Kanye West apologises to Jewish community for 2022 antisemitic remarks

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 82 points –
Kanye West apologises to Jewish community for 2022 antisemitic remarks

Rapper posts message in Hebrew to social media, saying he is ‘committed to making amends and promoting unity’

Kanye West has apologised to “the Jewish community” for a series of antisemitic remarks he made in 2022.

In a statement posted in Hebrew on his Instagram account, where he has 18.2m followers, he wrote (as translated by Google): “I sincerely apologise to the Jewish community … It was not my intention to hurt or demean, and I deeply regret any pain I may have caused. I am committed to starting with myself and learning from this experience to ensure greater sensitivity and understanding in the future. Your forgiveness is important to me, and I am committed to making amends and promoting unity.”

West, also known as Ye, was widely condemned after writing on X in October 2022 that he was “going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE … You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone whoever opposes your agenda.” He posted a screenshot of a conversation with the rapper Diddy, in which West wrote: “Ima use you as an example to show the Jewish people that told you to call me that no one can threaten or influence me.”

The comments prompted Adidas to cut ties with West and end its lucrative Yeezy footwear partnership, with the company calling his comments “unacceptable, hateful and dangerous”. (Adidas’s chief executive Bjørn Gulden later said: “I don’t think he meant what he said and I don’t think he’s a bad person – it just came across that way.”) Gap, which also partnered with West and was already winding up their collaboration, stopped stocking West-affiliated products.


As a member of said community, go fuck yourself. Way too little, way too late... and you don't fucking know Hebrew so that pandering bullshit doesn't help.

It was not your intention to hurt and demean Jews when you said the things you said about Jews? Fuck you.

Exactly, this dickhead was on Rogan, Tucker, Fuentes, and any other right wingers show who would have them, and hanging out with Tucker and Fuentes is literally hanging out with the most Nazi/Russian propagandist and the most widely known Nazi talking head, well aside from Elon.

Ye has helped foster antisemitism in the black community at an alarming rate while also being the absolute worst time to do so, for both black Americans and Jewish Americans, whom up to this point in American civil rights history have been historically allies.

It's too late for Ye to realize he's the pawn of racists and antisemites, the damage is done thanks to his foolish mentally ill ass.

Also plenty of Jews don't know Hebrew so literally unreadable to a lot of them.

Yes. Me included. His "apology" was not an apology to a huge number of Jews.

Frankly, writing this in Hebrew is a bit shitty. Most Jews in the world don’t live in Israel, and while Jews outside of Israel might learn to read Hebrew when they’re young, most can’t actually understand its modern spoken version. So while I can see how someone might think releasing an apology in Hebrew might show solidarity with the Jews, it kind of does the opposite, at least for me.

Actions speak louder than words in a foreign language.

Pathetic. Given the seriousness of what he said, and continues to say even this month, no one with a working brain could possibly believe anything in this sad non-attempt at an apology message. It doesn’t resolve anything, it doesn’t make clear that he understands what was wrong with what he said, it doesn’t specify what he is going to do differently going forward, and it isn’t even clear that it is truly a message from him or genuine.

Forgiveness is earned. Let's see how he tries to.

A few weeks from now, he'll slip off his meds and say that the Jewish conspiracy made him apologize and then throw out some new outlandish idea like a Kanye Car.


From two weeks ago. I don’t think he got to the 2023 apology yet.

During his rant, Kanye groused that no one was standing up for him, and when one woman in the room challenged him by saying, "You ain't God, n***a" ... he threatened to have her tossed out of the room.

This made my day.

That lady needs props.

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Oh I am sure people will forgive you for saying “The Jewish media has made us feel like the Nazis and Hitler have never offered anything of value to the world. I see good things about Hitler, also.”

I am not a Jew. I don’t really care about Jews. I don’t think I have ever met one? But one doesn’t have to be a Jew to think of you being one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the face of the planet. And no, having mental health issues does not excuse sparking that much hate especially when most of your fans are young people. Shithead.

Off topic a bit, but you probably have met a Jew. They're just normal everyday people and prolly don't go out telling everyone they're Jewish. Antisemitism always confused me as a kid because the people in my life I knew were Jewish you wouldn't be able to tell unless they told you.

As a Jew.... I can spot one a mile away lol. Jewdar is real. We're not everywhere but we're there lurking in the shadows ;)

Being Jewish isn't like CrossFit. You can be Jewish and not talk about it.

These days many of us are scared to talk about it.... especially on campuses. But for the most part we just wanna be left alone to read our books and argue about them.

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Just to play devils advocate, he might actually mean it, sincerely.

He has severe bipolar, and for the uninitiated, bipolar isn't about switching moods multiple times a day. Bipolar people alternate between being manic and depressive for weeks or months at a time.

It was evident to most people that he was going through a full-manic state while he was saying he loved Hitler on Alex Jones show.

That being said, keep taking your meds Kanye. Nothing can make up for what you've said.

Yeah that makes sense, but also he consistently has access to meds. He knows he’s a Nazi when he’s manic, and he’s been destroying his life and reputation while manic for a long time. The naziism has been going on for over a year.

He has access to meds, but apparently stopped taking them (source: dude just trust me).

But seriously, I think Kim quoted that, could be wrong.

My wife is bipolar. You know what she isn't? She isn't a racist hypocritical asshole. He's just running out of cocaine money. Fuck him. His music isn't even good. Why did y'all make him famous in the first place?

Don't worry everyone, this Hitler fanboy is going to be more sensitive from now on. Concerns resolved. He's been handed the GOP memo that the position of the right is to be staunchly pro-jewish and pro-israel again.

It’s not my grievance to forgive, but it’ll definitely take a long time and a lot of work to get me to believe he actually means it. His antisemitism is severe enough that I struggle to see a reason why he should get a second chance at the rich and famous thing.

I hope he’s back on his meds and has a better/actual support network

Ye must be getting ready for another run at President!

My first question was, "why is he apologizing now?" It could be that he started taking his meds, or that he feels bad about the War on Gaza, but if you read the article, he has an album dropping in mid-January. This feels like his publicist made him apologize, not like he's actually sorry for anything or doing better. Considering how recently he was still spouting crazy bullshit, I'd say this is just a case of $$$$$.

Until he misses his meds again and he’ll take it all back.

A heartfelt apology that was obviously written by a celebrity publicist.

Speaking on behalf of all Jews, apology not accepted. Hebrews 8;12 doesn't apply for this bitch.

2 more sincere attempts and maybe he'll get there. His publicist, agent and lawyer can teach him about a proper apology if he's serious.