Iran Issues Unprecedented Nuclear Threat in Duel With Israel to World – 40 points –
Iran Issues Unprecedented Nuclear Threat in Duel With Israel

A bit of a click bait title. They said they would hit Israel's nuclear facilities if Israel attacks Iran's.

Yeah I wouldn't even call that clickbait. That is straight up fucking bullshit. They knew what they were doing with that title.

"make it possible to review our nuclear doctrine and deviate from our previous considerations"

Context being their purported self-limitation on developing nuclear weapons. Not stated directly given context but implied.

A bit? As far as we know they don’t even have nuclear weapons. This is major click bait.

I wasn't betting on 2024 being the year everyone died, but it looks like we're heading that way...

my wild guess about "everyone (60% and +) to die" :
0% chances from Iran & middle east wars
10% chances from russ & NATO wars
50% chances from climate change
... say, in the next 30 years.

Also, 90% chances i am missing something important here.

If I were the Iranian leadership I'd want to develop a nuclear arsenal yesterday. It's the only way to really deter Israeli or American aggression. As an American myself I'd appreciate the resulting reduction in the likelihood of our going to war against Iran.

If Iran uses a nuclear device, the whole world will use conventional weaponry to flatten the entire country, just to make an example of them. None of the serious players actually want nuclear war.

All the, "We're gonna DIE!" posts come from people that never lived the Cold War.

The same Cold War where if a couple of people made different choices (like Stanislav Petrov) the earth would be an irradiated wasteland?

The doomers can be irritating at times but let’s not get complacent.

It's the result of growing up under 2 very different impending calamities. Nuclear annihilation was a constant but invisible threat that promised to wipe the world clean before you would even have time to comprehend what was happening, so the mentality was to live in the moment and pretend it didn't exist, because it all might not tomorrow. While climate change is a constant but blatantly visible threat that clearly gets worse and worse as time goes on, giving a real sense of desperate urgency to do something now.

So you have a dissonance of the older generations who shrug their shoulders at the horrors of the news and pretend that nothing's happening because it doesn't immediately affect them, and the younger generations who are freaking out about everything all at the same time because their whole lives they've basically been on the train tracks watching the train come barreling towards them and begging the older folks to just drive the car off the tracks.

Share with us your sagely wisdom because the daily dread I feel is unreal

Enjoy the little moments

If the worst should happen (nuclear war) unless you live somewhere quite rural you would die incredibly quickly.

So rather than constantly worrying about if the world ends, enjoy the little moments and work on building a better world with the people around you. And hopefully with your small collective and other people doing the same we can steer the world into a less treacherous direction.

This is kind of a cliche at this point but I have found mindfulness to be helpful for me. I like to go out into the woods and just watch the wind blow the trees around and just appreciate the nature around me. Keeping yourself in the present is tough but it does wonders.

They don't even have them. How would they be able to use something they don't have?

Iran might have 1 or 2 but we have hundreds iran doesn't want us to get MAD also known as Mutual assured destruction there desert country would be irrataded for the next 100 years where as NORAD would of stopped there missile over flying over the Pacific or Atlantic ocean

Reading this makes my brain hurt

These people actually think they are smart. Can’t fathom why “the rest of the world” doesn’t understand them, disagrees with them, is against them.

I pictured a mentally deficient trucker, ala Curt Russell in Big Trouble in Little China, but fatter and uncool screaming into his phone while Real American by Rick Derringer plays in the background.

Do you find it irratading? Because I also find it irratading.

The point of building nukes isn't really to launch a nuke at someone, it's to make others decide that attacking you is too risky. Missile defense isn't perfect, so even if it probably would stop them, there's still a risk one gets through, that someone would have to take into consideration before launching an attack. It's even more a threat against Isreal, since they have less time to intercept, and even one missile getting through would destroy a comparatively larger fraction of the country, being that it's fairly small.

I think Japan would disagree with you on that one.

That's certainly the case today, though. The only reason it wasn't the case then was because only one nation had nukes.

Now that mutually assured destruction is a near guarantee, only seriously deranged people are eyeing the button.

Japan was nuked at a time when the realities around nuclear weapons (namely, the hostile nation having them too, or an ally of theirs) were different. The strategy around them is dramatically different now from then.

Hundreds? America has thousands of nuclear weapons. I wish we only had hundreds