Florida teen says she was denied entry to prom for wearing a suit

QuantumSpecter@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 388 points –
Florida teen says she was denied entry to prom for wearing a suit

Clothes are just clothes - people should be able to dress however the fuck they want.

Separately, Florida should stop being a bunch of transphobic assholes.

Yup. Trans or not a girl should be allowed to wear a suit or a dress. So should a boy. As long as it qualifies as "formal" for either group it ought to qualify for the other.

I would go even harder and say the formal/semi-formal/business/casual folkways are outdated and I wish those expectations or requirements didn't exist. My work dress policy for the office doesn't allow sweatpants or yoga pants, but jeans and khakis are fine if you aren't "client-facing." Fine, but in jeans or khakis I will be adjusting far more often and imo that's less professional than just wearing more comfortable clothes.

Switch to WFH, I spend most of my days in underpants.

As long as your dinguses and danguses are covered, all good.

Official statement on the matter reads:

All students are treated equally at MCA...

Except this case proves that to be a lie. I'm sure there were boys in suits there. Unless boys are also required to wear dresses? If that's not the case, then this is a clear case of one student being treated differently from others.

"Mason Classical Academy"

If folks don't know, in the charter school world, "Classical Academies" are often code for right wing indoctrination. The idea is that if you just focus on the "classics" of western education and their direct descendants, then HEY NOW! Suddenly Rudyard Kipling is your best insight into Indian literature, and Joseph Conrad into African. The American founding fathers were totally into Roman republicanism! The King James Bible is literally poetry! What is a Chinua Achebe anyway?!?!?!?!?!?

It's an inherently conservative idea that a viable totality of useful knowledge is contained within books that are all part of the western canon circa 1937, so even if a few schools engage in it in good faith, a watered down version offered at the primary and secondary levels is just catnip for those who want to engage in a little brain washing at the public expense.

Edit: This MCA is likely a little less explicitly creepy than some, but it's an E.D. Hirsch "Core Knowledge Foundation" school that is designed to hammer home a certain set of facts and cultural touchstones, rather than worrying about the emotional well being or broad-based thinking skills that a good modern curriculum will include. It's basically the old story of "old person sees kids don't know everything he was taught, lashes out at schools," if it were from a curmudgeonly English professor. It almost certainly draws the same type of parents and administrators that other Classical Academies do.

My guess for the mental gymnastics behind this is that they mean they are treating everyone equally, within their gender roles.

Which is still unconstitutional, as the Supreme Court ruled that a woman could not be made to dress in typically female clothing as a condition of her employment... I mean unless it's something like Hooters or Professional Modeling I guess.

I dont have a horse in this race, am not american either for that matter, but I dont think being a student at some school counts as employment.

Wow, her dad died last month and they took away her prom just to be assholes. She's going to be home schooled next year so that was her only chance to go.

Even cis people aren't allowed to go against Big Gender, lol. Conservatives are wild.

There's no end to the search for control.

I went to a pretty uptight Lutheren high school 25 years ago and one of my male classmates wore a dress to prom because he wanted to. No one got upset and he was very happy. Too many edgelords are in positions of power these days.

The party of “personal liberty” strikes again

the personal liberty to conform or face exclusion at best, violent responses at worse.

I hope she's got a non-shithole state lined up to move to once she's done with secondary school.

If that school receives any federal funding this seems like a cut and dried Title IX case.

Damn. When I was in high school, we had a Sadie Hawkins dance (where the roles are reversed: girls ask boys, they pay for the tickets, etc) each year, along with homecoming and prom for the seniors. My senior year, a classmate told me that she had always wanted to go to said dance with a guy who would dress as a girl, so I immediately offered to do it because I thought it'd be fun.

Aside from a couple chaperones and the principal avoiding eye contact with me at all costs, no one said anything bad. The other guys thought it was either whatever or funny, and the girls didn't give a shit.

This should never be an issue. My dad's partner went to my cousin's wedding wearing a suit, she hates dresses so went in a suit and she's completely cis and straight.

"Why don't you just be a gender nonconforming ?" trans people get asked, from reasonably well-meaning people who don't Get It. My sibling in Christ, even if we did, look what happens.

Suits and similar "nice," "professional," and "formal" clothing dress codes are designed to foster class divide.

Of course she was. It’s fucking Florida, where transphobia is the government norm.

Edit: she looked awesome, too. I like how she worked in the green Docs.

Land of the free rules based on intolerance and bigotry. Still better than Iran, but as it's going, that's not a sure thing to last.

What a stupid fucking rule. What a stupid fucking school.

I agree with the decision. I mean, have you seen the green on the vest and the tie? What are those colors called? Puke and vomit? Doesn't look good on her… or on anyone, really. What was she thinking?!

What was that? She wasn't rejected for the atrocious sense of style, but for wearing a suit at all? Oooooooooh!

Well, in that case: Let's paint the walls of that prom location in the same green. With the puke that I have to force down when I read such bullshit!

Edit: okay, okay, I thought I didn't need it on Lemmy, but ppl seem to misread my post, so: /s


without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views.

Not applicable to that specific post as they obviously went the extra mile in layering an exaggerated and moronic take with additional hyperbole.

The fact that they had to edit in and add an explicit "/s" is an indictment of the mental capacity of those who down voted it, not OP, and definitely not indicative of Poe's Law.

You think that's the only explanation? It couldn't be that people found it unfunny, labored, and cringy?

I mean, the post you're replying to was obviously sarcastic when I read it, even before I got to the edit. Blows my mind how many people can't see that and need to have their hands held with an /s 🙄

you need to /s because there will always be the one time someone is serious about it.

I mean I get that but this post is obviously sarcasm. Use your fucking head dumbass its not that fucking hard.

God damn people are stupid as fuck.

Sarcasm Detection is Way Too Easy!

You are misinformed, chances are you are about average at detecting sarcasm. Everybody think they are good at it, but you probably couldn't detect sarcasm on something you agree on nearly as easily as you think.
If you love the color blue, how do you decide between:

1 I love the color blue, it's so pretty. (true statement)
2 I love the color blue, it's so pretty. (Sarcasm)

Even if it's between 2 people who know each other, sarcasm is far from always detected. Even between married people the sarcasm detector isn't 100%.
Research has been done on that, and although I don't recall the numbers, what I do recall is, that people detect sarcasm way less than we expect.

Now was the first line sarcasm or not?