RNC Chair Calls Democrats ‘Pro-Criminal’ as GOP Frontrunner Has Been Indicted on 91 Criminal Counts

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 666 points –
RNC Chair Calls Democrats ‘Pro-Criminal’ as GOP Frontrunner Has Been Indicted on 91 Criminal Counts

Irony is dead with these morons

It’s all projection. Repubes are guilty of exactly what they accuse everyone else for.

And am I the only one amused by the fact her name is Rona?

She also got bullied into dropping the "Romney" from her name because Trump didn't like her uncle Mitt

“The Democat Party is so spiteful they named their manufactured virus after me”

Sad this doesn’t seem like such a stretch

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The entire GOP is just one big criminal operation. They’re hardly even a political party anymore, they have no real political philosophy, no coherent platform, their entire strategy relies on obstruction and wrecking the entire process. Their arguments and deals are never in good faith, they’re essentially foreign agents working to paralyze American democracy.

this is just describing the right. it's funny we call them right and left. when in reality 'mostly good' and 'mostly evil' would be far more accurate. however people don't want to be identified as openly voting for the mostly evil party. So it stays left and right.

I think it's flipping from left vs right to reality accepting vs reality denying...

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At the recent national debate, the question was asked of the Republican candidates if they would support a convicted felon for president and almost every single one of them raised their hand. This lady's clown make up is applied a little too subtle.

If the Republican is calling Democrats 'Pro-Criminal', that makes me think that Republicans are the Pro-Criminal Party as we all know they love to project their sins.

“Trump voters, Republican voters – we want safety,” McDaniel explained. “We want fentanyl to be removed from the streets.

I mean Republicans did a great job eliminating marijuana, cocaine, meth, heroin, ecstacy, acid, salvia, shrooms, and peyote as well as dismantling the underground drug network. Can't see why they wouldn't be just as effective against a drug manufactured within the US and easily smuggled in through legal ports of entry.

They believe the only way is to lock up the victims of drug addiction rather than going after the source. As long as they believe in punishment fixes problems we'll have a long tough road ahead.

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Shows what you know. I've never been able to attain any of those drugs. Not even once. /s

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Yes, we are pro-criminal Trump, instead of pro-president Trump.

She probably takes money and gifts like a grifter, troll, fraud.

Oh wait she’s a Romney? She definitely takes money for favors.

The Romney family has a rich history demonstrating a near prodigious ability for exploitation, any grift or side deals are pocket change in comparison.

Well if you want to spew bullshit unchecked, she was on the right program

If it weren't for double standards they'd have no standards at all.