anybody else getting tired of all these jitposts?

jan to Lemmy – 71 points –

Only the AI generated ones.

The AI generated main battle jank was pretty good though.

I actually came across this one right as I was thinking about figuring out how to block the sub because about a quarter of my top 6 hours feed has been ai jeans garbage for the past 24 hours.

I have the ai art subs blocked for much the same reason as people hate on the ai generated memes, and the memes are like the clickbait article equivalent of the art subs.

Just a reminder that the whole wide world is gonna get plastered with AI bullshit in the coming years. Enjoy it now while it's quaint so when the corpohumanoids start shoveling it as content, you can feel betrayed enough to maybe set one on fire!

i didn't mind them at first, when people were posting actual funny real life strange applications of denim, but now that it's just a constant stream of ai generated trash, i am ready for this one to go into jibernation again.

This is just like the AI pasta meme craze way back a few weeks ago, it'll blow over.

The complaining about it is much worse than the actual posts.

ikr. Like sir/ma'am/oth'r did you not read the name of this community?

Somewhere along the line, "shitpost" came to mean "regular old memes". There are already a lot of communities for that!

Other way around. Regular old memes have simply become low effort shitposts. Nobody is actually taking the time to make anything new; they just edit the text of a meme that had already been altered 200 times before

Well, at least in a community called "memes", it makes it less silly to complain about the quality.

I actually like these gloves

I'd wear them if the rivets and seams were placed in a way that doesn't leave marks on my hand.

I appreciate when people take the effort to create a meme doing some image manipulation plus funny text. Giving prompts to an AI and posting it is the absolute decadence of meme culture. I hate it

Ala. Ni li pona tawa mi. Taso. AI li Ike tawa mi mute. I prefer shittily drawn memes because they're quaint

😮 toki! mi luken e ni: jan li sona e toki pona!

Generally I'm not one for liking memes that go on forever, but there's something hilarious about all of the AI generated jeans pics to me lol.

Ona li pona tawa kin mi, taso mi kepeken e ilo kon sitelen tan mi sitelen ike

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