Poultry processor hit with proposed $212,646 fine after second worker, a teen, killed by machine | CNN Business

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to News@lemmy.world – 265 points –
Poultry processor hit with proposed $212,646 fine after second worker, a teen, killed by machine | CNN Business

  1. This is a proposed fine.
  2. "Mar-Jac Poultry's estimated annual revenue is currently $227.1M per year. Mar-Jac Poultry's estimated revenue per employee is $337,500" https://growjo.com/company/Mar-Jac_Poultry meaning that this proposed fine is less than the income this child generated for them.
  3. The child was hired by Onin Staffing, and there is no proposal to fine them. "Onin Staffing's estimated annual revenue is currently $235.9M per year." https://growjo.com/company/Onin_Staffing
  4. This is murder.
  5. This is the fault of Republicans.
  6. They're good with that.

Why are there even kids working there? How old was this "teen"? What is wrong with the USA (rethorical question)?

Your numbers (i assume correctness) are making it even more worse. Disgusting even. That's like fines not bound to income. A major kick in the nutsack for the poor and a slightly more expensive, but totally neglectable, parking-ticket for the rest.

Many of them are immigrant children.


CNN obviously won't identify the child, but I would not be at all surprised if the child was an immigrant.

He told me that he called and asked for help and he thought at least maybe the police would come and check out the house, somebody might come and knock on the door and instead nothing happened. He ended up escaping eventually on his own. When I asked Health and Human Services about this, they told me that yes, they did not have a policy of calling these children back or going out once they were contacted.

Patently HHS didn't think it was important to follow up on phone calls they receive. WTF?

Adam Conover also has a video breaking down the issue.


Which would exactly change what? Still a teen that shouldn't work in such a place. Maybe an hour a day filling shelfs in a supermarket. Not working at a deboner in a soul-crusher.

It doesn't change anything. It's an explanation of why the kids are hired. They're immigrants that came across the border illegally and are being exploited. They are being helped along by Republican state laws. It's all racism.

Why they don't just force them shutdown? Unsafe workplace,1 teen died and 1 adult, what else you want ?? Sad just sad. Edited as mentioned on omy other comment.

The other people who work there see it as their best opportunity.

Let that sink in for a minute.

If you close that place, their life just got worse. Better to fix it.

Why not shut down the place liquidate it's asset's and distribute it all to the workers. Fuck that management they created that mess and deserve to pay for it !

1 teen, the previous was an adult. Not that it changes the heinousness.

I thought I it said 2, my fault then! Thanks for correcting me.

Oh, is that what a teenager's life is worth, combined with the very serious FUCKING HEALTH THREATS of a FOOD PROCESSOR having people DIE in the FACTORY?

Surely this will teach them not to do it again.

At least its only the proposed fine, so theres hope they can work it down to a more reasonable amount. I mean, have you seen teenagers?

Actually the value of the teen to the company is about $337,500 per year, the amount of revenue the child generated for them.

In fact, if this is the only cost they incur, then they have the financial incentive to keep killing children.

They're being fined for killing a kid? Better remove those pesky REGULATIONS so they won't be fined next time!

-Republicans trying to Protect The Children

The neoliberalism that drives shit like this is unfortunately (and genuinely) a "both sides" issue.

The right-wing will be more openly psycopathic about it but ostensibly left-wing parties the world over are still dragging their feet on the regulations needed to force companies to behave ethically.

We desperately need to dismantle the "managed democracy" they've built where the only choices are "red neoliberal" or "blue neoliberal" before they kill us all.

200K, not even a slap on the wrist. More like a tickle.

2 people (one a teenager) killed and there isn't a CRIMINAL investigation?

Canned chicken of the land! Now with 80% less teen.

Now with 60% less teen....now 20% less teen....now with 5% less teen...now it just 0.0005% left teens tit (LTT).... Now with 1ppmltt...(part per million left teens tit)...look teen tits are hard to clean off stainless steel okay. That's just life..... McDonald's

That's it? They should at least get fined for that kid's estimated earnings over a lifetime. Even at the current garbage minimum wage, that would be $750k.

Unfortunately this is likely an undocumented child and there will be no lawsuit over it.

after a 16-year-old sanitation worker was pulled into a chicken deboning machine and killed.

What the fuck? What a way to go.

Crazy that 16 year olds are working in an environment that could get them to end up on krudplug.

“Price of doing business. Can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs.”

"chicken deboning machine"



don't google that

I 100% read “poultry professor” the first time.

if you're paying for the needless slaughter of animals, you're paying for this too. buying animal products is creating the demand, and the machine will keep crushing the innocent and exploited.

Or, you know, regulate it for safety like any other industry.

If you're paying for ANY clothing you didn't make yourself, you're paying and driving demand for underage laborers in impoverished countries to make your stuff.

If you're using the internet, that costs electricity and that's (on average) produced by fossil fuels at power generators, spurring on demand for further pollution and destruction of our planet.

The above are examples of silly arguments, but do you see how you might have propped up an unrelated point about veganism/vegetarianism during a story about a dead teenager?

yea, why hasn't anyone thought to make the dismemberment factory a safe place to be?

You just going to sidestep the other points above that talk about exploitation of children and the planet or do you just want to talk about cattle? Because if cattle is more important than those things, please let me know so I can write this off as a conversation not worth having.

you said yourself that they were silly, and I wholeheartedly agree.
but the whole "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, so we might as well violate all the rights we can!" isn't it.

The problem is that I don't believe there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, that statement encompasses the argument of "there's no ethical consumption of meat" which seems to be the one you began with. I'm willing to agree there's an over consumption of meat in US diets, I myself struggle to shove more veggies into my life and cut back on the steaks and burgers, but to frame all meat consumption as "needless slaughter" underneath an article about a teen dying in a processing is drastically tone deaf.

If properly maintained and running at a reasonable pace, the disnemberment factory is actually a pretty safe place to work.