Fuck Reddit u̶p̶v̶o̶t̶e̶ boost party!

zcd@kbin.social to Reddit Migration@kbin.social – 694 points –

The apps have all gone offline, welcome aboard to all the other refugees, fuck /u/spez!


Anyone have the numbers of today's new users for any of the kbin or Lemmy instances?

2.1k new kbin.social accounts made in the past 72 hours.

1.4k new lemmy.world accounts made in the past 72 hours.

Amazing! Long live the fediverse. Fuck Reddit!

Even better would be if they spread out over more instances instead ofself-centralising on a few 'flagship' instances. But no judgement, it's understandable; just keep in mind you can always move to another and connect with the same communities!

Open to suggestions chief. I know nothing about this brave new world.

I like this one: https://the-federation.info/platform/73

Good graphs to look at are: Active this month, Total Posts, and Total Comments. You can also look at these graphs on a per server basis. I'm on lemmy.ca so I've been following that server closely. Very happy with my local admins so far.

We boost here

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what's the difference between boosting and hitting the upvote/downvote looking buttons?

Boost is a kbin upvote, while upvote is a Lemmy upvote. So if you want promote some good content on kbin, you have to use boost

This is awful. It’s confusing.

This is from the various services trying to talk to each other in ways they weren't originally designed to do, really. Our "upvote" is a mastodon "favorite" (like) while our "boost" is functionally a retweet/reblog. Kbin tries to bridge the gap between threaded content and microblogging, and it gets about 90% of the way there; all it really needs to do is change it so that upvotes are the ones that contribute to reputation instead of boosts, which are functionally useless outside a fully microblog-style environment.

Lol, the developer has acknowledged it doesn't make sense at the moment and it will be changed.

Thank goodness for that at least. It can't come soon enough

It is currently broken which is why it functions in such a terrible way. A fix has been made, but not yet pushed to live. Hold tight :)

It'll work itself out eventually. Kbin is still super new. Ernest is hard at work every day


There's definitely room for improvement, but I like what I see so far and don't have a problem learning a new paradigm. I'm sure that as the platform matures things will become more consistent.

Kbin is basically still in alpha. They're fixing stuff like this. It'll be fixed soon.

I've read it's a work in progress and may be changed at some point to be consistent across the Fediverse. Poor guy is slammed with feature requests and bug reports with Kbin.

From what I can see the upvote / downvote both work as you'd expect now (as in upvoting curates content). There was apparently a period of time where 'boost' was the upvote mechanic but that's been changed

Boost is like retweeting something, you can have followers in the fediverse. Boosting makes something more visible to everyone, so you upvote/downvote things you personally like/dislike and boost things you think your followers/everyone would like

Think of this place as a cross between email, Twitter and reddit. All communities can interact with each other and are independent

The upvote doesn't represent an upvote on Kbin, so if you get a normal flow of upvotes/downvotes and no boosts, you'll have a negative reputation.

reputation doesn't actually do anything, of course, but it is there.

It only doesn't count as an upvote as far as reputation is concerned, upvotes are still upvotes in determining post ranking.

Interestingly enough, boost for reddit app is still working..... For now

The Infinity app is still working as well. My Slide app is not.

When RIF died today a part of me died. But with death comes rebirth, and here we are. Forcibly pushed out of our comfort zones and into the brave new world of the fediverse. I have a feeling I will look upon this day with the same joy and reverence as the day my friend download rif on my phone for me all those years ago. It felt weird at first then became something I used almost every day. I have a feeling the same will happen here. We're all about to create something beautiful. Oh yeah and fuck spez

Fuck /u/spez, and more importantly, welcome to everyone coming in today. It’s been amazing watching the growth of kbin, and I’m super thankful for the developers who have kept me connected to my communities - first Christian, now Ernest. I’ve never been in on the ground floor of anything and this has been absolutely wild.

Kinda mad I didn’t grab a short handle while I could, but I wasn’t thinking and just used the same as I had on Reddit. sigh

Could always make your own instance or choose a smaller one and sign up with a short handle there 😉

Deleted my Reddit account today. 12 years I was a user. No more.

Deleted my account of 11 years just now as well after verifying PowerDeleteSuite didn’t miss anything the past few days. I thought this would be my hardest non-federated social media account to delete, since it was the last one standing and the one I used most. After what I’ve seen this month, it’s an easy delete. My time there is done.

Is PowerDeleteSuite working since the API change? I would like to edit all of my comments but didn't get round to it before the change.

Quite enjoying the Kbin experience after 11 years of reddit. I thought it would be harder to switch.

I'm happier here. I feel like I'm surrounded by intelligent people again. The reddit userbase had become hot garbage during the past 5 or so years.

Same for me. I feel like the reason kbin in particular feels so much like coming back to a long lost home is because it appeals to the old guard of reddit, people with 10+ year accounts who really just wanted an aggregated collection of forums for niche interests. Reddit kept getting shittier as that format got diluted and they tried to push it towards being mainstream social media.

A fair number of people seem to be spilling out into Lemmy, kbin, squabbles and other places. Be keen to see how the growth accelerates over the next few weeks as people weigh up their options.

I think once some nice 3rd party apps get rolling we’ll see a lot more adoption as well

Problem with squabbles is that it has sole ownership. Can literally turn into reddit or Digg again.

Good to know there are a bunch of alternatives though.

Yeah a few friends have spread out, reach looking into new replacements. Kbin got my attention since it's open source and PHP based, so it's something I can jump right into and fix up issues. Lots of people working on fixing up several parts of the site to make it even better

Also tildes.net. However, they're trying to grow slowly, and they're focused on text-only discussions.

This feels like a good landing site.

It''s taking me a while to learn navigation and buttons etc - no disrespect to developers, that's just me.

It's a whole new system so it's going to take a while to get used to it. There's several things behind the scenes getting improved, lots of new UI improvements pending

im boosting this as well..

do i need to scroll to the end of the page just to reply a post?

Yes, the intent is to encourage reading comments before commenting.

I want to compare this to how I felt about Digg, but it’s different. Digg was a platform that was okay, but then the redesigns happened and I didn’t care about wanting to leave.there wasn’t anything there that I really cared about. I remember finding Reddit in undergrad, creating the University’s subreddit, and watching it grow. I was active on subs I cared about, topics where my passions lie. Now it’s all gone, and time to start again.

I absolutely mourn the loss of a useful tool and my awesome communities. but I'm pretty excited to be watching something new grow out of it.

I could use a boost! I'm already in the weeds!!

It’s dangerous to go alone, take this

Funnily enough, boost for reddit is the last one holding out and closes after today. I was really confused by your title hahah

In a weird way, I’m almost glad u/Spez decided to make the horrible api changes. I never would have discovered the fediverse otherwise. Personally, I also feel a lot better after quitting Reddit. Even so, fuck u/Spez for being a greedy Piece of shit.

Somehow Joey for Reddit seems to still be working???

Is it supposed to shut down as well? The devs might just be waiting till the last moment to revoke the API key if it is.

I don't think I've said it a single time yet. Fuck Spez!

I joined the club as well, deleted my Reddit account!

Fediverse is the future!

10 years of rif down the drain. Keen to learn about the fediverse. It's very overwhelming.

Been a RiF user for 12 years. Never thought I'd see the day I'd purge my reddit account and not look back. But here we are! Glad to be here with you all, here's to our new communities.

Fuck spez, amen. I'm actually really impressed by how good Lemmy is working given that it is still a newer platform. Big fan of FOSS, so that's a huge plus for me as well!

I will be donating to third-party apps and instances to help support this lovely thing we have going on here.

Stay beautiful, y'all!

Sup fellow Lemmings. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Anyone coming from Apollo, I highly recommend wefwef. It’s impressively close given how short it’s been in development.

Also fuck spez

Thanks for the recommendation! There’s so many apps in the works, I love it. I have a whole folder lol. I’ve found Thunder and Mlem to be the most overall functional so far but I’m definitely gonna check out wefwef.

I encourage everyone to go see what’s out there as far as third party apps. Fuck it, try them all!

edit: wow you weren’t kidding! it really feels extremely similar to apollo while managing to be a web app?? pretty impressive. although i’d prefer a native version…