Proposed bill would give Arizona Legislature authority to override popular vote to politics – 339 points –
Proposed bill would give Arizona Legislature authority to override popular vote

If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.

I firmly believe they don't see voting as a way for a people to pick their representatives, but rather a way to test the loyalty of the population to their "Rightful Masters"

The fact that a Republican can lose an election is seen as a bug, not a feature.

Proposing something like that should automatically get you banned from all government jobs.

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This really comes accross as a party that is beginning to realise it is in deep shit.

To me it comes across as a party of actual fascists realising the jig is up, they’ve been spotted, and they can no longer sneak their fascism into democracy under the radar.

Historically, shit gets dangerous when this happens, because there’s often a latent 30% of society who’re actually fine with open fascism if they get what they personally want. Fascists are more than happy to weaponise that.

If it is put on the ballot, I really hope everyone shows up to vote it down.

Both sides are not the same. Trump is running for dictator. They don't care about who won the elections anymore. Republicans want to rule us from a minority.

It's legislation. The dem governor will veto it, and the courts would laugh at it.

Would the courts laugh at it? I believe it is up to the states to decide how they want to choose their electors, and it is just tradition that dictates they go to the popular vote. In fact, this is the way the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is designed to get rid of the electoral college.

I would bet they WANT to courts to come in and decide that a state MUST deliver their delegates to the popular vote so that the NPVIC is dead in the water.

I hadn't realized how well the NPVIC was doing. It's currently at 205 Electoral votes with legislation pending in other states that would bring it past the 270 vote trigger that would end the Electoral Collage. In theory, if enough of the pending states come through before July, it could go into effect for this coming election. That is amazing!

and the courts would laugh at it.

Not so sure about this part. The states can more or less assign electors as they please, following the laws of that state. Currently that means that 48 of them assign all electors to the statewide popular vote winner and 2 assign two electors to the statewide popular vote winner and one to the popular vote winner in each House district. I don't know that there's a legal basis to shoot down just having the legislature pick regardless of the popular vote, no different than a state could assign their electors based on the national popular vote rather than that of their state (hence a certain interstate compact that will probably never get enough states on board to become active).

Um. Please tell me this will never fly. Please. Someone. Pls….

Unless Arizona governors aren't allowed to veto, it'll never happen

They are and she’s a Dem so she will. Not sure on the lay of the land if it came to an override. Also AZ voters can, with enough signatures, get an item on the ballot bypassing the legislature. So even if it doesn’t go through there it could still end up on a ballot. But at least then in total we are skewing more blue than red.

All in all, very unlikely to see this happen.

I'm less concerned with the likelihood of such a bill passing than I am with the fact that Republicans are being this brazen about it.

If this initiative ended up on the ballot, no way would AZ voters vote for something that would kill their future ability to vote for a president.

AZ State legislature leans red, but not by nearly enough to overdrive their Dem governor's vetoes.

Why even bother with an election at that point? It wouldn't make any difference because obviously they would overturn any results they don't like, even if they themselves were elected on the same ballot

You take my vote away and we’re going to have a problem. Ok republiQans? A. Problem.

You’ll find out how tolerant this left is.

Far as I have been able to tell there are two things stopping a good portion on the left from actually rioting:

  1. Hope that voting will do what we need it to do

  2. Lack of agreement on what to do

The third may be apathy, though that's been a constant, and basically a given at this point. I expect a loss of hope and general apathy over time if this went through. However, I also expect that the removal of 1 will cause 2 to no longer be an issue.

Who knows though.

If I can - in my sole judgement - safely cast a ballot and my wife can do the same, I’ll back down.

If however there are difficulties with that…. Just wait until you see what a liberal who believes in the Constitutiom and 2nd and 4th/5th handling that.

Wanna watch drop boxes w obscured tags? Yeah we can do that too, and report every instance of threats and violence.

I can’t do 24/7 anymore, but a lil vid while I nap seems totally reasonable.

Republicans want to rule you and they are getting really bold about it. Ohio Republicans are doing the same.

"If conservatives ideals are rejected by the people Republicans will not abandon Conservativism, they will abandon democracy"

My god, someone tell this chud already that Trump isn't going to fuck him.

The thirst for Trump's dried shriveled aprocot dick by the right is way past creepy at this point.

Oh Arizona... you don't need a law to do that.

Just ask Missouri. Those sacks have found ways to override constitutional amendments.

That guy looks like he just realized he left his dick at home.

Lol, Arizona doesn't understand democracy. Can they succeed as well?

I know you meant secede but I'm imagining you are just a super positive person 😁

White guys doing white guy stuff

I'm not sure that having the government override the will of the people is 'white guy stuff.' It seems like it's something that happens the world over.