Trump’s on Truth Social MAKING NO SENSE AT ALL AGAIN to politics – 208 points –
Trump’s on Truth Social MAKING NO SENSE AT ALL AGAIN | Arwa Mahdawi

We are all now so desensitised to Trump that it can be easy to forget he lacks the ability to string a sentence together. Yet he’s frighteningly close to being back in charge

Ladies, are you DEPRESSED and UNHAPPY? Do you feel POORER and LESS HEALTHY than you did four years ago? Do you pray one day your little woman brain will NO LONGER BE THINKING ABOUT ABORTION all the time? Well, don’t worry, Donald Trump is going to FIX ALL OF THAT.

So he says, anyway. At 11.42pm on Friday night Trump flexed his fingers, hit the all-caps key, and ranted on Truth Social about how UNHAPPY women are under the Biden administration. What happened at 11.41pm to prompt this, I wonder? Did he get a preview of some new polls which show him trailing Kamala Harris, partly thanks to a historic gender gap that sees Harris leading among women 58% to 37%? Did Trump decide, in his infinite wisdom, that the best way to fix this was an all-caps rant? Because I am not sure that is a winning strategy.

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I wonder why women would be "more depressed and unhappy than they were four years ago", and "less optimistic and confident in the future than they were four years ago"? Might it possibly have something to do with what his women-hating appointees have done in the last four years? No, must be Biden's fault. /s

Apart from, you know, everything else, I find it remarkable that he's not actually addressing women, but writing about them in the third person.
As if he was saying "Men, vote for me, and I'll make your women happy again." That women have agency themselves simply doesn't occur to him.

He is a serial rapist so that is about as on-brand as it gets.

He’s telling men their women are safe from aborting their children or leaving them. Pretty soon we’ll see laws about rape forgiveness if the man agrees to marry the woman, without her consent of course.

Motherfucker is still going on about executing babies lol. What a fucking psycho.

Is his caps lock key broken

Also I can't get over the "ReTruths" counter lmao

Someone sent this to truth social instead of the teleprompter. Though I always figured his teleprompter was just showing pictures of various bullshit he wants to rant about.

Bruh. I would have never noticed that, so thanks for bringing it up. 5.21k does look like a “biglier” number than 5,210 if you’re a fucking idiot I guess.

Ronald Reagan was a super shitty president, and we're still dealing with the ramifications of his administration. Trump can fuck right off with his bullshit and all-caps "mentally-stable genius" rants. He needs a locked padded room and a therapist.

It's either "with the states" or "with powerful exceptions," you can't dictate both.

But his base is too dumb to understand. I'm actually kind of shocked the Overton window has shifted enough that "powerful exceptions" are in the Republican position.

"Again" implies that at one point he was making sense.

No actual quotes. They expect me to go to truth social? Come on.

When was he making sense before?

When what should have been reasonable, rational, somewhat-intelligent people deliberately and of their own free will voted for unhinged, unqualified chaos.

That's what that's code for, anyway.

Again with the bullshit claim of “executing babies after they are born”. What brain dead Fox viewers actually believe that bullshit (A: a shockingly high number, that’s who)

I argued with family about this more than once since the debate, and it's endlessly frustrating. I work in the medical field. I've worked mother/baby. Still takes way to long to impress on them that this not only isn't happening, but any remotely similar story they hear is someone twisting the worst day of hopeful parents' lives around to support their political bias. Real people having their tragedy flagrantly lied about, and being painted as baby killers, for no good reason. It's disgusting.

Still no idea if I've gotten through, but they seem to have stopped bringing it up for now.

Oh. You know it's "don't bring this up around Tommy. You know how he gets about this" like it's somehow a 'you' thing and not a 'what the hell are you people talking about' thing .

He had a whole speech at a rally meant to appeal to women. Instead, he outlined the toxic backwards of the entire Trump ticket and gave what is probably best described as a “milady” speech.


I can’t speak for everyone, but playing the probabilities, I’m going to say his entire speech was a cue to excuse yourself to the ladies room, give the safety word to bartender, and flee out the back. To anyone not already skeeved out by the guy.


But the guy is guilty of sexual assault and hung out with Epstein. This is probably what he really believes is a great appeal to women.

He says this shit because he knows you will spread it. It doesn’t matter if you or the rest of us believe it so long as someone out there does. This shit gets him votes.

I hope you know this.

"your little woman brain"


Just a heads up that that isn't something they quoted Trump as saying, that's just some hyperbole the author opened this piece up with. It's definitely not productive, especially in lieu of an actual quote from Trump...

Why hyperbolize the truth that’s already so extreme? Yay for making impressions over expressing meaningful truth. If you’re trying to garner reasonable thought, what’s the point if not profit off clicks and views?

As we say in our household… “wahhhh.” lol.

Im guessing republican voters are not voting for this guy cause of what he says or does; but for what they are being told the democrats are doing. They are mostly being lied to and don't have the energy to find out for themselves. That is what's going on, right?

Democrat voters are just forced to vote democrat because of this guy wanting to dismantle democracy, invite corruption, sell the country and convert it to corpotocracy.

It's a cult.

"Don't believe the evidence of your eyes and ears was the final, most essential command."

The felon awaiting sentencing would have women know, it would seem, that he can fix the challenges they're facing.

But one might argue he is the cause for much of that heartache and death.