yeah that's it!

So what will happen? Cops will get a see all account and then their will be record numbers of applicants to be a cop 😂

Man they really just want a fucking backdoor into everything huh.

Cops love the back door, it's easier to flashbang the whole family they found at the wrong address

If only fans is not encrypted, wouldn't these cops have other ways to detect and tackle csam material?

Assuming it is not encrypted, what's stopping them from doing their job? Only thing I can think of they could use as an excuse would be, accessing copyrighted materials, especially since it's under a pay wall.

Communication is encrypted, it's https.

To be fair: they probably should have access to all imagery on the clock and on surveiled computers.

Only Fans images are semi-public So I don't see a privacy issue. If someone uses the access to masturbate or pirates content they should be prosecuted, of course.

Cops being pigs does not mean they should not have basic tools. This also does not mean that every police station needs such a workstation.

It's also probably pretty easy for only fans to make software to detect and present a tiny subset of candidate streams for review. This seems like not a hard problem, Google does this already for the entire crawler accessible Internet.

I don't believe in self policing of corporate entities.

I've never had an OnlyFans account, but I do have social media accounts. I have had the distinct impression in recent years of being stalked, followed online.

However, that intensified monitoring seems to have only just begun. NCMEC just got access to OnlyFans in late 2023, the child safety group told Reuters. And NCMEC seemingly can't scan the entire platform at once, telling Reuters that its access was "limited" exclusively "to OnlyFans accounts reported to its CyberTipline or connected to a missing child case."

Bit of a side note, but why did they go with CSAM, when CP is quicker and easier to say/type?

"Pornography" implies legitimacy and consent, from what I've read.

Also "pornography" is a harder to define term, and can be "circumvented" by calling it "child erotica" or "child artistic nudity", and CSAM producers used them to get around anti-CSAM laws while they could. Today some of the distributors try to claim they're "just recordings of a crime".

Unironically I think that wording is being pushed by the porn giants to not have it associated with porn.

Though since the media, news and all that stuff don't like to use the word porn too, it made it easier to be caught on.

CP is a name from the perspective of the consumer, CSAM is a name from the perspective of the victim. Since we want to take the side of the victim, we use the term relevant to the victim.