Midjourney might ban Biden and Trump images this election season

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to Technology@lemmy.world – 299 points –
Midjourney might ban Biden and Trump images this election season

Fun fact: Midjourney bans images of genocidal dictator Xi Jinping, but not other world leaders.

They don’t want to get hacked by the Chinese :)

They want to make as much money as they possibly can, so they take all steps to ensure they cannot hurt the feelings of Poo-Bear :)

It's fucking pathetic to watch a company choose to kowtow to a dictator for the hope of profit

funny how its the us financing genocide, but xi is the real bloodthirsty dictator. us conservatives puzzle me.

US is financing genocide and China is committing genocide.

is it? is there proof?

Plenty, but you tankies refuse to acknowledge it.

where is it? you fascists just link me western propaganda pieces with wild speculation and pictures of some random inmates.

never actual evidence.

the palestinian genocide on the other hand is happening and being happily financed and encouraged by the us....

There's never enough proof for some people. There are Holocaust deniers ffs

As for China, the proof is in the pudding. Can you go there and openly speak about it? Can anyone just go up to the camps unannounced and check? Or can you only go there when and how the government wants, like the Nazis did when they invited the International red cross to one of their camps and made a little movie about it to show how humane they were, and then at the end of the film they simply sent everyone there to Auschwitz?

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I feel like the cat is way out of the bag on this. Stable diffusion can be run locally. Hugging Face has over 15,000 models labelled with text to image generation.

I'm sure there will be (or already are) Trump and Biden Loras.

Dont even need them. Theyre such big names that theyre already baked into the base model.

I guess it's a matter of increasing the friction to making one. This will slightly decrease the number of them?

Or they just don't want to be associated with it

But that's not necessary a better thing to do then. It might decrease awareness on the ease of generating fake images for the general public 🙁

This election cycle will be full with AI generated propaganda. Fun times ahead.

I’ve had family member ask me about AI since I’m younger and I tell them every time that they aren’t ready for it at all. Especially in this years elections, AI will be weaponized immediately. Like in a few months the machines will turn on from countries around the world to generate fake images and mountains of fake articles and videos and sound bites. Basically, the average Facebook user will be flooded with misinformation and fakery to the point of overload.

AI stuff is survival of the believable, not reality. So if you can believe it, even just a little, you will reinforce an AI model on the edge of your disbelief and it is designed to perfect delusion and extremism.

This year will end in tragedy. I guarantee it.

the average Facebook user will be flooded with misinformation and fakery to the point of overload.

If you put it like this, it does not sound that bad - since that is already the case. /not sure if s or not.

When I say misinformation and fakery, I mean that this information won’t be the normal type. It’ll be closer to fabrication or lies where the truth is not even partially represented. Same with fakery. It’s the difference between propaganda editing and straight up CGI or photoshop. The propaganda editing is common. Skew the narrative to the point of misinforming. The other type is not currently common. Because making a believable lie vs a parody of the truth takes more time. But AI can and will change that.

For a while now Facebook has been a place of delusion where a different reality exists for people. This will double or triple that disconnect and will likely drive the whole platform into full post-truth but then also delusional truth. I hope I’m wrong but I doubt it.

That's nice, but without a law and some kind of real enforcement, nothing is going to change.

That seems like a reasonable decision

All well and good for text prompts but Midjourney lets you upload an image and modify it, or smash two images together. Are their filters going to detect trump and biden’s faces in those images? Not sure AI is there yet.

100% AI is already there yet but I don't think it's worth the cost to run it on every gen for them

fucking photoshop exists. all of this is moot point

EDIT : stable diffusion too. if you want to make propagada, you'll make propaganda.

How do i get midjourney to do this?

When you do the /imagine command, paste in a URL after the prompt

And to smash?

When two urls love each other very much…

If you put two image urls after the prompt then it will combine those images together.

Hmm, doesn't seem to work for me. Bummer.

It has to be a link to a direct image, the image can't be on a webpage or such. Generally that ends in .png (or another photo-related extension) for convention (but not strictly required, depends on how the server is configured).

Too bad it'll still work for a world leader who looks kinda like his name rhymes with hidin' or disgraced cheeto

Oh no... if they didnt went public they might have stopped all the people who are generating in advance