At Least 260 Killed At Israeli Music Festival In Hamas Attack to World – 379 points –
At Least 260 Killed At Israeli Music Festival In Hamas Attack—Attendees Describe ‘Horror Movie’

Nothing can justify this.

Edit: You guys aren't getting this, so I'll explain it. This was senseless murder. Period. This wasn't some he said she said left versus right bullshit. Go ahead and say "actually" and go fuck yourself. I'm tired of this ridiculous nerd baiting bullshit. You're not funny. You're not witty. You're not scoring points. Life isn't reducible to the whims of some shitty sorting hat that rewards you points because you're not a cunt. This was senseless murder and should be treated as such without stupid fucking dry sarcasm.

but maybe decades of throwing bombs in their heads explains it

Nope it doesn't. They didn't rape the women at the music festival because of the Israeli bombs. They did it because they're monsters and they enjoyed it.

Can we see some proof of these rape claims? I've been scouring the news and have found nothing.

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If all you people actually cared about Palestinians and didn't turn a blind eye about all the atrocities committed by Israel the past 70+ years, none of this would be happening now.

You're removing the all context because you don't give a fuck about Palestinians and their treatment by Israel. You're trying to pretend this happened in a vacuum.

Do you know how many thousands of civilians were killed by the allies in WW2? Do you think that was unjustified too?

Nothing against you if you say yes, it's just about consistency.

Yes. Yes that was. And very irrelevant to the topic at hand. What are you trying to do, get a moral compass of some guy on the internet? Then what, open discussion? This is baseless murder. Stop comparing and start raging at the injustice.

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Israel is reaping what they sowed.

Maybe not justifiable, but 100% predictable and a direct response to Israel's illegal actions (and unfortunately, as usual, innocent civilians are the ones who suffer).

The people affected here aren't "Israel". They're just civilians trying to live their lives. Believe me I hate the Israeli govermnet and am very sympathetic to Palestinian soverignty.

NOTHING justifies terrorism. It's evil and the people who did this are rats

Edit: yeah downvote me you sacks of shit. They raped women next to dead bodies of their friends.

I didn't see the "they're just civilians" when Americans justify Hiroshima.

people criticised the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima constantly, and continue to do so

I thought so, until I happened to watch a reel about it on Instagram and the amount of comments "they deserved it for pearl harbor" was shocking.

different people have different opinions, more in at 5

That's a dumb justification.

An opinion can be subjective. You can like or dislike communism. But you cannot like or dislike genocide, unless you're sick in the head.

its probably a dumb justification because i wasnt trying to justify anything

im pointing out that some americans saying something isnt hypocritical or less valid just because you saw some other americans say something that contradicts it

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying, why am I being downvoted and you upvoted?

Edit: Well, I'm happy to know most people agree with me, despite misunderstanding my comment

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So you chill with Israel leveling Gaza then?

Israel needs to stay tf out of gaza! did you read what I said???

I hate to break it to you, but Gaza is where Hamas is. Hamas decided to fuck around and they're going to find out, and it's not going to be pretty. Gaza will likely be completely leveled; it's too dangerous to allow Hamas to remain anywhere near Israel.

Quick note: I'm not a fan of Israel either.

You know that Israel will enter Gaza after this - with a huge army. And they will not start to indiscriminately kill civilians… but they will enter there, because they want to get attacked. And as soon as they get attacked, they will start flattening whole buildings from where they were attacked.

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I guess the only solution is to evacuate the people that just want to live their lives, and nuke the entire area so it is uninhabitable for the next 200 years.

Not a good idea at all, but maybe it will stop the meaningless slaughter for a bit.

Now if only people cared this much any time the IDF slaughters innocent Palestianians, or journalists, or medics.

You can care about both at the same time. Shocking, I know.

Nooooo my worldview is strictly black and white there is only good guys and bad guys. No nuance, I've made my choice

The one results in the US moving in a carrier group, Israeli flags being projected on large sights all over the world, an unaminous call to solidarity, immediate termination of any humanitarian aid to Palestinians and preemptive justification of any war crime commited in retaliation.

The other results in checks notes stern words of condemnation followed by business as usual support for the Israeli government.

its true, pro Palestine actions do not exist and all of earth shares the same opinion on the conflict

Perhaps it was a bad idea to host a music festival in occupied territory?

Getting Crimea Beach Vacation vibes.

Urim has been Israeli since the country came into existence, so I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. Unless your position is that all of Israel is occupied territory, in which case I invite you to take a look at what Palestinians did the moment they gained power over Jewish civilians and imagine that scene repeated across Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Urim has been Israeli since the country came into existence.

There's so much propaganda from both sides that I don't know what to believe about who, but Israel has only been a country since 1948 - that's after the invention of the Jeep, microwave ovens, Frisbees, jet aircraft, etc.

I'm not aware of the agreement made with Palestine for the land, but I've seen enough videos of Israelis near the border, both citizens and uniformed men, throwing Palestinians out of their houses so Israelis could live there. Not to mention the violent acts.

I'm not aware of the agreement made with Palestine for the land

That's because it was owned by the British. Before them the Ottomans, Romans, and Israelites.

It was ruled by those. The lands were still owned by Palestinians. The farm lands my mother's family owned were given to them by the Ottomans very long ago to cultivate. Trey had since settled there and started a small town. In 1947/48 they were driven out at gunpoint. They had rifles and fought with them but not much beyond that. The entire family fled to Jordan, Syria, Kuwait, and some other places. I did a 23andMe test long ago, my mother's side is almost entirely Levantian, they are from that area and have been in that area since ages, never took anyone's lands, never hurt anyone. That's your average Palestinian family basically.

Yeah, and the Jews were driven out by the people who stole the land from them, which eventually ended up in the hands of the Ottomans, who then gave it to your mother's family. Go back far enough and everyone has stolen land from someone else. What Israel is doing is fucked up, but they have a historical claim to the land as well.

Arguing that it's your land now because you've had it for a long time is like Americans trying to claim that they don't benefit from colonization and have an unquestionable claim to the US because none of them were around when the native populations were slaughtered and forced into reservations. It's not right to expect you to get up and leave at this point, but ignoring the fact that the land you're sitting on was stolen is also wrong. It wasn't really the Ottoman's land to give.

Yeah, and the Jews were driven out by the people who stole the land from them, which eventually ended up in the hands of the Ottomans

Excuse me, but what year was this? At how many thousand years ago do we draw the line for things relevant today?

EDIT: For reference, we are talking about 3,700 years ago.

If you want to lawyer around about historical shit, you can, and I can't stop you. But any decent human being with a fucking soul doesn't care for your pedantic bullshit when there's hundreds of innocent people dead on the ground.


I know. Hamas is bad at killing Israelis. But they keep trying it.

They're also very good at using human shields.

If there is 6000 people in a square kilometre you can always blame the use of "human shields" to distract from the fact that you are bombing densely populated area and your "surgical strikes" are not that surgical.

Hmmm, there is more documented evidence of Israel using human shields (and having to make it "illegal" to keep using Palestinians as human shields but it still happens and many get away with it).

Ah, I'm "lawyering around about historical shit" (historical being within a lifetime) but I'm the one with a cold dead soul because hundreds of "the good people" who stole the land died, and you're the one with a heart of gold who thinks it's lol-worthy and likes to make jokes when tens of thousands of "the bad people" die fighting for their stolen land.

Let me know when you want to attempt to argue in good faith, because as I said from the beginning I'm not well educated on the subject, and your tactics are failing.

And there you go, dehumanizing the victims and justifying their murder.

Are you trying to guess what my reply would be? If not, you seriously need to look in the mirror bud.

Hamas is a terrorist organization. They are horrific and should all be taken care of.. take that how you will. Palestinians and Israel is should be able to live in peace. This much is self evident and shouldn't be up for debate like you're trying to do.

But Israel lobbing back over bombs and killing innocent civilians is the Spider-Man pointing at himself meme.

Then the Gazans need to stop sheltering Hamas.

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1948 is a tricky amount of time.

It's recent enough that the Palestinians still see the Israelis as recent occupiers, but far enough in the past that the Israelis have had several generations grow up there and see it as their home.

So the Israelis don't see themselves as occupiers while the Palestinians do.

A 1-state solution is impractical at this point, but a 2-state solution leaves them as bitter enemies with a shared border neither side agrees on.

It's a hopelessly fucked situation created by people who have been dead for decades, and I don't think anyone knows a clean way out of it.

The only solutions are for them to share the space, which is pretty much impossible given the hatred, for them to divide the space, which will keep them at way with each other, or to let one side or the other have it all and end up with millions displaced or killed.

But regardless of who is right and wrong and who should be allowed to live there and who shouldn't, I think we can all agree that murdering innocent civilians is wrong whether Israel is doing it or Hamas.

When Israel commits atrocities, they should be called out. When Hamas commits atrocities they should as well.

All of this brings to question whether or not the West should support Israel as one side. And that's a hard question to answer. The West created this situation, and really shouldn't just wash its hands of all responsibility.

As bad as Israel has been, the West can't really walk away because they would be genocided. It's been seen time and again that Iran, Hamas, Israel, Jordan, and others are perfectly happy to wipe them out.

I personally think that instead of supplying Israel with weapons the West should have boots on the ground as peacekeeping forces. They should protect Israel AND Palestine from attacks. By supplying Israel, the West is complicit in their attacks on Palestinians and in the establishment of illegal settlements.

Damn, that is heavy and it really doesn't seem like there's any way for an eventual good peaceful outcome without a lot of bloodshed leading up to it.

Thank you for taking the time to educate me on the subject instead of getting into a keyboard war. You wear the halo this evening.

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I think they’re saying that because it’s colonized territory and the native population was removed its occupied. So yeah basically arguing against the entire Jewish state. Not my argument just what that is sounding like.

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The festival was for peace. I bet many of the folks that were shot there supported Palestinians.

If you were a Palestinian living under occupation, how would you feel about bunch of Israeli's having a party on the other side of a fence to keep your out of your own homeland?

Colonial oppressors throwing a party on stolen land doesn't strike me as very peaceful.

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