The rich pressuring the poor to donate money

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Mildly – 153 points –

Those charities have huge overhead. Very little money goes to the actual cause.

There are sites to check how much actually goes out. Check before you donate.

My favorite one is when our utility company asks me to donate to help pay for people's utilities like they aren't raking in record amount of cash.

Just FYI this is a sort of scam. The company donates the money on your behalf and they get the tax write-off for your donation while also appearing philanthropic for PR purposes. that's why they do it.

EDIT: US companies cannot do this in the US you can claim up to $300 on taxes. This is legit in the US.

@zombuey I've heard that a lot, but it is apparently not true unless the company claims your donation as a profit and then writes it off, which negates any tax benefit. I think it's more just a PR thing to make you feel good about that company while using your own money.

They also store it in a bank before donating to collect interest on it cause why not?

Ah yes further proof that companies don't give a fuck about anything ixcept making more money.

Furthermore, there is no contractual agreement on how or when they donate that money. So for example those companies might and likely will hold that money in trust to the non-profit. That way the company can use money as a hedge on taxes in future fiscal periods if they had an excess.

People that give money for those charities are giving those companies free tax write offs.

You donate $10 or whatever. The company can then claim that $10 as a write off via donation to that charity. Campaign as a whole (either regional or national) collects $1M USD. Corporate accountants write off donation. Tax liability reduced.

That's not how tax write offs work. The only way to claim that money in a write-off would be for the business to also claim it as revenue. That would even out, with no tax savings. Businesses also don't handle donations that way, they usually serve as a collection agent that just passes your donations on without being able to claim it towards their revenue or their tax write offs. The only person who can write-off their donation is the person who actually made it.

The reason businesses do it is for marketing. They get to put out a press release saying "They helped donate $10 million to puppies without borders."

That’s not how tax write offs work

Jerry: So we're gonna make the Post Office pay for my new stereo now?

Kramer: It's a write-off for them.

Jerry: How is it a write-off?

Kramer: They just write it off.

Jerry: Write it off what?

Kramer: Jerry, all these big companies, they write off everything.

Jerry: You don't even know what a write-off is.

Kramer: Do you?

Jerry: No, I don't.

Kramer: But they do. And they're the ones writing it off.

I intended on writing this comment yesterday but jerboa timed out on me. It's a common misconception and I understand how it gets spread, but I wish there was better knowledge and education of how taxes worked in general. Would make it easier for the average person to spot the ways companies do evade taxes, too.

Puppies do not recognize your silly imaginary borders and will commit zoomies across any such lines.

Yeah, this really bothers me. Because in reality, that company that you give money to at checkout is just going to bundle that all up and it's a donation in their name, used as a tax write-off. You as the shopper might feel nice and warm and fuzzy, but you're just giving a multimillion or billion dollar company a tax break. Just donate as yourself. If you want to help XYZ cause, do it on your own. My two cents.

That's not how it works, at least in the US. You are donating as yourself, and can use the donation as a tax write off if you would like.

Thank you for the link. To be clear to anyone too lazy to click (which you should do to verify anyway) this is a source that confirms that businesses don't get to claim your donation as their own.

They cannot and do not use your donations as a tax write off. That's not how taxes work.

Then they will say it is more efficient to merge the donations with regular revenue and make bulk donations every quarter or something.

PSA: most Americans can get up to $300 deducted from their annual taxes through donations.

I hate when they pull this shit at drive through fast food. “Would you like to round up to donate to our charity?”

Who knows what the person taking my order thinks about this charity, and what they might do to someone’s food who says no.

Edit: The fact that merely implying a fast food worker wouldn’t be a complete perfect human being gets so many downvotes says a whole lot about this community.

I can assure you that nobody working at the fast food restaurant gives a shit if you donate to charity.

How can you assure me of that lol.

You think nobody at a fast food place is capable of thinking someone is an asshole for declining to donate to charity? And then acting on that?

I used to work fast food and retail, both which forced employees to ask customers to donate at the till. We hated doing it. It is awkward for both the customer and the worker. I would get anxiety when donation drive time of year would come round, and I'd feel relief when the customer either just said no or yes, and didn't yell at me for asking. The cashier REALLY does not care if you donate or not. And the cashier usually does not make your food, it's usually someone else doing the cooking, and the cooks aren't paying attention at all to whether you donated or not.

Just wait until you get a tip prompt on a self checkout kiosk...

And I will never ever give these fools my actual phone number for discounts. Just use any area code w/ 867-5309 to get around this.

Jenny Jenny, who can I turn to? You give me something I can hold on to. I know you think I’m like the others before who saw your name and number on the wall

To be fair, I bet these companies strike deals with the charitable organizations to in turn raise visibility of those charities among the company's customers.

I hate when any company I'm buying something from does this.

How bout the fact if they achieved their goals, they wouldn't have a problem to have a charity for and thats a bigger concern to them. They'd rather not help people than not exist. They may as well just pretend they are the poor people their campaigning for. Or be technically homeless and donate to themselves while living in charity(company) owned residence

Nah the charities are usually legit. But the companies aren't doing it out of the goodness of their heart, it's a massive tax write off as well as free PR.

There is a Mastercard ad running during Apple TV+'s MLB Friday's that really goads me.

It's an ad about how "we are powerful indivudually" but can accomplish "anything together". This includes using your Mastercard where they'll donate a SINGLE CENT per purchase (up to $5m, gotta cap it!) to "fight" cancer. And this commercial... yeah, it stuck with me thus did it's job, but as the ad wraps up, with music swelling, all of these people come from nowhere to surround/hug an apparent cancer survivor (wearing the appropriate cancer survivor sweatshirt).

Gross. Just gross. Clearly it's for some tax write off, and technically there's nothing for you to do or spend, other than what you were already going to purchase.

But still, Mastercard could have just donated $5m outright. Or donated the amount of money they spent on that damned commercial, which was probably in excess of $5m given it's high quality production values!

where they'll donate a SINGLE CENT per purchase

And probably charge the merchant an extra 2c or 3c per transaction.

I don’t trust them to actually donate anyway. How would you ever find out? I suspect these are scams to hold the money and get interest off it even if they do ultimately donate it.

Not sure if this is 100% accurate, but I heard that how it works is they donate the money first, get the tax write-off and then try to hit people up at the checkouts to refund all the money after the fact. That way they get the tax break for donating the money without actually being out of pocket. I don't know what happens if people donate more than the amount they spent, but I think I can take a reasonable guess.

I think that’s what CVS got busted doing:

“according to a lawsuit filed by a New Yorker, this money is allegedly being used to repay a $10 million commitment that the pharmacy chain has already made to the ADA, unbeknownst to customers. The suit accuses CVS of engaging in fraud and violating consumer protection laws in all 50 states. In essence, it argues, CVS is guilt-tripping customers in the checkout line to reimburse its own charitable donations.”

Even assuming this isn't a scam, it's certainly not something they're doing out of the goodness of their hearts - must be some combination of a) a tax write-off and b) an opportunity to claim credit for other people's donations. ("Stop & Shop is proud to have donated $275,000 this quarter to help families in need")

You forgot c) the donation is processed via the corporation's own charity foundation, and skims some money off the top to pay for the salaries of the people "running" the foundation. i.e. the c-suite of the company, or their relatives.

Bad example, grocery stores usually have small margins and aren't making a lot of money off of you

Hard to believe this when our supermarket giants (Coles, Woolworths) are posting record billions in profits.

They aren't 'hard done by'. They make money hand over fist.

Please don't link to Reddit.

Sorry but this sub has a policy of crediting people rather than passing content off as their own. You can always just not click the link. Lifting content without crediting the op I got it from would be unethical

It's already lifted from Twitter, what's the point of crediting the person who lifted it without credit?

It's so they can get a tax write off for your donation.

This is a lie that I had hoped to leave behind on Reddit but lo and behold it's so pervasive that it transcends social circles.

Repeat after me: that is not how taxes work.

They do not get any monetary benefit from your donations, save for arguably good publicity. They do not claim your donations in their taxes. They do not get extra write offs on their taxes.

Those donations are yours and you could claim them on your taxes, if you were so inclined.

This. The icing on the cake is that this tax write-off affects the amount of tax dollars available for public assistance in the first place. If you want to help the poor, consider volunteering your time or donating to a legitimate charity.