The PlayStation 2 to – 94 points –

Ah yes, the super chad of its console generation, tons of great games, dvd playback, and PS1 compatibility! What's not to love about this legendary system?

What are your experiences with the PS2, what were your cherished games on the console?

Despite it being the weakest of its generation, you cannot deny they managed to craft some excellent games out of it with work arounds.

What are your thoughts?


The PS2 is the best Sony system to me.

Back when it came out, it was so much better than everything else up to this point.

This, coupled with many games that started fanchises and/or were highly stylish and creative, and had new Equipment (GuitarHero, SingStar, EyeToy) make it the GOAT.

Bought a Steam Deck, first thing I did was put a PS2 emulator on it. Loving every second.

Same here. I find it isn't powerful enough for a lot of modern PC games unless you drop the settings, but it's amazing for retro and emulation. I'm living in 2004 again.

SSX Tricky will forever hold a special place in my heart.

I never played Tricky but love SSX3 and On Tour. A lot of people fondly talk about Tricky, so is there anything about it that the later games lack?

It's more over-the-top and arcade-y. Things like volcanos exploding as you ride down the slopes and an indoor mall-like mountain in Tokyo with an air-lift you use to do laps. Note that it's not free-ride, so there are pluses and minuses to it.

My brother used to be able to get like 2,000,000 points with Mac at Tokyo Megaplex. That course was the best for tricks!

Jak & Daxter/Ratcher & Clank trilogy were goated. I know a lot of people throw around "they don't make them like they used to anymore" but in term of those two franchises on the PS2, they really don't.

As an aside, I picked up the newest Ratchet & Clank on PC and was disappointed. They tried making it so much more cinematic and story-focused with tons of scripted scenes. Also it lacked any of the satirical humor the original 3 had.

I could never get into the Ratchet and Clank games, except for Deadlocked which I know is generally disliked by fans. I was really into arena shooters at the time.

I've tried a bunch of the others and they are definitely good, but not my kind of game.

I still love the aesthetic a lot of PS2 games have, with smooth, bright textures instead of a lot of detail that gets stretched and blurry at low resolutions. The way metal surfaces look in MGS2 and Zone of the Enders is really nice.

But then there are games like Silent Hill 2 & 3 that use a lot of detail in the low resolution textures to create a grimy or rusted look. Those games really benefited from working within the limitations of the system, like the fog to reduce draw distance.

Kingdom Hearts I & 2, Final Fantasy X, Jak trilogy, the Ratchet games, GTA 3D trilogy. So many games I still go back to this day.

Persona 3 and 4 I found out at the back end of the PS3 era and dusted off my PS2 just play them as well.

In terms of games, Kingdom Hearts and Guitar Hero were highlights of my childhood.

I thought the Dreamcast had the weakest technical specs of that generation? PS2 was also earlier than other consoles in that generation, so slightly lower specs makes sense.

Dreamcast was killed off so early and didn't run alongside the others for most of the generation, so a lot of people consider it as more of an in-between system. Maybe not to someone who actually owned one, but given how poorly it sold the majority probably didn't.

Guitar hero for me was a 360 thing. I've always wanted to go back and try out the PS2 ones though, just not had the hardware.

Me and my friends used to play a lot this shooter game called Time Splitters. It had some wacky characters and crazy guns. Good memories

Man, TimeSplitters 2 is the goat. Still play it every now and then. Some levels weren't that great, but the characters, multiplayer aspect and just the overall "goofyness" of the game really make it stand out

I played with my PS2 quite a lot when I was young, particularly because it had a much better version of a game I grew up with (NFS Hot Pursuit 2); it then introduced me to other games I quite liked, such as Test Drive Unlimited.

It sadly broke sometime around early 2018 because I didn't take good care of it. Now I emulate it but still wish my console worked.

Mine died after 10 years because I played the thing to death. At that point I went and got the PS2 slim and love that thing even more

Burnout 3, Midnight Club 3, and NFS Underground 2 were the best games to play on PS2. Such nostalgia.

It was my go to console and my DVD player for years. Played so many JRPGs on there and made me a lifelong fan of ratchet and clank and one of the few games that my now wife could play (she's terrible with video games). Still lamenting that Dark Cloud series never got the success o thought it should have.

Still have my PS2, still boots and all of it, including the mad catz controller, still works.

I didn't own a PS2 until about 2006 when I lived with my girlfriend (now wife!) but even then it was replaced with an Xbox 360 the next year.

I'm a Dreamcast and GameCube kid and I do love the PS1 but just haven't got any nostalgia for PS2.

Bought a PS 2, Gran Turismo 4 and the GT4 Logitech steering wheel and pedals when I graduated college.

Just dug it all out to show my 6 year old how fun driving can be. Looked better than I expected even with component cables.

The ps2 had THE BEST library of any console, even to this day. I am still learning about random hiddem gems ive never heard of on it, and I've been gaming for 25 years

Despite it being the weakest of its generation


The PS2 was still being produced until PS4 was introduced, and its last game was released even after the production ended in 2013 (Nov 2013, but still…)

PS1 and PS2 were both masters of their generations. The OG Xbox was just really “Halo box” back then, and GameCube was awesome, but not as strong as PS2.


The GameCube was stronger than the ps2 it was just limited by the disc format. Compare Resident Evil 4 on the two. The GameCube version had hair physics for Leon and the cutscenes were rendered in real time, while they had to pre-render them on ps2 (which also made alternate costumes better on GameCube since Leon would wear them during cutscenes)

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I love the PS2. Many great games, played a lot of Lego Star Wars II on it. I still play on mine every few days, it's a great system. Games today aren't like this anymore.

What’s not to love about this legendary system?

It was incredibly underpowered and dev kits were made more powerful to entice devs. Leading to a lot of poorly optimized games

It wasn't as underpowered as many people think. I know it's easy to go like "yeah the cpus clockspeed is like 50% lower than the gamecubes and half as slow as the one in the xbox", but really that's just half of the story. The Emotion Engine was quite powerful in the right hands, you just needed to know how to fully use it, including the 2 vector units. There are enough games out there that show the PS2s full potential. The problem is that a lot of the earlier games didn't really fully utilize the EE.

So you just ignored the 2nd half of the problem

That dev kits were more powerful? I looked it up and wasn't able to find anything about that. Besides that, things like having more RAM is not uncommon on devkits if you mean that.

things like having more RAM is not uncommon on devkits if you mean that.

But you usually let devs know

Were you a dev back in the day that's still mad at sony for not telling you by any chance? Just curious, because you seem like you have quite the problem with Sony not telling devs about the differences of a devkit.

I wouldn’t say mad, I was just saying something not to love about it

Despite it being the weakest of its generation


It has the weakest hardware of its generation. During those years you had the Sega Dreamcast, Microsoft Xbox and Nintendo Gamecube. All this consoles had a more powerful hardware than the Sony Playstation 2

And the PS2 was also reportedly the hardest to work with, especially early on in its life before the tools had matured. It proliferated purely on the install base (partly thanks to the DVD playback)

I think that I don't have anything positive to say about Sony.

Check back after the HellDivers fiasco.

Edit: Good news, Sony backtracked their terrible decision. Now I can say that the Jak & Daxter series was criminally underated.

Lol whaah

Sony forced the studio behind Helldivers 2 to make a PSN account obligatory after the game launched. That's a pretty crappy move because PSN is not available in roughly 120 177 countries, so if you live in one of those you can suddenly not play your game anymore. And Sony hasn't got the best reputation when it comes to securing and selling their user's data, so players are pretty upset and vocal about this.

But I would say that present day Sony's dick moves do not really fit in a topic about PS2 nostalgia.