Can someone explain why authors do this? to Programmer – 430 points –

It's a more easily readable drop in for A and B. And it being convention helps remove one unfamiliar element from a new topic.

Not only more readable than A and B but I would argue it's also easier to remember who did what a few sentences or paragraphs earlier since Alice and Bob invoke slightly less generic mental images than A and B. For example one is a woman and the other one is a man, maybe even some person or character you know.

And now that I'm thinking about it, the different gender also makes it easier to keep track of who does what because different pronouns are used (at least in English and many other languages).

If you ever go to r/relationship_advice and read posts where their friend T did S with P and then A (23 F) got into with G, then yeah...Alice and Bob suddenly makes a lot of sense.

T did S with P and then A (23 F) got into with G

"This B needs a C in her A"

Old guy moment here. . .why the fuck is the camera moving all over in the place in that video? Literally unwatchable to me.

Oh, I didn't even notice. Probably some artistic stuff, but I would prefer if it was more stable.

Fun fact: the problem this is a solution to is known as the gay spock problem

I tried to look this up and while there were many many results, none of them seemed to really fit with OP’s question, so would you kindly tell us more about the gay Spock problem?

The gay spock problem is when you have two characters interacting who have the same pronouns, and it gets confusing. For example,

He brushed his hair aside and spoke gently into his ear, "you are my one true love, my light and laughter, my reason to live."

Who's the one speaking? Kirk or Spock?

Likewise, if Alice and Barbara or Adam and Bob are your two example people, you'll run into the gay spock problem.

Thank you for your explanation. Google gave me a lot of insight into a lot of things and none had to do with this problem. :D

this, but doubly so with Eve. You'll notice that we often skip over Cindy and Dave and go right to Eve, so often that I don't even know off the top of my head whether Charlie and Deandra are the conventional names for persons 3 and 4 in this construct. That's because this construct is used a lot when talking about secure communications and the convention is that "evil" "eavesdropping" Eve is the person trying to destroy, intercept or alter the communication between Alice and Bob. Her role is built into her name.

Relevant xkcd

Alt text:

Changing the names would be easier, but if you're not comfortable lying, try only making friends with people named Alice, Bob, Carol, etc.

XKCD isn't complete without the alt text.

Because the names by themselves give you context about who's transmitting to who, who's trying to eavesdrop, and it's become a convention.

The convention isn't necessary, but it makes material easier to understand because of the convention

A,B,C,D - A talks to B, C listens to A,...

Alice, Bob, Charlie,...

For this reason the first persona in my software is always Alice Litte, Easier than "asfgg afshd"

Same as foo, bar, baz πŸ™„


why do you provide a link to creative commons license? Ive seen such links few times on lemmy.

This guy licenses his comments under creative commons for some reason.

Tryin to make a change :-/

Thank you for recognising that.


But whats the point of giving out a license along the comment? Are you giving permission to use your comment?

Maybe it has to do with people stealing content to train AI? Atleast now if there is an opportunity to be a part of a lawsuit or smth they can claim they provided a licence. I dunno just a guess

I hate foo bar etc, seems like a joke that was cringe that has gone on too long. When I was trying to learn programming I was like what the actual hell does this shit mean?

I used to have a big list of gender ambiguous names I'd use for examples. So I'd use "Alex" and "Blake" or something like that. It also had some non-anglo names on it, just to spice things up.

In comp sci papers there's a few other common example people. "I" for intruder or imposter (Irene, Isaac). "M" often for malicious or middle-person (Mal). There's a few more im forgetting now.

There’s a few more im forgetting now.

'E' (Eve) for "eavesdropper".

Cue the fiddler on the roof music....


There's a helpful wiki article breaking down the full convention

”Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people”
β€” some fella on the internet

"Never forget to attribute your quotes to George Carlin" - Leonard Nimoy, probably

Don't believe everything you read on the Internet. -Abraham Lincoln

"Only a fool would quote anyone but me." - Oscar Wilde