Nancy Pelosi Among 40 House Democrats Demanding Biden Halt Weapon Transfers to Israel to politics – 467 points –
Nancy Pelosi Among 40 House Democrats Demanding Biden Halt Weapon Transfers to Israel

I’m guessing she just sold a bunch of Lockheed Martin stock

Call your reps and get them to join into to the demand

40 reps is not enough to make it happen

Israel might have gone one step to far with the world central kitchen killings

José Andrés is one of the most loved people in DC regardless of politics. Fucking with his people is very bad, to put it mildly.

We'll that's interesting. She's as mainstream as Democrats come. I was wondering a few days ago if Israel had had it's Walter Cronkite moment with this strike. I guess I'll be cautiously optimistic for a few days.

Did not expect this woman to be in the first 40. She was all in on calling Palestine protestors Chinese and Russian plants.

Pelosi is also a reasonably savvy politician. Even if you look at her as a soulless political monster, she probably sees that American support of Israel has been steadily falling and the Israeli attack on aid workers may be the last straw for a lot of Americans. Therefore, it is imperitive to lay down political cover for Biden to halt military aid transfers to Israel.

Which they absolutely won’t do. But Biden is about to have a tense conversation with Netanyahu…. After which nothing will change

Lol these people were sleeping till now because it was just a bunch of brown people getting murdered en-mass. The moment some white folk died they care.

Not just sleeping.

Pelosi herself accused protesters advocating for this exact thing of being "paid by Putin" back when it was "just" tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians and hundreds of Israel-critical journalists being murdered by the fascist apartheid regime..

And then she changed her mind and picked a more moral position. Would you rather the letter that Pelosi signed help end the US arms transfer to Israel or not?

I'm not complaining about her changing her mind, I'm complaining that she didn't do so 30k+ dead civilians ago and pointing out that her reasons probably have nothing to do with morality or listening to the people.

True, however, when you're asking for political change you don't refuse the help of politicians switching sides. Especially senior ones, because they may be doing a trial balloon. And if the public refuses them they won't see an upside to continuing that change. Instead they will retreat and focus on their base. So on the off chance this is a real attempt to shift policy we should be nicer to her for a minute. Show the mainstream democrats that we're willing to vote for them if they meet us.

Are not all these weapon transfers laws that have already been voted on months and even years ago sometimes? Didn't she probably vote for some of these?

The laws include stopping transfers to anyone who the president determines to be interfering with [US] humanitarian aid.

Not quite that simple - authorization was voted on long ago in some cases but it’s up to the executive branch how and when to actually send them. They’re usually approved in big blocks which go out over time on no required-by-law schedule.

I think she probably voted for them back when being for Israel was a way to get votes, and now being for Israel is a way to lose votes, and now she’s alarmed and deeply concerned about the plight of the Palestinian people, all of a sudden. Whatever. If it leads to less support for Israel I’m at least happy that her insider trading ass is on the right side even if only very slightly and only by accident.

I also 100% agree with whoever it was that said call your representatives and encourage them to get on board too.

Nance is in the right for once. Rare W for Nance.

After being called out on profiting off this genocide, she heroically attempted to repair optics around her

Exactly, she's probably made a huge profit selling her defence contractor shares and now she wants Biden to stop, so the price tanks and she can buy them back again cheap, to sell at the next war

Don't be fooled by her. She's a shark and she smells blood in the water.

Almost, unfortunately:

halt the the transfer of weapons to Israel until a full investigation into the airstrike was completed.

They aren't concerned with the thousands of children in the rubble, just the few white people that were killed.

I’ll wait and see if anything actually happens. When Bibi calls their bluff yet again by continuing the genocide with added aid worker deaths and embassy bombings, will he face any actual consequences?

I’m guessing no. This is all theater. The status quo will be maintained at all costs.

Halt transfers until the investigation is completed.

Israel's own investigation, that is.

And starting back up again doesn't even depend on the outcome.

On Reuters they're reporting the representatives also want an American investigation.

This one of those "I'm going against it solely because I know opposing it at this point won't do anything."

probably cuts in to her profit margins on the market somehow

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Following the killing of seven World Central Kitchen workers by an Israeli strike while delivering food to Gaza earlier this week, House Democrats wrote a letter on Friday to U.S. President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging them to halt the the transfer of weapons to Israel until a full investigation into the airstrike was completed.

The letter, spearheaded by Reps. Mark Pocan, Jim McGovern and Jan Schakowsky, was signed by 40 lawmakers including Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

“If this strike is found to have violated U.S. or international law, we urge you to continue withholding these transfers until those responsible are held accountable.

In a statement to Rolling Stone, a spokesperson for Pelosi said she is “sympathetic to some of the thoughts in the letter, and she feels very strongly that there must be a comprehensive, independent investigation into the horrific killing of the World Central Kitchen heroes,” adding, “Speaker Pelosi knows President Biden’s support for Israel and empathy with the innocent civilians in Gaza, and she respects his judgment in how to proceed.”

The letter also addressed reports that an estimated 32,000 people have been killed in Gaza since October 7, and that the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification initiative (IPC) recently warned that widespread famine is imminent and “expected to occur anytime between now and the next month if there is not an immediate cessation of hostilities.”

We again strongly urge you to withhold any offensive weapons transfers until the investigation into the airstrike is concluded and, if it is found this strike violated U.S. or international law, those responsible are held accountable,” the lawmakers emphasized.

The original article contains 503 words, the summary contains 270 words. Saved 46%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Biden will do anything that doesn't stop the flow of money to the MIC. I guess taking the money and then NOT giving them weapons is a loophole.

This old hag has clearly lost her marbles. She's Feinstein now, replace her already.

She’s retired

Feinstein yes Pelosi has become the new Feinstein and needs to get the heck out of the way.

What? Feinstein is dead. Pelosi is retired.

She's currently sitting in office is she not? Her actions reflected in this article are those of an official representative are they not?

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Wonder if lemmy's pro-genocide centrists are gonna start calling Pelosi a Russian now.

Looking over the comments I see absolutely no one that is pro genocide. Pretty much all the viewpoints are sensible: Unanimously anti-Israel, sometimes skeptically approving of Pelosi doing something good for once.

For what reason could you be painting the picture of an outlandish strawman view opposed to your own which doesn’t exist, I wonder

He's clearly upset that people call him a "Russian". It's that simple.

My point is that his coming in here saying “genocide is bad!” is meeting with 0 resistance but instead full throated agreement from everybody, yet he’s still claiming there must be pro genocide people, I guess implying that is the only reason anyone could possibly disagree with him on other issues, or accuse him of being a Russian plant (*), is that they like genocide and for no factual well reasoned reason

(*) Or, more generally, dishonest; I have no idea if he’s Russian specifically or not

My point is that his coming in here saying “genocide is bad!” is meeting with 0 resistance

What unmitigated horseshit. You dare call me dishonest after posting this lie. I've attracted the attention of lemmy's two most strident supporters of Netanyahu's genocide. I don't like mentioning downvotes, but you brought up resistance. Have a look at how many genocide loving centrists took personal offense at my speculation about Pelosi and downvoted me.

So then I said, you're conflating someone disagreeing with you which lots of people do for valid reasons, with supporting genocide which pretty much no one on Lemmy does.

And then you said, how DARE you say no one supports genocide when so many people are disagreeing with me, which by definition means they're pro genocide.

So then I said, you’re conflating someone disagreeing with you which lots of people do for valid reasons, with supporting genocide which pretty much no one on Lemmy does.

They don't tell me their "valid reasons." They just scream the usual garbage "Russian Chinese Tankie Republican child shill bot" shit that centrists say when they can't actually argue their point.

What "valid reasons" are there to support the continued sales of weapons that are being used for genocide?

So then I said, dude no one's actually supporting genocide

And then you said la la la, I can't HEEAR you, they're such bad unreasonable people all these people in the thread who love Israel's war and want the weapons flow to continue, like look at the top 3 comments in this thread for example and see how not at all unanimous is the "genocide bad" consensus, that's totally exactly why people are downvoting me is because they love love love genocide sooooo much

What “valid reasons” are there to support the continued sales of weapons that are being used for genocide?

It's like if a tumblr reading comprehension meme came to life after wishing to become a real boy

I say "Biden should stop supporting genocide."

Centrists respond with false accusations, abuse, condescension, dismissal, and gaslighting. They do not respond with their "valid reasons" for disagreeing with "Biden should stop supporting genocide," but they certainly make it clear that they hate anyone who says it.

What conclusion should I draw from that other than "centrists support genocide"?

I know you're going to try to limit the scope of discussion to this thread alone, as though my original comment wasn't based on the broader context of centrists calling people who want Biden to stop selling weapons that he knows will be used for genocide "russian."

If you claim that you've never seen it happen anywhere on lemmy, you're lying.

Okay let's try a little different approach

So take a look at something like this -- this person is saying Biden supports genocide and that's bad, and only that, and they're getting almost unanimous upvotes and only one comment, which is agreement.

In contrast, your comments which say Biden supports genocide and also saying some additional statements in addition, don't get the same reception.

What do you think is the difference? Why did people like this person's post so much, if being against genocide in your world is this wildly unpopular maverick stance to take within Lemmy politics?

(Edit: Made more polite)

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Wish it was my first day on lemmy too. Stick around, you'll see them soon enough

Aaaand someone called her a Chinese asset in the comments here.

They're mocking her earlier comments about protesters. I don't read that as being a serious claim.

Looking over the comments I see absolutely no one that is pro genocide

I've successfully summoned two so far.

"Wonder if" are the first two words of my comment. I was speculating.

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Something on your mind? Guilty conscience?

You don't know what a conscience is, genocide apologist.

Jerrrrr nerrr serrrrd

It's like the only word you people know. Back in my day, trolls used to put in effort.

You would mock genocide.


Which obfuscatory polite euphemism would you prefer I use?

Well, I would suggest you find something new pretty quickly, because things are changing with Israel. And I know you don't actually care about Israel, you just want to attack Biden.

If Biden ever stops supporting genocide, I'll stop saying he supports genocide.

His statements are starting to change, but his actions have not. Pressure on Biden to cease his support for Netanyahu's genocide may be starting to work. If he actually listens and stops selling weapons that he knows will be used for genocide, I will be fucking ecstatic. Not only because I won't be expected to vote for a man who is actively supporting genocide, but because I want a president who is responsive to progressives' concerns.

I'm the same way about Biden's student loan forgiveness. Up until the day he announced the first attempt, I was sure he was the same Biden who championed the law that made sure people could not discharge student loans via bankruptcy. I was sure he would never change. I'm happy I was wrong. I'm happy he listened to progressives and not centrists. When it was shot down by SCOTUS, he could have given up forever and announced that he tried. He didn't. He had a contingency plan ready to go and has persisted in forgiving what he can with the power he has. This is what I want to see.

If Biden proves responsive on this issue, FUCKING AWESOME!

I have every right to criticize Biden where I think he should improve. Everyone does.

See, pretty much 100% of this comment I agree with -- this is exactly my view. I actually had exactly the same experience where I didn't expect things like student loan forgiveness out of Biden and then was surprised - he's a rich white guy who's worked in Washington all his life; my expectations were quite low.

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