What are your favorite news sites?

Rikudou_Sage@lemmings.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 97 points –

Regardless of the kind of news. I'm working on a TLDR bot and I'd like it to support the most used sites on Lemmy.


The Economist, Reuters, BBC, in no particular order.

Reuters and BBC were already done. It seems that Economist requires a subscription or at least registration? I'm afraid I can't help with that.

In my experience, once you make an account they will let you read a lot of articles - even without paying.

There is a lot of washington post, NY times and the guardian articles on here. Thanks for the awesome work!

Washington post added, Guardian was already there, NY Times requires an account and enabled JavaScript.

Thanks for the response and swift action! At the risk of asking an exceedingly dumb question: would it be possible to make one for archive.org? That way we could have articles from almost any source.

Can you send some link to an archive.org article? Can't find any there.

Sure! For example this one


Oh I see, no, that's sadly not possible to do universally, I have to evaluate the structure of each site to find the text content and archive basically copies the structure of the target website, meaning there's no single structure for achive.org.

Would it be possible to use the structure for the NYTimes on archive.org, as a way of bypassing the account and JavaScript requirements? Or am I misunderstanding how that would work

Thatโ€™s what I was afraid of. I was hoping the site itself would format the content in a way to make it possible. Thanks for the effort!

Improvethenews is a collection of all news sources and provides all sides of an argument. This is one of the best news aggregators.


this is what I saw from the first thing I tapped lol. If this is the โ€œbestโ€, I weep for the worst.

I for one am shocked that a site that pretty much positions itself as the lead centrists has shit takes.

It's very sad indeed that this is the "best". The only thing better would probably be specific youtubers who go get news sources for themselves. But I'm not aware of many.

I'm afraid that won't work, the autotldr bot doesn't really work with aggregators like this, it pretty much only works on articles.

I generally get my global news from BBC world news. They're pretty professional, to the point without getting sensational. Euronews is pretty good too, with a bit more focus on European events obviously. You just have to be aware they've sold their soul to Qatar. Other than that they're unbiased too.

Both are already supported in my bot! Didn't know the thing about Qatar, it sucks.

Well, I understand they have to pay for the real journalist work. So you'll occasionally see a piece about how awesome it is to get married in Qatar! If you can see through the underhanded deals, it's not a big deal. Just don't count of them mentioning human rights issues about foreign workers' working conditions in the construction sector.

Take a look at the Media Bias Chart (adfontesmedia.com) and you can find the top quality news sources.

not a website but a news aggregator app created by Instagram founders "Artifact"

out of curiosity: do you feel compelled to move over to open-source, non-algorithmic based news aggregation?

sounds interesting to me, I would definitely give it a try. artifact is not open source and it's AI powered. It seems to do a better job than a lot of news aggregators I tried before

i mostly use bruh.news for everyday news, but it doesnt have the political articles like the Trustworthy Times

No cookies gives a Rick roll instead of showing the site for bruh.news. No thanks.

If you accept cookies it will also show you rick roll

set useragent to bruhnews and it should work

apparently its an ongoing bug with the website

NBC, CBS, BBC, Axios, Reuters, and APNews. I ditched CNN a while ago. Just as long as they're not conservative, and I carefully look at whether they're corporate or not and make my take based on that.

Most of those were already supported by the bot, I added CBS and sadly I couldn't make Axios work with the bot.

For Spanish news eldiario.es and elsaltodiario.com

For Andalusian news lavozdelsur.es

Lemmy has un-ironically becomed my world news feed of preference.

Different views: www.other-news.info actualidad.rt.com www.rt.com

Kremlin propaganda is not news.

And the others (AP, AFP, BBC, etc) are not propaganda?

Everybody ought to read, watch and listen all sides and THINK and take his/her position.

Something that www.others-news.info does very well, they post all sides. Mainly those articles hidden by the Big ones.

Should I watch Leni Riefenstahl films too, to help me impartially consider all sides of the issue of genocide before I take my position on it?


Actual news of current affairs are not like history, i mean, "Riefenstahl films" is too much.

Nobody can be impartial, just more or less honest. News outlets represent different interests and you should think of this while getting information, that is all. They try to drag you in what they want you to believe in.

Any person can follow an issue from two or three opposite sides and track the development of the subject and take a more or less rational position. Refusing even hear arguments from one side could be a mistake.

I did not say impartial, just rational.

โ€œWhat will Putin do? We donโ€™t think that far,โ€ the official said. โ€œOur national strategy is that Zelensky can do whatever he wants to do. Thereโ€™s no adult supervision.โ€

I don't think this really counts as news, I won't be adding support for the sites to my bot.

It is your bot, your time and your effort, it is yo to you.