Sync for Reddit is dead, long live Sync for Lemmy

Ljdawson (Sync dev)@lemmy.worldmod to Sync for – 1060 points –

Morning all, Just a quick update to say I'm making good progress with the development and we just hit 24k email signups!



As someone who bought Sync for Reddit (Pro) back in 2012, I just wanted to express my thanks for all your hard work over the years. It's one absolutely stellar app, and you can count on a day one purchase for Sync for Lemmy from me.

I'll being pro again as well!

Agreed! I picked up Lifetime for Sync for Reddit before uninstalling it in support for Sync for Lemmy, and I'll be popping for Lifetime again when it's out! 🀘🏼 Long live Sync for Lemmy πŸ€“

As a Sync Ultra user, would pay again. The quality of Sync is out of this world, I used Reddit just so I'd be able to enjoy a good UX on my phone.

Good luck with the first version!

I had only one complaint about Sync Pro - it was too cheap by half, considering all the work you put in over that decade+

I'd have gladly paid a tenner. In fact I used to pay for pro again after I got a new phone lol

I'd recommend go buy his other app(s) in support. I did...After it was no longer working.

Sync was amazing, it will continue to be amazing. I'm 100% buying the Pro version again.

This is what keeps me going. Your work is so appreciated!

I'm hyped! Currently using Connect for Lemmy which feels fairly polished but I find myself always trying to do Sync's gestures lol. Really excited to get Sync back!

If I keep Sync for Reddit installed on my phone, will there be a way to import my settings once the Lemmy version is released?

It's the back swipe and the collapse, isn't it! This is pretty good in the meantime so fair dos to the developer of Connect.

But sync was sooo good. Can't wait.

Exactly lol. Also the swiping on comments and posts to upvote, save, reply, etc behaves differently. I find myself accidentally downloading posts when I'm just scrolling.

Exactly lol. Also the swiping on comments and posts to upvote, save, reply, etc behaves differently. I find myself accidentally downloading posts when I'm just scrolling.

Connect is good but the 3rd party Reddit apps were so crazy polished. The absolute dumbest thing spez did as an outcome of his dumb decisions was he sent all the best app developers on his platform, straight to his biggest competitor.

24k!? Dang. I'm really hoping that contributes to the activity over here. Lemmy provides a similar enough experience that, as long as the people come, it'll be comparable to Reddit for sure.

One question I've been curious about: is your goal to make Sync for Lemmy as close as possible to the same experience as Sync for Reddit, minus any changes that are inherently different between Reddit and Lemmy?

I'll be there on day one. Deleted Sync two days ago and need to fill that gap in my app list.

I haven't been able to bring myself to uninstall it yet :(

It was hard. But I am finding a lot of the same communities here on Lemmy. And sync will be coming here soon enough.

Can't wait!! Thank you for your efforts and I'll be purchasing Pro again!

Bought Sync back in 2012 and got over a decade of love for it, count me in line for Sync for Lemmy!

I'll even pay for Pro again, just making it happen. Love you dude.

I’m very excited about this! Sync was my preferred client on my Android phones, so I’m definitely looking forward to this.

Sync was awesome, so glad to hear there's gonna be a version for Lemmy

Really excited for this, how have you found working with the Lemmy API's compared to Reddit's?

Can't wait! I'll buy it again!

It feels kind of silly but I'm also looking forward to buying it again.

God knows I've got plenty of google play credit to spare.

I was unsure where to move after reddit, but when you annouced Sync for Lemmy it was clear as day. Thanks for keeping Sync up and running!

looking forward to supporting the new version of sync again when it's up! Thanks for all your work on this

Just subscribed to because of the message in Sync for Reddit, so I'm definitely looking forward to buy your app again. Still not too sure about the differences between Reddit and Lemmy, other than Lemmy is slow, but it's probably getting a lot of attention suddenly.

That's sort of a good problem to have; it means Lemmy is gaining a lot of attention. Hopefully people stick around long enough to reform their communities in Lemmy while people upgrade and add new servers to handle the demand.

Respect dev, you made the right choice to hop in here!

Can't wait for Sync for Lemmy.

I'm so excited for Lemmy Sync! I've been using Sync for Reddit for many, many years and absolutely adore the app - the new app will certainly ease the transition to Lemmy!

Even if I use Lemmy less than Reddit, Sync has earned my respect enough for another purchase, I know Lemmy is in heavy flux, hope this doesn't dampen your efforts ^_Β°

is there a confirmation on the signups? I click the button but nothing appears to happen.

You use Firefox, don't you?

I've experienced the same problem. FF's advanced blocking blocks the call. Try signing up from a shittier browser, like Chrome.

Had the same issue in Firefox and had to disable my adblocker

Fantastic news! Signed up, happy to pay again, can't wait!

Hi lj random question regarding sync for reddit. Do you know by any chance when the imgur rapid api key will expire?

Great to hear that about time reddit's monopoly ended, too many shitty decisions they need punished

That's great news, as someone who bought Sync for Reddit pro all those years ago, and who just heard about/signed up for Lemmy in the last 5 minutes.

Looking forward to trying it out and learning more about Lemmy!

Sync is/was one of my favourite apps since 2013 - looking forward to seeing what the Lemmy experience is like.

Can't wait! Liftoff is really good, but Sync was better.

Loved the app. Looking forward to using it again here!

I'm so happy you're doing this! It's going to be amazing!!!

Great to hear that about time reddit's monopoly ended, too many shitty decisions they need punished

Exciting! Are you starting from scratch or are you able to copy portions from the old code over?

Pretty sure a lot of the boiler plate code would be the same like upvote/downvote, etc.

Just that instead of telling reddit that user pressed upvote, now the app needs to tell lemmy.

Yeah, probably. Although I know with APIs it's not always as easy because one uses HATEOAS, the other's entities look entirely different and stuff like that. Just curious whether the data structure is roughly the same, I never looked at Lemmy's Code or the Reddit API

It would be in lemmy's best interests to make their APIs as close to reddit ones as possible.

It's a little late for that, Lemmy's API is mostly in place and already being used.

Exactly the UI and the model/backend are properly separated if it follows a design pattern like MVC. So it would be pretty trivial to replace the Reddit API calls with Lemmy API calls. Except for the things that don’t exactly translate one on one.

Famous last words calling something trivial in engineering. But if there’s anyone that can it’s our man ❀️

Man. You are way more optimistic about the promises of MVC than I am. Yes it can definitely make things easier for a transition like this but I would not call it trivial.

I keep catching myself clicking the old sync app out of habit, it's like muscle memory at this point when I unlock my phone πŸ˜… Is the Lemmy update coming as a patch to the reddit app, or will there be a new download when the time comes? Just wondering if I should delete the old app to try and break my addiction in the interim.

I've deleted the old app and just put my current Lemmy app there, when Sync for lemmy is published I'll replace it again. This way I don't have to change a thing about my habit

Long live the King!

It's incredibly awesome that you're doing this, and we're here to help continue the legacy that is Sync!

Just take my money already! Definitely will pay again for pro version of Sync!

That's incredible news! Please let me oe the community know if you need any help beta testing.

Is there like a timeline for this?

And I just want to say thank you for doing this development

Hey, good work! Can you provide a ETA if you could?

I think ljdawson said 4 to 6 weeks in the introduction post in reddit. That was a couple of days at least ago though.

Im looking forward to it. But atbthe same time i doubt my willpower is strong enough for me to wait that long.

For now I'm using Liftoff and Connect for Lemmy. And they're ... fine? But the amount of polish in Sync for Reddit is/was insane. I'm keeping my hopes up for the Lemmy version.

Thanks for the great work LJ, Sync was my favorite app by far, so I hope to switch over to it once out.

For now, I have really been enjoying using Wefwef. So cool to see so many great apps for this platform.

Very much looking forward to it! Loved sync so much :) I keep on trying the gestures in this connect app haha

Hopefully kbin comparability is an option once their API is sorted

Already signed up and stoked for sync to make a comeback. Thanks for everything

Cannot wait! Thanks for all of your hard work. I'll be joining Sync for Lemmy as soon as its available.

I will definitely use/pay for this when it comes out just as a token of appreciation for your work on Sync.

But it'd be awesome if you picked up support for kbin as well when it's API offerings are fully out, it's my prefence over lemmy by far.

The form didn't work for me sadly

Don't worry it's just for the email reminder, you'll get the same updates right here on Lemmy.

Can't wait honestly. I've been using it for years. No app feels the same.

I had only one complaint about Sync Pro - it was too cheap by half, considering all the work you put in over that decade+

I'd have gladly paid a tenner. In fact I used to pay for pro again after I got a new phone lol

Kind of feel cheated considering I purchased pro just a week ago, but that's on me for being too optimistic when it comes to SHTF.

If only developing software for multiple, completely different platforms was as easy as simply making one app, and all debugging & patching was universal across the board. Ag, what a world that would be.

Instead, it's tough and worth every penny of support by the fans who appreciate good work when they see it. There must be countless free options out there, but after all: you get what you pay for, right?

Let's support the amazing work of this superhuman solo dev, the hero we need and just in time. 🀌🏼