I keep salt and sugar in identical bottles. A mistake was bound to happen, and it just did.

BOLOID@pawb.social to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 148 points –

This is the worst batch of french toast i've ever made.


Why would you do this? I would just get a marker and label each one with an “S” so you don’t make this same mistake in the future.

First thing i did, while my mouth was still salty from the first bite, is go get my sharpie.

Never again

This is also why it's required for restaurants to label all containers.

A clear jar of what is assumed vinegar could be bleach, and those tiny mix ups could be deadly.

I don't think anybody keeps cleaning agents and food ingredients in the same place, I definitely don't, don't know anybody who does, so it's logical to assume it should be the same in restaurants

Vinegar can be a very effective cleaning agent though, it's not just used for food.

It's still a different vinegar, that shouldn't be kept with food

Totally agree on that point. I took it more to mean it could be fatal if someone went to refill a jar of vinegar with bleach (or vice versa) since mixing the two creates chlorine gas which can be fatal.

Your mouth was salty? What’s the problem then?

You don't understand, this batter was a lot saltier than the batter you're thinking of

One time I got a coffee to go, only to find they’d put salt instead of sugar.

And it takes your brain a moment to figure out what the hell is happening...like a complete out of body experience first thing in the morning

“We’ve replaced Che_Donkey’s normal morning sugar with crystalline LSD. Let’s see if he notices!”

at first I was like, "Ha Ha! I get that reference."

then I realized how old the reference is ...

....now I'm depressed

Salt in coffee is actually a thing. I think it decreases the perception of the bitter taste or something? I don't remember. I just remember trying it and not caring for it, because I like the taste of coffee.

(It's a very small amount of salt though. Like a pinch in a cup is more than enough.)

This is probably why it is usually a good idea to label your bottles or containers with names like salt, sugar, baking soda, flour, etc.

But that's boring. Just close your eyes, grab any packet or bottle at random and apply with gusto. This way you will always be surprised at new and fresh taste combinations!

I actually do make my French Toast with salt and pepper. No sugar, except in the maple syrup. It's far superior.

I mixed these up as a kid once. Worst jug of kool-aid i ever had. Fruit punch “sweetened” with salt.

My parents store their’s like this. I thought I’d be a good son and make everyone bacon and pancakes for breakfast one day while visiting. Mistakes were made, good thing there was enough bacon to go around

You put sugar on your French toast?

Tons, and cinnamon, flour, and a little bit of salt. I find that the bread dilutes the flavor, so i overload the batter to compensate.

I don't like bland french toast

Probably powdered sugar, which makes op even more stupid. Jk he probably added powdered salt

Powdered salt is great for popcorn! Grind it up in a spice grinder and you get this terrible awesome superfine powder for popcorn

Murphy's law Op. Glad you learned about it on a non threatening scenario.

Yeah good thing OP found out in a low stakes situation. Can you imagine if it was more serious?

“Cast your hope aside Mortal, for the demon Karanathaghar has set his eye on thee!”

“Oh I know. I’ve seen this in the x-files. I’ll just make a neat little ring of salt around me …”

“You sweeten yourself for me. Bwahahahaha!”

I had nearly the same problem on new years.

Was going to put vanilla sugar in my whipped cream but accidentally put baking soda as its the exact same container.

Savory french toast slaps. Put sum cheese on that bad boy

But using as much salt they normally would use sugar? Most people put shitloads of sugar on french toast.

Yeah, I was confused about this... A little sugar won't ruin your French toast, and you can always salt it afterwards... I genuinely forget that people eat it sweet, I'm a cheddar and bacon boy myself.

I was assured by Ted Lasso that this will turn out okay.