Excuse you, YouTube 😡

moose_cannon@sh.itjust.works to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 390 points –

That's not an ad. That's a high quality premium product reminder. To remove these reminders please subscribe to YouTube Premium Plus.

Ublock on Firefox> premium, they will always try to advertise even if you pay unfortunately

This even works on my tablet, even after they blocked vanced from playing videos.

idk if you have heard but there is revanced

There's also newpipe and libretube for android but neither play well on tablets. Good for the phone though.

But revance extended works great on both :-)

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smarttube next my beloved

Unfortunately, youtube is mostly a TV thing for me. Very hard to ad block on smart tvs

literally what you are asking for, you can download it from github

Or you can use Downloader if you use an Amazon TV device. (Screw you Google for removing Downloader)

yeah that was what i was refering to, downloader is back on the play store though

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Smarttube next is for Android TV. Works very well. Sometimes you do need to update (can be done in-app) after YouTube decides to break third party apps.

I get an update almost every day

Yeah the app is updated very often, but it's not always necessary to actually update. But once every 3 to 6 months or so you need to, to keep it from functioning with googles servers.

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does this support 4k? Anything i’ve used that says they do actually don’t. FreeTube, Invidious, Piped

In moments like these, I absolutely hate having a Tizen TV, I really need to get a Chromecast or something.

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As someone who uses and really enjoys Youtube Premium this upsets me. Feels very counter-to what is agreed on purchase:

I wonder if it's possible to file a complaint as false advertisement. As part of the subscription it even says in the FAQ "ad-free" which this is definitely not. I'm not a lawyer though and this is not legal advice.

This reminds me of the "Ad free" tier of Paramount Plus. There were unskippable ads for other paramount shows. And the 5 second bumper counted as an ad and was unskippable.

I'm not a lawyer but anyone with a brain cell would agree this is false advertising at least, possibly breach of contract depending on what the TOS says.

People love to shit on yt premium but it's single handedly the best value I've ever gotten out of a service. And I'm okay with financially supporting a service that I use a lot.

This is upsetting, though. I don't watch a ton on tv, but when I have I've never seen an ad like this pop up. I'll be watching out for them.

yeah, i basically have youtube on throughout the day so it's a good "investment" for me. but yeah, the deal is, i pay them, they don't show me ads (and sponsorblock does the rest) so this is quite wild.

Yep. This is the first legitimate "YouTube premium sucks" I've seen because it's not holding up their end of the transaction.

I haven't seen this happen to me yet and I use YouTube on my PC, my phone, and my TV via Alexa.

That's why I canceled Premium. I was still getting ads AND Google still used trackers. AND content creators get next to no money from it...

This is why I would not want to pay a subscription to YouTube. I don't trust that they would ever truely work out all the ads

I've had Premium since it was called Red (got it through Google Music) and never see ads. Would be upset if I was OP, but haven't experienced that issue myself.

SmartTube - if you've got an Android streaming box (like an NVIDIA Shield Pro, for example), sideload it. You'll thank me later.

If one were interested, they would sideload what exactly?

So were at the point where we are paying for an experience with ads AND invasive trackers and personal data mining + psychological profiling just to watch videos? What the fuck, thats distopian AF.

Put it into some AR goggles and the dystopian cyberpunk future will no longer be sci fi

nothing mild about this. this is straight enraging. I hate youtube.

Wait people actually pay for that shit 🤔

Via VPN in India. Costs about 1$ per month.

So you just need VPN for one time purchase or how? Asking for a friend.

The $1/mo is for a student account. The regular account is $1.5/mo, and a family account is $2.3/mo. You'd probably need to use a VPN every time you wanted to renew it (monthly, I suppose). There are annual plans with a 10% discount, so you could probably go for an annual membership and have to do it only once a year.

Yes. I use a service so I pay for the service. I use software frameworks so I donate to their patreons.

All that paying does is prove you’ll pay whatever they want. Just like a blackmailer, it’s never enough. They always escalate in their attempts to extract “value”.

It’s the same damn story, time after time. “Oh, we put a few ads to cover expenses - it’ll be limited, we promise.” 3 months later: “We have a premium plan that hides ads.” Another 3 months: “We now have informational banners on premium for our own content. Since it’s our own, it’s totally not an ad!”

Then just: “Pay us a monthly rate and get served ads.”

It’s like fucking clockwork with these ghouls.

If they start inserting ads in videos I’m watching even though I literally pay them not to, I’ll be more than just mildly infuriated.

And this is why I just use an ad free YouTube client, literally provides better features for free

Question, finally asked: Where do you get an ad free youtube client these days? Surely, posting a direct link here on Lemmy is not against rules?

I'd been using Revanced for quite a while, but then it eventually got caught up with and it stopped working. There was some hullabaloo about "fake" Revanced clones, and now I hear it's transformed into a "patcher". Only, on my phone I get a warning saying the patching may not work due to my processor or kernel or such -- and lo, it does not, the patching throws an exception late-ish in the process and I'm left with an unpatched youtube app.

I use revanced without issues. But good to know about alternatives for when the day eventually comes...

Yes but from where do you obtain a version of Revanced that still works on current YouTube? That was my question.

Do you have a Chromecast? Install "smarttube" instead. It strips out all ads, and even has sponsor block built in so it skips sponsor stuff in video.

Can’t believe I hadn’t heard of this. Would always cast from my ad-blocked PC. But now I can use this - Thanks!

I don't know, I use uBlock Origin for Chrome (not sure if there are equivalents for other browsers) and I never see adds from my desktop, with a free account.

It does not scrap out sponsor babble but it definitely blocks youtube adds.

Pretty sure OP and others above are talking about from smart enabled media devices like Amazon firestick or google's equivalent chromecast, a hardware device you plugin to your tv, not the chromecast capability.

OK I must admit I'm very old in Internet time and I didn't get that they were not talking about a simple navigator on desktop. I do have a smart vaccum cleaner robot which is not a roomba, although I managed to connect it to my wifi and I can control it from an app on my smartphone. Just trying to keep up.

Thanks for this comment. I just set this up on my Chromecast HD and it works incredibly well. I may just cancel YouTube premium now!

Pretty typical for YouTube honestly, they'd try and justify it as saying it's not an "as" it's an "experience highlight" or something.

I think they just got a cease and desist from Google yesterday.

Yeah but they couldn't possibly shut down each and every instance

..right? I reall hope this statement doesn't age badly

If they make it hard enough that they cannot host their code repo then they can't maintain it, it should be shutting them all down.

Well yes, eventually, when they introduce breaking changes in YouTube.
Even so, I believe that today you can very well keep developing software even if you were not allowed to, unless you started committing with an account that personally identifies you, you can move to another hoster or host your own forge, maybe host it over Tor too, the kinda experimental radicle.xyz (btw, why/when did they make their website uglier?)

More like very infuriating, I pay for premium too, if I see ads I’ll be pissed!

You just need to upgrade to Premium Premium to get the privilage to skip the ad 2 seconds faster than Normal Premium.

I'm also a premium YT subscriber and if I see this or they kick me off for using PiHole, I'll cancel my account and just set up some automation with YT-DLP to Plex or Infuse for channels I like watching. If youtube decided that it's their turn to get shitty like the rest of the popular internet, I'll be beyond upset.

You can actually set up firewall settings to block any traffic coming from the ads, the only way they can stop that form of ad block is to block the person's IP address.

I'm mainly worried that some of the people I like watching on youtube will decide that youtube isn't worth it anymore and they'll stop making content entirely. Or even switch over to twitch, which I've never been able to get into.

What's going on with this screen? Is it a projector? What is the fuzzy thing surrounding it?

It's just bad lighting. It's a Vizio P series from a few years ago. (Not a bad set)

The fuzzy stuff is a bit of garland. Decoration.

I don't see why buying youtube premuim is any better than just using ublock origin.

Because it works on smart tvs and Chromecast. Also I like YouTube music. I watch enough YouTube that it's worth it for me. Almost 0% of that watch time is on a device that supports uBlock Origin

Also you know...supporting channels I watch...

Strange. I have Premium as well but I've never received an ad.