Democrats introduce bill to name Miami prison after Trump to politics – 502 points –
Democrats introduce bill to name Miami prison after Trump

I thought there was already an Orange County Jail...

☐ Not rekt

☑ Rekt

☑ Really Rekt

Ah, the left-wing onejoke. It had been almost 24 hours since I'd seen you.

EDIT: Pointing out a lack of originality has really made you guys mad, huh? lol

The fuck you talking about? We have lots of jokes:

  • Orange man bad (because, and I can't believe I have to explain this, fascists are bad)

  • Two scoops

  • Mr. 6'3" is somehow shorter than 6'1" Obama

  • Billions and billions and billions and billions and...

  • Tiny hands

  • Accordion hands

  • The only two adjectives are "beautiful" and "perfect"

  • hamberders

  • covfefe

  • Drawer full of "medication"

  • Salutes North Korean generals

  • Lived in a gaudy gold-plated New York penthouse and shat in a gold-plated toilet, but is totally a man of the people and not one of the "elite"

  • Went bankrupt selling steaks to Americans

  • Went bankrupt selling alcohol to Americans

  • Went bankrupt selling gambling to Americans

  • Twice-divorced, thrice-married, slept-with-pornstars-and-paid-them-to-keep-quiet "man of God."

  • 2 Corinthians

  • The army "rammed the ramparts" and "took over the airports" in 1775

  • "Dumbest goddamn student I ever had."

  • Won't wear masks because it would smear his makeup. (Oh wait, there's that one joke again. Silly me!)

But I guess you are right about all of that being one joke- that Donald Trump was ever or will ever be fit to be President.

You forgot diaper.

And staring at the sun.

I had "Diaper Don" on my list, but I guess I just forgot it.

Bing bing, bong bong bong, bing bing! Your deep state software hasn't been updated to the latest memes!

The most recent one is "Don Poorleone" after the whole bond debacle.

Oh I thought it was "deadbeat don"

I'm not updating my list until my next Sorosbux check clears. The last one took too long to arrive.

Republicans don't have the empathy or self-reflection to have a sense of humor.

Do you remember that photo of his shitty combover being blown backwards where you could see the border between his skin and his clown makeup? It was circulating with some text like, "after you use Tupperware for spaghetti one time."

But I guess you are right about all of that being one joke- that Donald Trump was ever or will ever be fit to be President.

I'm clapping and crying and shitting rn

I don't think I know the two scoops one.

White he was occupying the White House (you know, the 75% of the time he wasn't golfing) Trump would take two scoops of ice cream and make sure everyone else got just one scoop.

Hence the name "Donny Two-Scoops." Bonus point, that's also why Jr is named "Half-Scoop."

To be fair, it is a topical and funny joke.

Topical? The same joke about someone's appearance for over 8 years? Are you gonna record yourself doing the Harlem Shake later?

It's fair to a room full of people with Alzheimer's, maybe, lol.

Holy shit your comments are a joke lol.

This guy just makes a lot of long winded posts insulting people. Block and report.

This is pretty funny and ironic coming from someone who is very adamantly defending "orange" as an insult.

As if Trump didn't do the same. "Pocahontas," "Sleepy Joe," etc.


Go away.

You should aspire to more mature rhetorical manner than Donald Trump, lmao.

You should also learn what projection means. And not to assume everyone who says something you don't like is a Trump acolyte.

EDIT: lmao, dogpiled downvotes for suggesting being more mature than Trump. Guess you guys only hate Trump when you aren't acting just like him.


That's the only way to respond to stupidity like yours.

Go away.

I pity you.

deleted by creator

knows how to converse with others.



You should save all that pity energy for the guy in the mirror

actually genuinely cringed irl. The worst part is I bet you really thought this was very clever as you were writing it, lol

I cannot believe how many people are really seriously unironically taking a big stand and getting extremely indignant over someone telling you your zero-effort insults are zero-effort, lol.

It's funny because Trump chooses to look orange. He probably spends a bunch of money turning on and maintaining the orange. He somehow truly believes that is his best look.

I don't see it ever not being funny.

It's funny because Trump chooses to look orange.

That doesn't really make a difference. Hasn't Trump done and said enough stupid shit that actually merits criticism? Making fun of how someone looks is literally the lowest tier of criticism.

I don't see it ever not being funny.

Yeah, if you guys haven't grown up by now, I agree you probably never will.

I'm in my 40's and chuckle when I see bullies thrown on their own sword. Review my post history and ridicule me appropriately, no one here gives a fuck.

I'm in my 40's

Age doesn't dictate maturity.

chuckle when I see bullies thrown on their own sword.

What a strange definition of "bullying".

Review my post history

Nah, that's the ideologues' playbook, not mine. Digging for dirt in post histories is a loser move.

This shit is 100% a bully - there are so many fucking examples of him being a playground bully out there but here's just one:

He's a fucking clown.

Oh, Trump, yeah, he's a narcissistic dipshit.

Actually, there's a term that's kinda fallen out of popularity in recent years, that fits him perfectly: "blowhard".

Big talk, empty talk, lots of it. Fitting, no?

Came back here to find you know all about those "loser moves."

It's funny because this chuckle fuck won't go away. We'd all love to never see skits about him on late night again... so can he please shut the fuck up and go away already?

It feels like he has gotten more orange recently. I don't know if it's that he's using a different shade of concealer, is missing more spots so his pale skin shows against the concealer, or the various images I've seen have had weird saturation issues, but it's noticeable. Like a bad spray tan in some images, though I expect some of those may be saturated.

Given how angry some folks get over certain jokes based on the age of the joke indicates to me that the jokes remain at least somewhat effective in their goal of drawing attention to how ridiculous something is.

Yeah but now we can append “in jail” and it becomes a whole new joke

I guess "let's name a prison after him" was too subtle for you?

They’re all original again: we can just append “jail” to every joke we think of

Hey, everyone on this thread saying "do something useful". The democrats are currently the house minority. The Republicans will torpedo anything useful they propose, and have already signaled that they will do so. The dems are blocking what they can when it is proposed. This is performative, yes. That's exactly what a minority party does outside of responding to what the majority party dictates, which dems are also doing. Johnson and conservative committees decide on what is brought to the floor, so no amount of hard work magically makes good legislation happen.

To add to that, this is three Democrats who spent like three minutes talking about and signing something a staffer typed up. It's not like we were about to have free healthcare but we can't now because they decided to spend months of work on this.

It used to be that all votes were not completely along party lines and the members of a legislative body would actually... deliberate. Every issue and vote now has only one dimension that matters.

Sure, but it is almost an inevitable result of FPTP, the makeup of the Senate, etc, and not just because people don't want to deliberate. The two parties are living in completely different realities at this point and that does not set a stage for deliberation. I don't have an answer for you, and I'm not sure that anyone in America truly does right now. There is no simple answer, that is certain. We should all be very suspect of anyone who tries to sell us one.

4 more...

My mother in law came over yesterday to share some of the stew she made with ingredients from the food bank. I was so grateful that I got a day this week where I didn’t have to pay for food. This shit is not helping anyone.

I can’t make your part of the world better, but I promise I’m trying to make the world around me better. And I hope someone like me is doing the same around you.

Bearing in mind the only powers Dem House members have currently are introducing bills that won't pass or helping the Reps pass a bill that will hurt you and yours, how would you like them to spend their time instead?

This is the best summary I could come up with:

A trio of House Democrats introduced legislation to rename a Miami prison after former President Trump.

MAGA Republicans have proven themselves unwilling to solve real problems that face our country,” Garamendi said in a news release accompanying the announcement.

“I cannot think of a more fitting tribute to our former president, Donald J. Trump, than renaming the closest federal prison to Mar-a-Lago in his honor.”

The bill comes in response to a measure introduced by a group of Republicans earlier to rename Washington Dulles International Airport after the former President.

Changing the name of the federal prison after the former president would be a “more fitting option,” Connolly said in the news release.

He also faces charges in a New York hush money case alleging he falsified business records.

The original article contains 415 words, the summary contains 129 words. Saved 69%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

I remember when Democrats mocked Bernie Sanders because they had worked with Republicans to successfully block all legislation he had introduced except renaming a post office.

Now they're acting like this petty shit is an accomplishment.

  1. This is petty and a waste of time
  2. I bet this gets bipartisan support as it makes Trump look tough on crime to his fans and immature democrats will laugh at the irony without realizing they’re actually helping their opponents

There were a fair number of deeply conservative fans of the Colbert Report because they didn't realize it was satire. If we can trick the party into thinking this honors Trump I'm all for it. You know he also wanted to drain the swamp so I think there are a few sewage treatment plants we could name after him.

Instead, can we please name it Mar-a-Lago as quietly as possible, then drop it all on Trump while he's in front of a camera?

Wooooo yes more performative partisan bullshit! That’s what all the people want! More performative bullshit! More insults! Let’s take some money out of Medicare and fund a big gold statue of Biden taking a dump on Trumps chest!!!

God what an impotent move. Completely unable to bring any consequences to Trump, yet continuing to make all political discourse about him.

I don't disagree. I would be happy if his name was never uttered in media again except for "Trump sentenced to life."

However it would be delightful to have the name pass, and infinitely delightful if he ended up in the same prison.

Yeah don't fix shit just waste time on petty bullshit.

Hell yeah democrats give us nothing slayyyyy

Slayyyy? Is that a new word from the kids these days?

It's the term boomers use when a 2A patriot exercises his rights on school children