Climate scientists flee Twitter [to Mastodon] as hostility surges to – 15 points –
Climate scientists flee Twitter as hostility surges

EDIT: I didn't notice in the original post, the article is from 2023

cross-posted from:

Researchers have documented an explosion of hate and misinformation on Twitter since the Tesla billionaire took over in October 2022 -- and now experts say communicating about climate science on the social network on which many of them rely is getting harder.

Policies aimed at curbing the deadly effects of climate change are accelerating, prompting a rise in what experts identify as organised resistance by opponents of climate reform.

Peter Gleick, a climate and water specialist with nearly 99,000 followers, announced on May 21 he would no longer post on the platform because it was amplifying racism and sexism.

While he is accustomed to "offensive, personal, ad hominem attacks, up to and including direct physical threats", he told AFP, "in the past few months, since the takeover and changes at Twitter, the amount, vituperativeness, and intensity of abuse has skyrocketed".


I already accepted we’re already dead because oil & gas companies figured how to use doubt and false science to create a confusion among the general public (aided by the mass conservative Murdoch /Boloré media lol)…

It’s like tobacco companies in the 50s but we can’t afford so many years to wake the fuck up.

Yeah. I've been mourning the loss of Earth's future for some time now. It's very sad.

That said, we are not in a simple binary fucked vs fine situation. It's a sliding scale. So even though things are very bad, we can always still take action to make them less bad. That is never not an option.

What do you mean? If it makes you feel any better, the Earth will be fine. Has been for a couple billion years. We did this to ourselves :(

Smoking companies still are with vaping (vaping companies literally sell to kids over the Internet and people literally are arguing it's safe and healthy)

Which unfortunately shows that people don't learn

X needs to start getting banned by governments and official governmental channels need to be moving out.

X is such a shitty social network, or at least its really disorganized, I get porn and gore in my home page without following people who share that kind of content, That doesn't happen even in 4chan

We should as a community ensure Twitter\X lives forever..

If only as a place to keep certain social media users “entertained”

In all seriousness it does concern me how often I see such a wide variety of news agencies quote Twitter considering the amount of hate that goes on there

The irony of climate scientists ignoring a problem and waiting until it's far to late to do something is honestly pretty funny..

At this point it's wholly on you if you're still using twitter.

You'd think smart people like science nerds would have left the Nazi bar ages ago.

It's because the news media industry as a whole has stuck with Twitter as their primary social media site. It's kinda hilarious how much they seem to like it and how much time they spend there.

That's dangerous. Look at what Fox is doing, as an entertainment company, to US politics across the country.

Ever since Nitter died I haven't paid any attention to anything on musks' little fiefdom at all.

I wish the political economics guys would move... I really miss Tim Sahay/70sbachchan & Mark Blyth.

The size of Twitter’s user base and its ubiquitous use by celebrities and the media gave the platform an air of legitimacy that is what Musk vaporized his billions to get. He obviously didn’t value the brand or the workforce.

We need that false sense of legitimacy to keep getting chipped away in the eyes of mainstream society.

Honestly not sure why anybody gives two fucks about celebrities anyways, some are okay but the underground scene has the realist people, because they live in the real world. Seeing through the illusions that what people think or believe in regards to some highly regarded opinions because somebody is popular due to 'pop culture' is a blessing. I say let Elon Musk have them. I'm not going to read it. Only twitter I read is the twitter cross-post spam of screenshots people post.

Zuckerberg telling us all what we already knew about being pressured to censor COVID, Hunter Biden, and whatever other posts goes to show left is evil, right is swinging around monkey bars like school children. Social media is a giant playground where everybody's being swayed by their emotions and being tricked and lead around likes horses.

It's crazy.

At least Elon's having fun with it all.

The Franklin Standards need to be on everyone’s radar. They don’t want your kids to learn about climate change.

Explain how and why Earth’s climate changes over time.

Climate changes continually at all time scales and Earth’s climate has never remained constant.

The Earth's climate has varied greatly between glacial advances and retreats that correlate with cyclical oscillations in Earth's orbit around the Sun (Milankovitch Cycles, precession).

In addition to being affected by the climate, the biosphere also has a significant effect on the climate, including self-regulation and resiliency (carbon-oxygen cycle, hydrological cycle).

Humans are just one of the many influences on Earth’s climate (urban heat island effect, wetland drainage, deforestation, agriculture).

Computer models of climate are simplified simulations of the real world, and make prognostications that are inherently uncertain.

Global weather forecast models (short term) and climate models (long term) are quite different in their design, their strengths, weaknesses, value, limitations, and uncertainties.

The wording is subtle, but you can see how they are attacking the idea of anthropogenic climate change. (There’s similar fuckery with evolution and some subtle anti-trans stuff.) Oil and gas companies have a lot of money and can afford a lot of propaganda. No states have adopted these standards yet - we think Florida and Texas will go first, then Oklahoma will follow. But this information warfare.

Humans are just one of the many influences on Earth's climate

Proceeds to list a bunch of other things that are the fault of humans.

You can find utterly vile replies from blue checks on that site now, even on the most heavenly, innocent, morally correct tweet. It's insane.

I just wish there were a way to preserve these records in a format with enough longevity to survive until the next sapient species evolves after we destroy ourselves and the human habitability of the planet for a couple million years.

They could use the warning against indulging greed and willful ignorance, and we deserve to have others laughing at our species' expense through time. We inherited paradise just to set it on fire eyes wide open. It's an extremely low bar, but I hope the next global apex predator chooses to do better.

We're currently rhyming with history from less than 100 years ago (the rise of fascism), I don't think having a warning is enough to prevent it from happening again.

The dumb masses always eventually follow the smart people. Reddit was full of mostly smart people in the beginning, if you can believe that.

And this is why I'm perfectly happy with Lemmy being the size that it is. There certainly are trade-offs - I wish niche communities were bigger - but is it worth bringing in all the other crap that comes in, like all the shit you see on Twitter? No, in my opinion.

Among the sad stories about climate scientists having to deal with misinformation and abuse on the regular, suddenly, a unicorn: a statement purportedly by Musk that I wholeheartedly agree with:

Musk wrote in January: "People on the right should see more 'left-wing' stuff and people on the left should see more 'right-wing' stuff. But you can just block it if you want to stay in an echo chamber."

Of course with the average Xitter post becoming ever more toxic, most people that have anything of value to add will probably leave sooner or later, whether lefties or righties or whatever.

I have no clue why all these normal, non-racist non-political people still use twitter. It was bought for the obvious purpose of providing a safe space for conservatives, racists, incels, and other outcasts to society. Mastodon is a perfect replacement for it, and you can pick an instance that suits you. It isn't owned by a mentally unstable billionaire!

The otherwise sensible people I know who are still on Twitter all say it's because of a specific interest or group, and the community of people around it who are all on there as well. They all hate what it's become but put up with it because nobody is sure where else to go.

There's also a sense of FOMO when it comes to realtime news updates. Until government, news media, and personalities go somewhere and take all their followers with them, it will be hard to break away.

Idk either. But it’s really easy to stay where you’re used to, rather than do the work to set something new up

Twitter hasn't dropped below the critical mass of users necessary for the system to become useless. It's still a major artery of media and social commerce, just one that's been littered with landmines. Yes, its far more dangerous and difficult to navigate now, but its still better than posting into the uninhabited wilderness that is Bluesky or the exact same basket of shitty engagement posts that is Threads.

Counterpoint: Twitter will continue to maintain a critical mass of users until enough people move somewhere else to make it irrelevant. Continuing to use it only serves to further credentialize the platform, making it even less likely that users will find a new home someplace else.

I agree with this assessment for the most part but one side of me plays devil’s advocate on this:

I sort of came to realize in the end that it was possibly purchased to push all leftists off the platform, allowing Musk to compete with Google and Facebook in heavily manipulating and censoring discourse in American society (and let’s be clear, they did. Just because it was an attempt to help “the good guys in the DNC” by Google and Facebook doesn’t make it not an open and shut case of treasonous manipulation of discourse.

As an absolutely prolific Twitter user pre-2016, I was very quick to leave….but at the same time, I eventually came to the sad conclusion that Xitter (pronounced Shitter) actually does need leftist voices as long as it exists. IMO, it (and Google and Facebook) should be dissolved, open sourced, decentralized, and socialized for the crime of treason/undermining democracy.

We (people of the fediverse with a strong sense of integrity) basically fled to our own decentralized, open source platform where we have 1 millionth of the reach with our voices. Being around such a cesspool where astroturfers working for Progressive think tanks and their conservative buddies would gaslight me about the popularity of things like Single Payer or student loan reform…which was not great for my well-being…But let’s not pretend that leftists that remain on the platform are bad people for doing so. An echo chamber has a way of brainwashing people. So, conservatism would be even stronger had more of our brethren not stayed.

Just a small counterpoint. I strongly dislike conservatism and the conservative ethos of “fuck you, got mine”…but perhaps they were playing 4D chess with us a bit.

Reality: you can stop fascism by deleting the app

Everyone: doesn’t

Oh, i didnt know this was like IT. i'll tell my russians friends just to ignore putin's regime

If by ignore, you mean stop paying taxes and working in any capacity for government in one go, yes would work. The only fear is being singled out, if more than 0.5% of the people do it, army wont even have the guts to get tanks out, they will join.

No. Dunno where did you take that 0.5% from, it's not empirically confirmed by anything.

Like 20% if you want to see civil war. Like 40% if you want to see regime change.

There is the semi-usually-known research that suggests 3.5% is enough for non-violent protests to reach changes.

0.5% is 1 in 200 people, essentially everyone knowing personally one person who is against the government. Maybe it isn't enough.

But also, 0.5% homogenously (instead of country-wide being concentrated in Moscow), would be 600k people peacefully marching in Moscow streets

It doesn't work. It's some urban legend that this is sufficient. Even those 600k may or may not be stopped by a threat of real ammo being used. I'm not even talking about coordination.

One can "prove" anything with selectively chosen statistics.

They werent selectively chosen. " An original, aggregate data set of all known major nonviolent and violent resistance campaigns from 1900 to 2006 is used to test these claims." As well as any researcher who isn't a complete buffoon would only look at statistics that has only a 2-3 sigma chance of only being stochastic noise.

The set of indicators, of course, was selectively chosen. The authors, of course, have decided which of these they consider important and which don't, that is, decided upon weights and criteria.

That is complete unfounded fluff words. No paper would be published if it was biased and as selective as you say. Look at the paper at least briefly and we can discuss.

I think you can download it here:

Of interest maybe would be the indicators of a campaigns success:

The outcomes of these campaigns are identiªed as “success,” “limited success,” or “failure.” To be designated a “success,” the campaign must have met two criteria: (1) its stated objective occurred within a reasonable period of time (two years) from the end of the campaign; and (2) the campaign had to have a discernible effect on the outcome.40 A “limited success” occurs when a campaign obtained signiªcant concessions (e.g., limited autonomy, local power sharing, or a non-electoral leadership change in the case of dictatorship) although the stated objectives were not wholly achieved (i.e., territorial independence or regime change through free and fair elections).41 A campaign is coded a “failure” if it did not meet its objectives or did not obtain signiªcant concessions.42

No paper would be published if it was biased and as selective as you say.

That is incredibly naive of you and truly points to your lack of credibility.

  1. You completely disregarded the paper.
  2. Completely disregarded peer review as a thing without any grounding.
  3. Went ad hominem as a hail marry.


Tell me more about how antivax scientists didn't successfully publish a paper with tons of biases and nonsensical findings.

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The goal posts were not moved at any point. It was a discussion of the situation, as it is.

Please look at the paper you refer to: It was only retracted because of "In particular, the claims in the original paper that children were “consecutively referred” and that investigations were “approved” by the local ethics committee have been proven to be false. Therefore we fully retract this paper from the published record." It was retracted due to fraud. I don't think it's in any way wise to blame the possibility of fraud on the peer review process. Just as fraud can happen in any field because some people decide to pathologically lie.

However, besides the fraudulent ethics, the paper is fine, and as always previously reiterated multiple times. All it says are a bunch of maybes. It makes no extraordinary claims, it holds no conclusive proof, just a lot of "this maybe hints to something". The paper is publishable.

The actual scandal was caused by the Wakefield lying profusely in media.

These are two different things: what Wakefield said in media, and what Wakefield said in the paper. You should separate them.

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