Wagner mercenary chief's plane was fine on radar until last 30 seconds

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 269 points –

Well yes that’s how time works. Before something happens, the thing hasn’t yet changed..

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There’s video footage of missile trace remnants intercepting the plane’s flight path. That thing got shot down.

What’s less clear is whether prigozhin got offed, or if it was more along the lines of him faking his death.

How do we know that’s “the” plane rather than some rando?

Not arguing anything here. I’m genuinely curious.

At the end

Online flight tracker Flightradar24 last recorded the position of the aircraft at 3:11 p.m. GMT, before the crash. Jamming or interference in the area probably slowed the collection of further location data.

Other data continued for nine minutes. Flightradar24 said the jet went thorough a series of ascents and descents of a few thousand feet each over 30 seconds before its final, disastrous plunge. Flightradar24 received its final data on the jet at 3:20 p.m.

If your airplane suffers sudden decompression and you get sucked out a window, would it technically be a defenestration?

Maybe but might be a stretch. Defenestration refers to the act of throwing someone/something out of a window. We have to consider the pressure "throwing" instead of sucking you out, which might be acceptable since the pressure inside the plane is greater and ends up pushing you out of the window in it's escape. From the perspective that you're sucked out of the window, it doesn't seem like the definition would apply.

I'll believe it in a couple of years if he doesn't turn up having faked his death again.

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"After a failed orbital adjustment resulted in a negative perigee, Wagner leadership has ceased its existence as a result of a collision with the Earth litosphere", according to Rocosmos Airlines.

All part of Russia's Special Assisted Descent Operation.

And then what happened?

Another billionaire dies a stupid death. Maybe we should start a Darwin Awards category just for the ultra rich?

Interesting take. I would have gone for "A known enemy of Putin suddenly dies in a plane crash over Russian airspace."

"plane crash"

At least it isn’t another freak autodefenestration. Those were starting to get boring.

Not like it's unprecedented for them to blow up a plane, but yeah, they were definitely getting stuck in a defenestration rut these last few years interspersed with people "getting sick".

If you think about it, blowing up a plane in flight is just the highest possible form of defenestration.

You are correct. Doesn't make it an unstupid death though.

Well, well, well. If it isn’t the consequences of my actions!

  • Wagner guy probably

Being over Russian airspace was the stupid move here.

Definitely. Expecting to live after calling off the coup was the stupid move here. He crossed the Rubicon when he seized Rostov. After that, it was win or die and he ruled out winning. It wasn't hard to figure out what would happen next.