Colorado Supreme Court justices getting threats since decision to disqualify Trump from ballot, report finds

USA to – 442 points –

NBC News reports a familiar pattern to the latest round of threats – when Trump has a legal setback, officials face threats.


Track em down and lock em up. They hate America and want to kill anyone who supports our democracy.

They're also stupid enough to be terrorists who announce their attacks ahead of time.

Just some of your classic age-old right wing terrorists who think they're freedom fighters folks. Perfectly normal behaviour.

"If they're able to successfully remove Donald Trump from the ballot, for example, or they're successfully able to keep engaging in some of the blatant election-fraud type behavior that they've done, then, pretty soon you're not going to be able to resolve your differences through the ballot box," said Colorado GOP Chair Dave Williams

These mother fuckers. We decided this at the ballot box through a free and fair election, then they stormed the capitol and tried to throw out the results. Then they have the balls to claim that they're the ones on the side of fair elections?! Get the fuck outta here.

"If they're able to successfully remove Donald Trump from the ballot, for example, or they're successfully able to keep engaging in some of the blatant election-fraud type behavior that they've done, then, pretty soon you're not going to be able to resolve your differences through the ballot box," said Colorado GOP Chair Dave Williams on the Liberty Roundtable Podcast. "It will be done, you know, in a civil war, and we don't want that, no one wants a civil war. I think most of us are capable of figuring out ways to avoid those things, but there's only so much you can do if those who are in power, keep undermining free and fair elections."

Fuck around and find out, fash. We'll stomp you right back down into the gutters you sprang from.

blatant election-fraud type behavior that they’ve done

Or, translated into fascist-speak, if we constantly accuse you of shit we can never prove, even in a court of law.

pretty soon you’re not going to be able to resolve your differences through the ballot box

We DID that, you chucklefuck. Your mob of troglodytes stormed the goddamned Capitol to interfere with that process, too. So maybe sit this one out?

we don’t want that, no one wants a civil war.

Oh Dave. Have you seen the people who come to these rallies? Or protest at local school board meetings? Have you heard what they say in online discussion forums? Have you seen the transcripts of their conversations leading up to the insurrection? Your supporters are practically salivating over the prospect.

but there’s only so much you can do if those who are in power, keep undermining free and fair elections.

Which is exactly why SCOTUS is now involved. Because a mob of Republicans undermined a free and fair election. The lack of self-awareness in these dolts is absolutely astounding.

Your supporters are practically salivating over the prospect [of a civil war].

I think there's a lot of talk, but not a lot of will. To be clear, I think there's still a real threat, but it's probably more in escalating stochastic terrorism rather than a full-out armed conflict.

I think we are equally close to actual civil war as we are to actually eating the rich. Lots of talk, lots of wanting someone else to do it.

Colorado GOP Chair Dave Williams on the Liberty Roundtable Podcast. "It will be done, you know, in a civil war, and we don't want that, no one wants a civil war."

I call absolute bullshit fucking shit. Those fucking gop fascists have been calling for a civil war since Obama was in office.

Exactly. They need to put up or fucking shut up at this point.

Colorado GOP Chair Dave Williams on the Liberty Roundtable Podcast. “It will be done, you know, in a civil war, and we don’t want that, no one wants a civil war.”

Looking at the rhetoric, this could be a cue to get ready for political violence, or it could be a prediction that sadly there will be violence- and that's a textbook example of plausibly-deniable stochastic terrorism

Which actually justifies why he should be barred from running for the office. Imagine what these people will do when they actually get in the position of power

The law is what justifies his disbarment, but yes, they are indeed all domestic terrorists.

It doesn't legally justify his disqualification, but it certainly validates the wisdom of the law that does.

Does seem to sort of reinforce the decision though...

Domestic terrorists threaten judges, after they ruled against domestic terrorists ringleader.

The voters have already decided this issue. That's why there's an Amendment. All arguments belong at the Supreme Court, no other place.

I was reading the ruling out of the Colorado Supreme Court, and the dissent was interesting to me. One of the dissenting judges claimed that the courts shouldn't be deciding this, and it should be resolved through legislation instead. Legislation... as in the 14th Amendment where we decided this already?

I don't think amendments are considered legislation per se. Unless the judge is just ignorant of legal vocabulary.

It's a dumb argument, though, and probably made in bad faith. Any statute passed by Congress would either be redundant, or it would likely be a bill of attainder.

Threats of violence from MAGA extremists who want to gargle Trump's balls!? That's weird, these creatures are usually so rational...

Is there a way to actually thank these justices for doing their job? Seems to me that all these people get is the shit and not much thanks.

Yes, let's do that. I'm busy right now (about to head into work) but hey if someone can point me in the direction, I'd love to show support.

It's a good thing the NSA is tracking all phone calls! The people making threats have been found and punished. JK, the NSA didn't do jack shit and the people making the threats are still "unknown".

Let’s be clear, the NSA doesn’t spy on americans, that’s illegal. Instead our allies spy on american and send the NSA the information. That’s legal.

The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UK-USA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.

How long will the FBI and CIA ignore these very obvious terrorists

What are you talking about, that's always been their plan is to ignore the terrorists when it's their side doing it

Only for so long as the venn diagram of FBI/CIA:MAGATs continues to have enough overlap that they're in a position to investigate themselves and their buddies and find they did nothing wrong

Ah yes, the party of law and order shows itself yet again to actually be the party of organized crime

If we let Trump on the ballot they'll storm Capitol Buildings when he loses. At least now all they do is make phone calls!

Is there a non-US link? EU people can't access it

I gotchu, Euro-bro:

COLORADO, USA — The Colorado Supreme Court Justices who ruled Donald Trump is an insurrectionist who should be barred from the ballot are now receiving a flood of violent threats on social media, according to a 45-page report cited by NBC News.

Advance Democracy, a non-partisan, nonprofit research group, tracked "significant violent rhetoric" since yesterday's court decision.

The group found social media users threatening to kill the justices on Colorado's highest court and Democrats – some users posting the justices' phone numbers and addresses to their offices.

The group conducts public interest research and found the "violent rhetoric" was often found in direct response to posts about the court's ruling made by Trump on his platform Truth Social. 

The social media platforms X,, Telegram, 8kun, Gab, Gettr, 4chan and Truth Social were monitored by the group for content. 

"Civil War" and "Insurrection" were found to be trending on X by the group. They also found that the top two posts include the Colorado court's decision and on Truth Social, "#Colorado" is trending. 

Some of the violent rhetoric on the social media sites include, “ARM UP. STOCKPILE HOLLOWPOINTS. SHOOT EVERY SINGLE DEMOKKKRAT ON SIGHT. WIPE THEM ALL OUT,” and “If you live in Colorado, do what the founding fathers ACTUALLY would want. Grab your rifles and some rope.”

The group noted that Trump has posted 22 times about the court ruling on Truth Social where "some users responded directly to Trump’s posts with violent rhetoric and calls for violence, including the hanging of the Colorado Supreme Court justices."

The group's president, Daniel J. Jones, said when they compiled the report the consistency of the violent threats and rhetoric was especially concerning. 

He told NBC News, "The normalization of this type of violent rhetoric — and lack of remedial action by social media entities — is cause for significant concern. Trump’s statements, which have sought to delegitimize and politicize the actions of the courts, is serving as a key driver of the violent rhetoric. Political leaders on both sides of the political aisle need to speak out against these calls for violence, and social media platforms need to reassess their role in hosting and promoting this rhetoric.”

The Colorado court's decision to ban the former president from the ballot doesn't kick in until the day before primary ballots are printed and won't happen if the U.S. Supreme Court takes up the case first.

The Trump campaign said Tuesday night they planned to quickly appeal the decision. 

The Colorado Republican Party said if Trump is knocked off the primary ballot they plan to cancel the primary altogether.

"If they're able to successfully remove Donald Trump from the ballot, for example, or they're successfully able to keep engaging in some of the blatant election-fraud type behavior that they've done, then, pretty soon you're not going to be able to resolve your differences through the ballot box," said Colorado GOP Chair Dave Williams on the Liberty Roundtable Podcast. "It will be done, you know, in a civil war, and we don't want that, no one wants a civil war. I think most of us are capable of figuring out ways to avoid those things, but there's only so much you can do if those who are in power, keep undermining free and fair elections." 

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of course they're being threatened, all Trump supporters are cowards and criminals

Oh for Ra's is the GQP full of sheep.