16-Year-Old Girl In Coma After Alleged Assault Over Hijab Rules In Iran Metro

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 625 points –
16-Year-Old Girl In Coma After Alleged Assault Over Hijab Rules In Iran Metro

Fucking hell, what a backwards country. How hard is it to just let people wear/not wear what they want? Fuck!

Because sky daddy says women and jews are bad and we have to listen to sky daddy.

Would be real nice if this supposed Omni benevolent god came down here and kicked the shit out of his misbehaving kids. You know, like a parent is supposed to do.

I would love for skydaddy to come and punish all these extremist religious people.

Of course, we all know sky daddy is an invention for expansion of kingdoms and control of people.

The times I feel the most of a failure as a parent is when my kids fight.

Which to me is proof that even if skydaddy were real it is totally alien in outlook to us or just doesn't care. Either way not worth bothering with.

I am confused - are you still talking about Iran here, or the US? Because I seem to recall a bunch of recent legislation in the US that wants to regulate how people may dress (topic of crossdressing / discriminating against transgenders).

The morality members want it this way. They feel moral doing this.

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What a coincidence... She "fainted", probably just by coincidence when the burka gestapo came.

Religion of peace!

This is patriarchy, not religion.

If is is patriarchy, it is caused by religion.

Just a coincidence that every single religion came up with it, and China retains it despite having got rid of religion.

Yeah, that makes loads of sense. Sure you're right. Carry on, nothing to see here.

Religion = Patriarchy

No religion =/= No Patriarchy

Don't get confused.

Religion is a tool that comes in very handy for patriarchy. And all major religions are patriarchal because patriarchy came first. But religion is not a necessary nor sufficient condition for patriarchy to flourish. Patriarchy twists everything to its own purpose. That's the whole suffocating thing about power. It can protect itself like nothing else can.

I agree that it went like this:

Patriarchy -> Religion -> Patriarchy

I'll never understand why women nowadays are still servant of religion. "Yes, ill serve my man. I'm nothing but a baby carrier". It's crazy.

People make decisions with constrained choices. If you're a woman livng in a patriarchal society which limits your ability to earn an income, and will demonise you for not staying home with your children, then you need to reliably attach yourself to a man who can earn the income you can't. That's how the marriage bar was justified. (Middle-class) married women were denied (white collar) employment to make more room for men to advance their careers. And why there are mixed feelings about divorce. Being trapped in marriage is no fun but neither is being abandoned with limited ability to earn a living alone.

Hostile sexism tends to co-exist with benevolent sexism. In places where there is a lot of anti-woman sexism, the women tend to hold more hostile and more benevolent views of men (eg men are violent therefore I need a big strong man to protect me).

If cancer were cured tomorrow people would still eventually die, just not from cancer. That doesn't mean that cancer does not kill.

Yes there are shit governments and oppressive societies that, on paper at least claim, to be secular. That doesn't mean religions are blameless and not the source of immense human suffering.

Well, exactly? Cancer is a sometimes fatal disease. But it is not the only way that people die. So someone looking at a fatal road traffic accident and cursing cancer for it is not saying anything profound or useful, they're just very confused.

Ok but I am pretty freaken sure if you listen to what the Iranian government has to say they are crystal clear about why they are doing this.

I don't grasp the mystery here but I have seen it since 2001. We keep saying "this isn't Islam this isn't religion" when the people doing this horrific stuff are clear that it is Islam and it is religion. The only one doubting the motivations, effectively calling them liars, are western apologists.

That does not contradict anything I've said. And why are you singling out Islam when every single religion is used to justify awful things by people who just want to do awful things.

Sorry did you not read my multiple screeds against other religions in this thread or did you just not care?

Also fuck that logic. I am not an EEO ranting provider. I don't have to make sure that every religion gets equal amount of time being yelled at. I hope you enjoyed your BBC documentary about how really peaceful Islam secretly is.

Yeah, Lemmy is designed around topics, not people. I did not go and read every post in your history before responding. Sorry about that.

I am not a fan of religion. But it is a social construct. It exists because people need to find ways to explain and bring order to the world around them. It attracts people who crave certainty and leaders who wish to dominate and control. You're mistaking the symptom for the disease.

Patriarchy predates monotheistic religions by quite some time, and was not (is not) religiously codified into all polytheistic religions. Hinduism for example is not explicitly patriarchal. Patriarchy in ancient Greece was similarly not explicitly religiously-motivated - rather, Ancient Greeks imposed their (at the time, current) cultural norms upon their religion, which was significantly more malleable than modern monotheistic (e.g. Abrahamic) religions.

In fact, very strong arguments can be made that patriarchy shaped religion, as opposed to the other way around.

See Romans in the Bible, for an easily-googleable example of one man imposing his personal ideas onto a nascent church.

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Fuck the Iranian government and its enablers! Fucking stoneage savages....

this government represents islamic government more than it represents iranian government.

call it for what it is , islamic government.

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If someone assaults you for not wearing religious clothing, they are oppressing your freedoms and need to be dealt with accordingly.

Violence is preferable

Yeah the ones doing the oppression are those most likely to resort to violence

Fuck these asshats, seriously. God damn cavemen. It's 2023, not 100AD

Fuck all of the world religions. They are all liars and frauds. They have no answers other than: "you are wrong"

Hijabs are a sign of female empowerment i've been told.

I think a suitable punishment for this would be to torture the guy and cut off his dick to make sure his genes doesn't spread.

Guy? the article itself said it was a bunch of female officers that assaulted her.

will she be okay holy shit

the comment sections in posts like these are starting to read like reddit. and that makes me kinda sad.

A cursory glance suggests people are more focused on blaming religion than they are the brutal regime :/

At this point, it's the parent's fault for raising their children in Iran.

They should be doing everything in their power to leave.

Because it’s your fault you were born in a regime that kills anyone who tries to leave?

That’s some hot shit take there.

Does Iran kill anyone who tries to leave?

Cool, let's have my country, the US, return to unfettered immigration policies and bring back the policy that if you set foot on US soil, you're made a citizen.

Then let's start importing people from these hellstates by the millions. Throw billions of dollars at it. Redirect anti-terrorism money to this sort of immigration instead.

I mean this 100% unironically. Great for the world, great for humanity, and spectacular for the US

I'd propose a modified version

With allies and neutrals negotiate an immigration policy case by case to achieve a balance which best benefits both sides of the transit.

With enemies, open the gates and make a point of how everyone who's able to choose will at least be extremely tempted to choose the US.

Even better since we're in a day and age when America's geopolitical enemies are already in demographic crises, adopting this policy would basically set up enemy nations for abject failure while solidifying America's own demographic balance, and in an extended sense, that of America's allies.

Meanwhile we avoid brain draining potential allies like opening the flood gates with mexico would achieve.

Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

I happen to agree. Ideally I would open the floodgates little by little and turn the US into a nation of a billion. So many countries want to send us the best that they have. It's freaken free money. Come here, bring your food, and work in our factories.

Those who are rich and comfy enough with the regime can leave easily and be welcomed across the globe. Those who aren't, well, sucks to be them.