Tuberville Scoffs at Military Leaders Working 20 Hours a Day: ‘I Did That for Years’ – As a Football Coach

Flying to politics – 287 points –
Tuberville Scoffs at Military Leaders Working 20 Hours a Day: ‘I Did That for Years’ – As a Football Coach

This motherfucker should be dragged from the Senate and sent back fucking Alabama. He isn't doing his job so he should be removed.

I vote we air drop him into Russia with a note saying "I want to fight for Russia. Please sign me up."

since... you know... he's helping putin out so much.

Unfortunately, he and his constituents probably feel like he's doing his job. The US of A in 2023.

Yeah… not all of his constituents…

Politicians don't even pay lip service to the idea that they represent everyone in their district anymore. If you aren't on their team then they openly tout the fact that you can't do a fucking thing about it.

Enough to get him elected. Beating Doug Jones by 20 points was no small feat.

The only reason Doug Jones was elected in the first place is because he was running against Roy Moore. Literally any other Republican candidate would have handily beaten Jones. Tubby just rode his name into congress.

I liked him better when he was just a coach.

He needs to be investigated. Dude’s messing with the MIC, that is the deep state.

Such a massive forehead with nothing between it.

You played a fucking game for a living. I hope you get ass cancer.

I still find it hilarious that Tuberville has effectively become one of the best anti-military politicians, even if his reasons for doing so are completely unexpected.

And it has hurt his constituents. I'm sure it played a role in deciding to put the USSF HQ in Colorado vs Alabama where it was tentatively announced it would be.

“I basically encouraged sexual abuse of the students in my care, for 20 hours a day!!!”

Wait. Gymnasium Jim Jordan did that.

Did coach tubs do it too? I thought he got fired for basically forcing kids to participate in his prayer sessions.

Oh yeah. Sorry. That was Gym. They all blur into one another.

Man I get that. Wouldn't have been surprised if Tubs did it too.

I know hes doing it for shitty republican reasons, but are dems really gonna rally around more military spending?

He'll just hold all the spots open in case Trump is reelected. That means this time the insurrection will have military backing. Kind of like the Supreme Court seat.

This is a terrifying scenario, but unlikely and I don't think his scheme.

He isn't holding out for alternate candidates. He just wants the Pentagon to reverse its abortion policy. If he were doing this to get alternative candidates approved, it would require alternate recommendations coming from elsewhere in the military, which isn't occurring, and the Senate democrats wouldn't approve them anyway.

Its the department of defense, its in the executive branch, the president can, and trump did many times, make spots open when they want. So this has no bearing on any future presidencies. Its just military spending now for the already most expensive military in the world with a tendency to bomb other countries. What a shame that they cant do that as efficiently right now.

He's only holding up military leadership. Whatever he's saving is a tiny drop in the ocean of military spending. What he's really doing is killing readiness. He's also making sure that these spots can't be filled by anyone who would owe allegiance to the Democrat party (despite the fact that none of them should owe allegiance to either party).

This is laying the groundwork for a coup and hurting our ability to prepare for and participate in conflicts.

I want our ability to participate in conflicts to be hurt. Itll save a lot of lives

How about "our" ability to put down any protests against the Trump administration? Because that's what this is going to lead to. You don't want us to be able to kill people in other countries? Fine. But this is going to get people in this country killed if they have their way.

We don't always get to choose when a conflict is thrust upon us. If an ally or ourselves got attacked and we were unable to respond effectively, that would go very badly for us. It wouldn't keep us out of the conflict, but a lot of people would die without effective leadership.

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It's not about military spending. It's about having leadership in place if we ever go to war. This ass-hat is destabilizing our military when we really need to be ready.

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