links adventurule to – 448 points –

Nah man, Link is as featureless as a Ken doll. Link ain't got time for genitals.

There's two kinds of people in the world: people who would absolutely smash femboy Link and dirty fucking liars.

link is trans ftm

zelda is trans mtf

legend of zelda is a t4t lovestory :3

zelda spend more time with ganon than with link...

Ganon is trans mtam (male to alpha male)

Now he is amtdm (alpha male to dead male)

Ganon? The dude born of a tribe of people who only ever ever ever have female offspring? If anyone in the Zelda World is ftm then him!

There's an adorable little comic for that which I cannot find because search engines are kind of garbage now. "Remember the prince of Hyrule?"

I’ve always liked that they’ve made Link ambiguous enough that a lot of people can feel at least somewhat connected to the character. And also, that he doesn’t have text so that you can fill in that part of the dialogue in your own head.

Insisting Link is trans is twink-erasure.

Trans guys can be twinks as well

I guess none of us really know what is going on under that tunic but we all agree it's fuckable and everyone is gay.

It's Pat!

I get your reference, but... those skits get kinda a mixed reaction in the trans community. They're pretty problematic but not awful by the standards of the time, but despite whatever the joke actually is, Pat, and their equally androgynous partner, are depicted as happy. So have my non-vote, lol.

If Pat is problematic, how is treating Link the same way not a problem? Especially since we know Link's full story and that he is not trans in any way? At least Pat was progressive enough to show two people of unclear gender and sexuality in a happy monogamous relationship even though everyone around them was treating them like a joke. That was pioneering for the time, and is part of the reason why trans and other non-cis people are becoming mainstream today as the Gen X and early Millennials like me grew up with that and are now gaining positions of influence.

Link on the other hand is definitely male, and has never been shown to display anything but male behaviors despite looking slightly androgynous. But that's more because he also belongs to an Elf-like race that are typically dipicted more androgynous. Then again, he's also a video game character and not a real person, so he likely has no opinion about how he's depicted. So I guess it's ok to make jokes about him being trans? That's probably more of a question for actual trans people.