MTG Claims Prosecuting Trump Is 'Communism' But Wants to Impeach Biden

USA to politics – 378 points –
MTG Claims Prosecuting Trump Is 'Communism' But Wants to Impeach Biden

every time I see MTG I have a moment of "what the literal fuck does a card game have to do with this?"

tfw you just realize that almost every GOP person would play Black/White Tax deck

You face off against an ugly monster who for some reason has powers even though they look like a stack of shit with teeth

Applies to both, really

This meme is socialist.

So share it around! Its free!

Now your just being a anarchist!

Hey at least I aint an anarcho-primitivist!

I aint actually an anarchist, im like 2 steps away from anarcho-syndacalists.

I’m 2 comments away from being a moistened bint lobbing a scimitar at a medieval Plantaginet

Lol. I'm just tossing out random -ists. maybe it'll be a thing and we can get some variety in the clickbait.

but also, I'm probably for the technocrats. all hail our AI overlords. (kidding.)

Surely people who need this having this for free hurts me in tangible ways I've yet to discover

Republicans went from Nixon to Reagan to George W. Bush to Sarah Palin, and finally to Trump, Pence, Marjorie Taylor Green, and Lauren Bobert... It's like they are deliberately trying to elect stupider people every year.

At this rate, by 2032 the Republican presidential nominee will be just be a brick with a Hitler mustache glued to it.

At least the brick would be better qualified than the Cheeto with a bad toupee.

Let's not forget when they shit all over their former front runner for the presidency, McCain, and lately, Romney

If the press had any balls, they would demand she define communism. They aren't demanding that and they aren't demanding any of these assholes define what woke means either.

TBF, it was Fox News. They don't have journalists.

Please please please stop giving this dipshit attention. Thats all she really wants. Shes pissed trump is getting all of the attention right now so she continues to say stupid and outlandish shit with no understanding of its meaning, solely because it gets her in articles like this. This dumb bitch needs to fuck off already.

US right wing thought process:

Anything they disagree with = Communism (the USA calling "commie" sounds straight from the lips of General Jack D Ripper to outsiders.)

Anything they agree with = Democracy

Actually right now even democracy is considered a dirty word, they even say that US isn't democracy, but a republic (ignoring what republic is).

They already started conditioning their minions, that dictatorship isn't really all that bad.

The ironic thing is that the primary reason why communism is bad is that it normally comes together with totalitarism, and that's what they essentially arguing for.

They like to throw "woke" around too.

"What am I mad about today???....hmmmmm....books!....books are woke!"

Her entire political career is based on saying loud dumb shit, no policy, no progress just REEEEE. She'd disappear tomorrow if everyone decided to stop paying attention to her

I wouldn't be surprised if that's the goal. While everyone's listening to her deranged rambling, the other scumbags are probably scheming in the shadows.

Ignoring her would definitely be the best thing.

If prosecuting Trump is "communism" then sign me up for communism.

Sign me up either way. I’ll gladly take democratic ownership of corporations over our current stage of managerial feudalism anyday.

Communism definitely has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, but the Republican Party just label everything they don't like "communism" and "socialism." Sometimes they even throw a "radical" in there. Words have lost all meaning.

It having its pros and cons isn't really a counter-argument for its adoption as our economic model.

Didn't say it was. But MTG obviously does not know anything about communism is she thinks prosecuting Trump is communism.

Its reactionary bullshit. Republicans have just become the "anti-democrats"

correction they are anti-democratic and pro facists

Everyone here knows she's well aware it doesn't mean anything, right? To the fascists it's just a buzzword they use to rile up their base.

For MTG and conservatives in general, woke or communism just means "(the acts of) people we don't like"

I think people should throw this stuff back at them.

MTG is communism. Canceling student debt forgiveness is woke. Stopping aid to Ukraine is part of the trans-agenda.


Bloody right principles.

While I think this is true to a degree, I also think they do operate consistently along some warped principles as well - for instance: "No one can tell me what to do, but I can tell others". Prosecuting Trump is Communism because he's above criticism as the Leader, and thus all these court proceedings must be a bad-faith effort to remove him from power pre-emptively. The inverse applies to Biden - nothing he does is seen in good faith, and every bad thing imaginable about him MUST be true.

yeah well she was probably pass info to jan. 6th rioters and should be in prison

I wish people would stop giving Nazi barbie attention, she knows what she's saying is bullshit, even she's not as stupid as she sounds.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

But Marjorie Taylor Greene took it to the extreme, as she is wont to do, claiming that with the indictments of Donald Trump, “Americans are actually seeing what communism really looks like.”

But I hope that the amount of overwhelming evidence that has come out and continues to pour out will convince those members that are still on the fence.”

Bartiromo then went on to make a specious argument of her own, claiming that the Trump indictments are some kind of distraction from news about Biden’s alleged corruption.

Bartiromo’s allegation — that prosecutors are somehow coordinating their indictments of Trump to distract from Hunter Biden news — would require a massive conspiracy among attorneys across the country.

The timeline is also laughable, with charges against the former president coming sometimes multiple weeks after news broke about Biden’s son.

And the allegations Bartiromo cites against Hunter Biden are often uncorroborated or unverified, unlike much of the evidence in the indictments against Trump.

I'm a bot and I'm open source!

What does this ugly pig looking bitch want to impeach him for

The two things they apparently want to impeach him for is being Hunter Biden's father and having fewer illegal immigrants coming to the border than during the Trump administration.