Texas begins flying migrants from southern border to Chicago. The 1st plane carried over 120 people

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to News@lemmy.world – 158 points –
Texas begins flying migrants from southern border to Chicago. The 1st plane carried over 120 people

Chicago should take ownership of the chartered jets, since they're being used in a crime. They impounded the buses. The federal govt should get involved, follow the money, and arrest some folks. And send all border and migrant funds to these cities.

Any day now Biden's DoJ is going to do something. anything. anything at all. Same with Trump. Any. Day. Now.

They impounded the buses.

I'm glad to hear this.

They only impounded buses which didn’t follow the rules of dropping them off at certain places and times. Not all buses.

Ah yes, human trafficking is fine as long as they follow the rules.

Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit.

What's a plane but just a flying bus? And they did conficate busses.

Fantastic. Let’s move entire jailed population from blue states and release them on the streets of Bumblefuck, TX. Especially the ones who committed violent crimes. That will be fun

That's inhumane and a violation of those prisoners' rights under the eighth amendment. Sending a person to Texas may be considered infliction of a cruel and unusual punishment.

How is this legal, and why is nobody trying to stop it?

It is literally human trafficking and abetting a crime but democrats are too pussy to do anything about it

I'm no lawyer/judge and I didn't even stay in a Holiday Inn last night. Disclaimer complete.

This is not legal. It's a performance that uses real, live human men, women and children as the scenery and props. They're counting on the short-term gain from the headlines reaching their bigot base to secure the next win. If challenged, their mental gymnasts might trot out a flimsy argument or two about how it's a state issue instead of federal (even though it's clearly not) or something along those lines. I'll be pleasantly surprised if this gets tested in court eventually but am not holding my breath.

This should be stopped but that alone isn't enough. These unpatriotic, anti-American red state politicians with no respect for the Constitution must be removed from all positions of power and influence before they do more damage domestically and abroad.

They need to be thrown in jail or executed as the traitorous terrorists they are.

Some belong in jail, some deserve other penalties. Barred from public office at least in a lot of cases and whatever other consequences they might face from professional organizations, licensing bodies, etc. with standards for ethical conduct.

It’s okay as long as they sign waivers they can’t understand completely /s

Dems haven't dont anything on immigration other than telling border camps to stop purposefully seperating families. The camps and treatment haven't changed. The border is still controlled by the same organizations staffed by the same people.

Again, human trafficking, anyone? Can we please jail those that order this bullshit?

Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit.

Fits perfectly. Transfer? Check. Deception? Check. Profit? Check, even if it not directly financial, but political.

Human trafficking laws, anyone?

Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit.

Yes, and what Texas did fits this description perfectly. It is transfer of people through deception for political and financial profit. So where is your actual problem?

Texas Republicans are engaged in a criminal conspiracy to traffick human beings across state lines for political gain. Lock them up.

Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit.

So the act of convincing people through false pretense to be transfered across state lines under the reasoning that it costs to much sounds like deception for profits.

Why aren't they asking for more financial aid (they do get financial aid for such) to find proper solutions? Instead they advertise barbed wire fences in rivers and the yearning to shoot them.

I still wonder how the fish and wildlife groups aren't complaining more about the river.

The federal aid by the way, started by the Obama administration

Exactly, they should never have come in contact. The state of Texas is aiding and abetting what they would call illegal immigrants.

As long as that's where the migrants are intending to go than thank you Texas

Can we employ them to print “I wasn’t born in Texas and I got out as soon as I could” stickers?

Everything North of the Panama canal should have freedom of movement.

Oh no, exporting cheap labor whose tax returns go unclaimed! The horror!

Leave it to conservatives to shoot themselves in the foot. They're literally doing Chicago a favor.