Pizza to Lemmy – 576 points –

All I understand is that your wife is 35 feet and you're 30 meter

This is a direct reference to The Quartering. A piece of shit youtuber that has an entire subreddit devoted to hating him. Also, yes, this is a thing he actually did. He was pissed his wife went to go eat pizza without him, got really drunk, started crying and actually pissed in the corner of his basement.

Uh, actually, this is a reference to my life. I did this, and Quartering copied me because he lacks imagination.

Upvoted from -1 😂

Reddit posts can't go below 0

That is pretty silly

Probably because when companies posted or commented shitty things they would get downvoted to oblivion. Spez obviously couldn't allow that

Wait, when did they do that? I remember when some EA comment broke a downvote record

Posts stop at 0, comments don't have a floor last I checked.

They don't have floor visibly but there is a limit to how much they can affect your karma

First ten comments are people posting

You should divorce her

She's not getting pizza, she's cheating on you

and links to the Men's Rights channel

Those guys are twisted. Cheating on me is one thing, getting pizza without me is seriously fucked up.

"My wife, I can forgive for you having multiple affairs. The various attempts on my life by you, all water under the bridge. Getting pizza without me? I'm asking for annulment. This marriage never happened. You are dead to me."

They have a point. Not all guys are down for sharing a dick but everyone is down with sharing a pizza

I don't know if it's good or bad that I know the joke here.

