What do you eat in the morning?

The Baldness@beehaw.org to Chat@beehaw.org – 66 points –

I've never been a breakfast person, and I don't wake up hungry. I used to go a few hours without eating anything and then have a breakfast of two scrambled eggs, 1/2 cup of brown rice, and a sliced avocado with some salt or soy sauce. That's a very tasty and healthy breakfast, but I get hungry again within a couple of hours.

Normally I don't eat much carbs, like bread or pasta or potatoes, and I don't get my fats from butter or dairy.

This week I started eating a butter sandwich as soon as I wake up in the morning. And when I say "butter sandwich" I'm talking about eight pats of butter between two slices of whole wheat bread.

Why is this so satisfying? I'm not hungry until late in the afternoon, at which point I just wait until dinnertime.

I'd like to lose some weight, and with these butter sandwiches I'm consuming much less food during my day, but they can't be healthy for me. Clearly I don't know how nutrition works.

What do you eat in the morning?


Varies quite a bit. Looking at the past week:
Homemade sourdough toast, sausages, grapes
bagels with cream cheese and lox
hash browns with fried egg and homemade Hollandaise sauce
Carribean-style coconut-rice porridge with mangoes and limes

I made a habit out of making overnight oats.

I have a base mix of oats and seeds, like hemp, flax millet, sesame.. I mix it usually dried fruits, peanut butter, maple or beet sirup, banana, cocoa powder and not to forget a pinch of salt.

Add the twice the volume in milk and well, let it soak overnight. Just grab in the morning and ready to go

Yes, can confirm. overnight oats are good and tasty... also so much easier. I also add chia seeds, turns it into chia pudding almost

This is it. If you want reasonably healthy but filling. You can add nuts, fresh or dried fruits, honey or maple syrup for some extra sweetness. Of course it's as healthy or unhealthy as you make it.

This! I've been having this consistently for months and months and don't get sick of it. My overnight oats are pretty utilitarian though: oats, chia, vanilla yogurt, water. Some sort of fruit on it in the morning.

Trader Joe's muesli. But maybe I should just make my own - might be cheaper in the long run? Only thing is, my body isn't adjusted to the fiber amount and it sucks being bloated at work.

yeah I think store bought Müsli is much more expensive than the raw ingredients. You can mix to your own liking and unless you get moth's in it, it will stay good to eat for a while

interesting, I’m assuming these are ‘regular’ oats?

I only have ‘quick’ oats which would probably turn into a disgusting mush overnight, I think I’ll buy normal oats and try this out

Probably, but mush is the consistency I strive for tbh. I use standard roled oats which come in an either soft or crunchy variety, with the former taking on more liquid

6 scrambled eggs made with butter, sour cream, salt and pepper.

I prefer to start the day with a big breakfast, eat a light lunch and then nothing until a moderate supper with a small, low carb dessert in the evening.

I find the large breakfast starts my day well and fatty foods keep me satisfied longer so I'm not tempted to snack throughout the day, especially while working from home where food is always available.

Snacking is my problem too. I don't eat anything unhealthy. I just eat too much. I've taken to chugging water before i reach for a snack. It seems to be working.

God, I wish my stomach could handle a heavy, fatty meal in the mornings. That sounds perfect for my own snacking problems.

To be fair I certainly didn't start with that many; I started with the keto diet roughly 10 years ago, found eggs to be my most convenient breakfast food and slowly built up the number while reducing the size of my lunch.

My current go to for the past few years is oatmeal. I mix oats, dry milk powder, frozen cherries, and water. Then I throw it in the microwave for a few minutes to cook. Once it's done, I add cinnamon and a handful of chocolate chips and mix it all together. It's probably not the most healthy option, but it's tasty and reasonably nutritious.

What does the dry milk do for the mixture? Do you add extra water to account for the dry milk or does it mix fine without extra liquid? Never seen that addition before.

I recently started tracking what I was eating for nutrition/weight loss purposes and realized I should be eating way more protein. I've tried protein powders in the past (a lot of online recipes for oats recommend adding protein powder) and hate how strongly they are flavored. I saw a lot of diy protein powder recipes have a base of dry milk powder which I already had in my cupboard, so I just use that. It's fine with the same amount of liquid.

You could just use normal milk instead of milk powder + water, but this was lower calorie and never goes bad.

500 kcal of Soylent. Weekday or weekend, doesn't matter.

I used to drink Soylent. Love that stuff, but for the price, I can just eat real food.

12-18oz of black coffee, a fried egg over last night's leftover rice or a packet of instant oatmeal. I eat very early so I'm hungry again around 10:30 so I have a Second Breakfast. Usually some canned fish since I find it pretty satisfying and because it can easily be prepared different ways. Usually "Mediterranean" sardines over chopped onions, herring over hopped giardiniera, or the classic plain sardines on hot buttered toast with hot sauce.

I also eat the oily fishies. Love them with a salad for dinner.

Ooooh canned fish over onions actually sounds really good - I wanna try that!

It’s been my favorite in an attempt to eat less garbage. Cheap and easy. Pairs well with a cold yellow beer or a shot of vodka and pickle brine chaser.

Hell yes or chopped pickles with the onion..... god damn canned fish and pickled sour things are amazing together

I go through phases but I always end up back to two slices of buttery toast.

Other things I sometimes cycle through Overnight oats Weetabix Porridge (winter only) Jam on toast Poached egg on toast

I also like home made pancake on a weekend day (family activity) or if going out for breakfast/brunch a full English or a chorizo breakfast hash

I make "egg muffins" and freeze them to reheat every morning. To make these, I steam a bag of broccoli florets. I break these apart and put them into greased muffin tins. Then I add some shredded cheddar cheese and egg beaters. I bake these (400° for about 15 minutes or until done). Then, after they cool, I stick them in the freezer. I make sure I have 12 in a Tupperware tub in my refrigerator.

Every morning, I microwave 3 of them and have that with some whole wheat toast and cream cheese. (I take more out of the freezer as needed and they are mostly defrosted by the next morning.)

I make a smoothie every morning. Right now it's with frozen banana and berries, beet powder, moringa powder, and hemp and chia seeds. I used to do banana, berries, fresh spinach, and protein powder, but protein powder is too expensive right now.

I’m pretty close to yours - I eat one half avocado, two eggs sunny side up, and then a dash of mayo in the center of the avocado and fill it generally with shrimps. For me this keeps me full for a good while and I feel healthy and with a good stomach.

I usually only eat one full meal before dinner, but I’ll often have a banana, protein shake and apple as well.

If I’m working from home I try to wait with “breakfast” until there is a good pause between meetings, usually around lunch.

I'm the same regarding schedule. This early eating is new for me.

I’m actually opposite. I’ve always eaten early breakfast regardless of hunger since in Norway it’s supposed to be the most important meal of the day that sets you up for the rest of the day.

Lately though I’m trying to get 14-16 hours of fast every day (night), and it’s just easier skipping early morning than to have to go the whole long evening without anything.

I don’t do this fast because it’s supposed to be extra healthy or anything, I just do it because it seems to put my body into a good state of burning energy (combined with eating regularly and exercising fairly often), which is something I’d like to do more of currently.

I'll regularly fast for 12 hours, but I've also done up to 16. There's no real point in it for me. I just naturally fast for about 12 hours daily. Sometimes I screw it up by eating an apple before bed.

It’s not really the hours that means the most to me, it just gives me focus on it and help to avoid evening snacks. I get to a really nice phase of burning when I manage this properly for a while.

Edit: and I would never worry about an apple if I was hungry.

I'm southern european and some of these answers are giving me culture shock... Normally, a coffee would get me through the day until lunch and, if I'm especially hungry, I'll eat some pastries too. But the thought of having to eat plenty of eggs or anything that involves cooking so soon after waking up is giving me upset stomach. I realize this may not be healthiest option tho

What do you eat for lunch though? For a lot of people where I live, lunch is a quick snack. Breakfast needs to keep you going until about 8pm, with a few light snacks during the day, and the typical work schedule doesn't really allow anything else.

Here lunch is our biggest meal of the day and usually around 2 or 3 pm. Most people will have lunch at home, even if they have to go back to work later and many eat a small meal between "breakfast" and lunch. But most people either won't eat anything for what you'd call breakfast or just have some coffee and toast/pastries. I really don't know anybody who wakes up and immediately starts cooking.

Tea and two slices of bread and cheese. Sometimes a bit of orange juice with it. Alternatively, yogurt with some granola,but not very frequently.

Steel cut oatmeal, cooks in less than 5 minutes. Mixed with honey and psyllium husk. Loads of fiber, sweet enough to get it down.

I don't normally eat in the mornings as I've been practicing intermittent fasting for years. Tea or coffee, lots of water usually.

Lunch is a feast, with dinner a slight step down from the volume eaten at lunch. Meats and fats provides a lot of energy and break down longer so that may be the reason for your reduced hunger. Just those alone isn't healthy for you in the long run, yeah.

Granola bar in the dark while I rush out the door, as nature intended

Cereal, mostly. Or other ‘breakfasty’ carbs. On the weekend I might “spice it up” with bacon and eggs and a glass of orange juice.

EDIT: also, wanted to add that consuming a bunch of fat tends to make you less hungry. So that’s normal. It should in fact be condusive to making you eat less, so long as you don’t eat way too many calories in fat.

2 slices toast, buttered, with marmite if I feel like it's worth the effort

Not sure if this has anything to do with me being Autistic but I eat the same thing every meal... pasta, with veggies and protein (depending on what I have). Breakfast just means additional coffee. If I really don't have time then it's bakery and fried burrito from the nearby supermarket.

Tried to have a more "typical" American breakfast for a while until I realized I'm lactose intolerant so that never went anywhere...

Not much. Sometimes nothing. There's a Salvadoran bakery a block from my house though, so that's always tempting. Pastry, empanadas, or just a few rolls.

I've never been a breakfast person either. But I used to do the "bullet proof " coffee thing. A tablespoon of unsalted butter and a tablespoon of mct coconut oil. I found that I wasn't as hungry by lunch time.
Fat and protein take a while to digest and can make you feel more full.
Definitely find an alternative to the butter sandwich though, that's a shit ton of calories.

I do an egg sandwich (English muffin toasted, egg whipped and then fried in an egg circle, cheese). My trick to continually enjoying my sandwich is that I buy fancy chedder for it from the cheese store. I usually put a little Italian dressing on the English muffin for flavor.

I’m not a morning eater, usually just 1 banana or maybe a bowl of plain cheerios

I get my energy from coffee in the morning

Svunt Shake, just with one cup oat milk and one cup whole milk instead of two whole milk. Helps me reach my calorie goal per day (I tend to undereat).

The only thing I have for breakfast on the daily is my zero sugar energy drink and my antidepressant then wait till lunch for a meal.

I used to be similar, but my metabolism must have changed over time.

It depends. During the work week, I'm awake before I've developed an appetite and settle for a banana and a coffee. Specifically cold brew espresso with a splash of whole milk and a scoop of chocolate flavored whey protein powder.

On the weekends though, I wait until 10 or 11 before I eat so I can savor a bigger meal. Typically bacon, eggs, and some diced red potatoes all cooked in the same cast iron pan. If I'm feeling frisky, I might whip up some French toast or pancakes as a side.

I like Ezekiel cereal, or toast. I think it's important to start the day with whole grains of some sort.

Currently smoothie with 1 cup milk, protein powder scoop, banana, handful of strawberries, handful of mango.

Previously half a bowl of oatmeal. Or toast.

Granola with almond milk, blueberries, raspberries, collagen, and creatine.

It's a bit much, but I like it.

Black coffee One apple One banana 500ml banana flavoured pea protein isolate

I'm not thrilled about consuming so much of the pea protein isolate, however I'm now actually seeing progress in my workouts so that's nice! I'm looking at replacing it with a source of protein that's a bit more natural, or atleast not processed to high heaven.

Very similar to your rice and eggs. I cook the eggs sunny side up with runny yolks and put them on the rice. Green onions, and a handful of cherry tomatoes. Some soy sauce to season and I am full for quite a while

On weekdays, bread with something on it. If I'm planning on a really hard day, I might make a sunny egg and put it on a toast so that I don't starve 3 hours later.

Weekdays: Approx. 100g of fresh or thawed berries and peaches mixed with 200g whole milk Greek yogurt, sweetened with stevia and drizzled with local honey.

Weekends: whatever leftover lunch/dinner type foods are in the fridge.

I also have a homemade latte everyday.

I'm on a doctor prescribed eating plan so two eggs or a protein shake or a protein bar (premier protein for the shakes and fit crunch for the bars for anyone curious.)

@TheBaldness I don't always eat breakfast, but when I'm hungry in the morning I eat a lye roll without anything. They're less calories than a crossiant, and because of the lye they're not as dry as a normal bread roll.

(Follow the fediverse link to see a picture)

Two slices of toast with Peanut Butter, a glass of Orange Juice and a cup of Coffee.

I didn't used to be a breakfast person either, but I've been trying to move my food intake earlier in the day, it's supposed to be healthier. So, one of: plain yogurt with honey and fruit, one scrambled egg in an omelette with Parmesan cheese, or a bagel with butter. Almost always vegetable juice, and a multivitamin. Always always 2 cups of coffee. Depends on what's around and I feel like.

When I want to feel full in the morning, I find that pinto beans does the trick. They're also a good source of fiber and potassium.

Or if I'm not feeling very hungry, a protein shake with some chia or flax seeds added to the mix.

Lately, steel cut oats with half a banana and 250ml of kefir. I actually hate eating breakfast. I was into Intermittent Fasting for years and did 18/6 almost every day, but then I was diagnosed with diabetes and my doctor told me to stop IF if I wanted my meds to work as they should without causing low blood sugar.

Sometime i have greek yogurt and fruit? Tbh i dont eat breakfast sometimes bc usually i am not hungry enough to eat more than once if i even get hungry at all. My parents used to make me finish breakfast when I was like 4 and under but then they stopped and were more like "you dont have to eat if youre not hungry." So i guess if youre not hungry maybe not force yourself to eat? But at the same time i get esp if you do lots of hard work u might wanna have at least protein like boiled egg.

Small breakfasts for me. I'm lazy so it'll usually be a microwaved frozen burrito and a large cup of coffee. 😅

Clearly I don’t know how nutrition works.

... yeah about that...

Eating the same thing for a week or so is fine, for example when a particular vegetable is in season it's fine to eat a lot of it, but you really should mix it up more than it sounds like you are.

You can kinda get away with it if you eat commercial breakfast cereals, because they are often "fortified" with a whole bunch of neutrients that aren't naturally in whatever they're made of. But they still have too much sugar, so they're not really a great option. If you're lazy though - go for that.

What do I eat for breakfast? Normally whatever is left over from dinner, and it's different every day. If I don't have any (or enough) then I'll eat cereal or toast.

Yeah, I really don't change it much. I pretty much eat the same things all the time, at least when I'm at home.

I'm not a morning person. I wake up late and go to bed late, so I actually never eat in the morning.

  • Every morning: 2 cups Cafix, 1 cup decaf coffee, 4 prunes
  • Alternate mornings: 1 thick slice homemade whole wheat bread, dipped in olive oil
  • The other mornings: 1 large sourdough pancake, dressed with olive oil and salt

I usually eat breakfast around 5AM, and this holds me until lunch at 11AM.

Pretty sure I'm not in the mainstream.

I usually make a Smoothie that consists of a banana, some plain fat-free yogurt, 1 scoop chocolate Orgain protein powder, about 1/2 cup almond milk, and some frozen blueberries. Sometimes I add Chia seeds, instant coffee, or cocoa powder. This smoothie is filling enough for me til I need a small snack around 3:00.

This week I started eating a butter sandwich as soon as I wake up in the morning. And when I say “butter sandwich” I’m talking about eight pats of butter between two slices of whole wheat bread.

About 450-500 Calories, 30% Carbohydrates, 6% Protein, 64% Fat (two-thirds of that is saturated fat) -- that's with regular bread, whole wheat improves this somewhat.

Why is this so satisfying? I’m not hungry until late in the afternoon, at which point I just wait until dinnertime.

It's because the fat content. It's got enough carbs (fast arc energy) to take care of an immediate hunger. It's got a lot more fat (slow arc energy) that gives you long-lasting satiety.

I’d like to lose some weight, and with these butter sandwiches I’m consuming much less food during my day, but they can’t be healthy for me. Clearly I don’t know how nutrition works.

I've learned this as I went along. I went from 298 lbs to 171 and I've kept it off for 8 years so far. Think of it as a series of trade ups that you make along the way when you learn thing and you are ready to do them. Doing too much too fast is how to get frustrated and quit.

To lose weight, we have to take in less energy than we burn and the proverbial average person burns about 2000 Calories a day. To get enough food for basic nutrition (essential fatty acids, enzymes, minerals, vitamins) we need to eat enough and eat through a wide variety of healthy food through the week. Most of us can cut back 25%-33% of what we were eating before and shed some pounds, so the rest has to be good with nutrition.

Missing in your breakfast and lack of lunch are sources of sufficient protein (such as some meat for example) and vegetables which provide a lot of our vitamins and minerals. But like you said, this is good for weight loss. Now make it smarter in some way, in YOUR way. Don't try to aim for the optimal way, but what's a veggie (or fruit) you might add or have on the side with it? When you choose it, it's easier to make happen. And some fruits are pretty portable and you can have it later that day and prevent that afternoon hunger.

On the constructive criticism side, butter is a saturated fat and the Heart Association recommends aiming for a dietary pattern that achieves 5% to 6% of calories from saturated fat to avoid health problems. The 8 pats of butter are just under 300 Calories and 120 or so would be the Heart Association's recommended amount. But, here too, trade up and do baby steps. It's a journey and it has to stay your diet and not be too weird to you. You can choose a butter-like spread that is mostly unsaturated and satisfy both your taste buds and your heart needs.

What do you eat in the morning?

A bowl of 0.5c Cheerios, a few nuts, some milk, and a fruit -- all mixed together. It's small, only about 250 Calories, but I eat again mid-morning when the spouse wakes up. Our main big meal is before noon. We have a light supper later, sometimes what other Americans would think of as a lunch, such as soup and salad.

Or if you are familiar with the McDonald's Sausage McMuffin with Egg, I make my own with turkey sausage. If I don't have that cereal/fruit/nut thing above, I make this.

Thanks for this. Do you have any thoughts on coconut oil? I usually fry with that or olive oil. I could just as easily spread it on bread instead of butter.